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Posted by ianvmcphail on 2021-April-5 14:40:12, Monday
In reply to About Ian McPhail and James Cantor posted by Filip30 on 2021-April-4 19:51:48, Sunday

Hi Filip.

For what it's worth, here is a set of questions and answers outlining my various positions. Because this thread has my name in it, I figured I might provide this information for those who care to know.

Do I think adult-child sexual relationships should be legal? No.
Have I read Rind’s work? Yes.
Have I reviewed Rind’s work for academic journals? Yes.
Do I think Rind’s work complicates the picture of the outcomes associated with sex contact with children? Yes.
Do I agree with what people here might call the “trauma narrative”? No, not entirely.
Do I think that some children report neutral or positive reactions to sexual contacts with adults? Yes.
Do I think this is enough to alter age of consent laws? No.
Do I think that children experience adverse outcomes because of sexual contact with adults? Yes.
Do I think that this harm is caused by the adult who engages in the sexual contact? Yes.
Do I think that this harm is caused by other people’s reactions to the sexual contact? Yes.
Have I read Dave Riegel’s and Tom O’Carroll’s recent papers? Yes.
Did I provide editorial and expert input on Dave’s paper to help him get it published? Yes.
Do I think people here will be upset (defined broadly) about my position and think I’m pedophobic? Yes.
Do I think that these people are being unreasonable? No.
Do I think I need to agree with their position to do good sex research and ask good scientific questions? No.

Have I done research looking at pedohebephilia as a risk factor for sexual offending against children? Yes.
Do I think people will be upset that I used the terms “pedohebephilia” and “sexual offending against children" in the last question? Yes.
Do I think people will be upset about this line of my research and think I’m pedophobic? Yes.
Do I think people’s anger is unreasonable? No.
Do I agree with these people’s statements and arguments? Somewhat, mostly no.

Do I think MAPs are treated fairly, in non-discriminatory ways? No.
Do I think stigma is a real and present danger to MAPs? Yes.
Do I think mental health professionals contribute to stigma and prejudicial practices? Yes.
Do I agree with all of the opinions expressed here about how mental health professionals, myself included, contribute to stigma and prejudicial practices? No.
Do I think people here are unreasonable for holding these views or expressing these opinions? No.

Do I intend to continue to do stigma research with MAPs? Yes.
Do I intend to continue to do sex research into other broad areas of pedohebephilia? Yes.
Do I intend to continue to do research that takes a forensic perspective on pedohebephilia? Yes.
Do I think people here will dislike that I answered “Yes” to that last question? Yes.
Do I think they are unreasonable for disliking it? No.
Do I think it is reasonable for people to call me a monster for doing forensic research? No, but everyone has the right to express themselves in such ways.

Am I going to be continually open to being convinced by evidence that my views are wrong? Yes.
Am I going to keep posting my research to venues like BC? Yes.

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