If you're referring to my inclusion of "MAPS," when you speak of the heterosexual majority, presumably within the greater "Child-love" circle, then I don't have much to go on. You may be right. Nevertheless, "consciousness-raising" as a stated goal for our community/ies, such as it is, is something that I see in short supply. The consciousness, that is. I'm deliberately leaving the whole combined-forces concept in which bl's and gl's become indistinguishable through a shared term, for the moment, though I have some serious reservations of throwing in our lots where one group has advantages and disadvantages that the other group doesn't have and vice-versa. I'm confident that the disadvantage of either will redound to the disadvantage of both and all of their respective advantages will be completely lost. So, I think it's a mistake, one predicated on a lot of fashionable post-feminist shibboleths that are flat wrong, such as the ostensible indistinguishability, between girls and boys. I very much support trans rights. I don't support hormonal medical interventions to achieve a desired gender goal except, perhaps, in the most essential of circumstances. Transgenderism must be distinguished from sexual attraction even though, I am convinced, that many young people, today, especially, have come to believe that their homosexuality should be taken to mean that they are really the opposite sex. I think that's a dangerous trend and antithetical to the cause of gay freedom. |