„Cantor has gathered small but statistically significant sets of data regarding pedophiles (they are shorter with slightly lower IQs and exhibit left-handedness more than others in the populace).“ James Cantor believes that his studies have shown that among “pedophiles” people the characteristics small, low IQ and left-handedness occur more frequently. His studies, on the one hand, always only refer to people in prisons and, on the other hand, always only to people whose age preferences have always been identified using the phallometric method. The many studies with non-imprisoned “MAP”s and without a phallometric method almost always do not have these results. It is therefore possible and even probable that James Cantor's results are fundamentally wrong and that the connections he ascertained do not exist in the population. One explanation for the results of James Cantor is that people with a brain disorder are less adept at outsmarting the phallometric method. Whoops and already in studies you have more apparently "pedophile" people who are small and left-handed and have a lower IQ. Although these traits are only related to a brain disorder and not to any prepubescent age preference. This is just one of many other ways to explain the data of James Cantor. |