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**We NEED and WANT Boylovers**

Posted by Amicus on 2010-November-8 21:31:28, Monday

Dear Boylover,

This is an open letter. I cannot tell you who I am to you, whether I am anyone at all, to you – however some of you may know my person from some other boards and times past, and some in person.

People often talk of Activism, of method, and we all know we’ve all considered it, and are terrified at the prospect.

There is a well thought out solution that it coming into form right now.

I know, you’ve been misled and betrayed many times before – but you know what – that’s life in a nutshell, and you have to try at least one more time, every time, if you want to be a part of it. I think you understand what this means.

Some of you people reading this are not Boylovers, whether by nature, a perverted nuture, bad personal choice, or combination thereof.

Indeed, someone will read this who strongly desires to see all Boylovers publically scapegoated, or at the very least kept away from society.

WE know this will never happen. WE know the depth of our love (some of us know it's rather glorious history through antiquity to boot) – and I can assure you, speaking from the perspective of my loving capacity alone, that it will wash away your hate like the deep blue ocean swallows the big brown Amazon, should they come earnestly face to face.

I acknowledge you enemy, as you may acknowledge me – this is as far as you will get, here on, you will be stopped. We will see some bravery.
I want to invite Boylovers to become involved, in order to do this I need to verify your genuity beyond a reasonable doubt. The easiest way for me to do this is through a special kind of social web analysis.

If you are interested, please e-mail (setup for this purpose only) with your addy name as the subject and answers to the two questions below. Once and if you check out on the resulting social-web I will contact you with more details to move you incrementally closer to becoming involved. There are definitely ways we can do this without going too far or too fast for either party to be discomforted, and I’m up for this somewhat grueling act of patience – I hope you are – I hope you can give hope a chance. Try to imagine him as a beautiful boy who only need finally hear your name correctly or really see your smile to be utterly in love with you, that’s Hope.


1)BoyChat Registered Friends who will (be realistic) vouch for you as genuine beyond a reasonable doubt:

2) BoyChat Registered Friends who you vouch for (try not to leave anyone out) as genuine beyond a reasonable doubt:



Although we speak of “beyond a reasonable doubt” and nothing really is, we mean this in the general way, please, don’t attempt to be smart in your internal reasoning and hold your answers and effectively yourself hostage by doing so – simply because you are smart and yet society tramples all over you so you want to vent here where you feel you can get away with it. Be honest and be optimistic, be wise and constructive, have a little faith in your experience – I will be the doubter for you – don’t be cynical and inhibitory.

Correct spelling and case is relevant – I need addy’s NOT names and NO personal information at this time, for our mutual safety. Your addy should be the subject, and the only content the two lists for question 1 and 2.

Questions on where this goes and what I plan to do and so on will be ignored until I can get a basic picture of your reliability per the social-web, you need to make some effort and have a history here to get anywhere. Be patient, this will take some time no doubt.
Finally, there may be a number of Poster’s who dislike each other – please this is bigger than petty squabbles, if you believe any registrant to be a genuine and well intentioned boylover (at least as regards boylove as a social entity, or the rights of boys as holistic-sexual beings), then please vouch for these grouchy registrants too – maybe, just maybe, they were big enough to vouch for you.

Thank you in advance for any efforts you extend. I hope I haven’t left anything obvious out – but – I don’t believe I have, and unthoughtful comments or questions (which at this point *should* include any comments or questions) will be duly ignored.

Warm Regards,
Amicus (friend)

Note to the Cogs: Look, give it a chance, don't be controlling under a guise of sensibility; we already know you're smart and capable, lets leave it at that and give free association a chance.

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