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desirable outcomes

Posted by Schneeschnuppe on 2021-April-5 14:17:26, Monday
In reply to About Ian McPhail and James Cantor posted by Filip30 on 2021-April-4 19:51:48, Sunday

In one of the comments of this thread kit wrote that the point should be, if "psychos" could help us achieve desirable outcomes.

An example he gave is suidide prevention.

From my point of view there are two other desirable outcomes that mental health professionals could achieve:

1) Re-Humanizing us

The demonization of the sexual orientation is a source of tremndous misery. If the broad majority of noMAPs could be convinced that a person with minor attraction is not inherently evil because of the way he was born and what he feels, this would do a lot of good. The man beneficiaries of this would sureley be non-contact MAPs.

I think people like Sarah Jahnke can really help with that.

2) Stopping the pathologization of boys (and girls)

The legitimation for the persecution of MAPs is their perception as being dangerous for children. This is also connected to the persception of (any kind of) sex as dangerous / harmful for children.

Who would dare relate a positive encounter, when as a consequence he or she would in the collective judgement of society and his / her peers thereby just be delivering proof of himself as being damadged beyond repair?

The damagde is even magnified in the eyes of beholders, if there is any positive word about the relationship or the "perpetrator". To be considered damaged but at least reasonably healed and functioning requires complete condemnation of the acts and the other person associated with the acts. This condmnation is a bit like a required public confession to purify yourself and make you acceptable again. As a perceived victim of evil you have to denouce evil in order to be considered good.

What I am expecting of (some) mental health professionals is to stop the pathologization of boys (and girls) who don't feel that they have been victimized. Right now these children (and the grown-ups they become) are just collateral damage in the fight against pedofiles.

I expect that this will one day stop. Not because of us, but because of the suffering it causes to the children that are being pathologized. If it happens, it will also benefit us, because part of the legitimization of the persecution will crumble to pieces.

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