Let us assume that the zeitgeist would view homosexuality as a disorder and a crime, and that homosexual acts were a crime according to the law. Let us assume that “scientists” like Ian McPhail and James Cantor would, in keeping with the zeitgeist, view homosexual acts as a disorder in their publications and demand that they be punished by the law. Let's say homosexual people hide like rats because of stigma. Let's say Ian McPhail and James Cantor are doing studies at the same time on how homosexual people can cope better with their loneliness, and they both occasionally post on a forum for homosexual people. Let's say the gay people on this forum think it's great and see Ian McPhail and James Cantor as important supporters and as their friends, and address them by their first names. Wouldn't that be obviously stupid and undignified? Isn't it just as stupid and undignified as some users here see Ian McPhail and James Cantor as their helpers? The "MAP" 's pride has been broken by the brainwash of the media. But that pride can and will come back. |