Some people are trans. Get over it! some people THINK they are trans, sure. These are not even young kids, they're teens, approaching 18 in some cases. How can anyone here at BC possibly make the case they are not capable of making decisions like this for themselves? It shows total contempt for boys and a desire to mold them to your personal specifications. Thats one way of looking at it. Another way of looking at it is that the boys are mistaken in thinking that they are trans, and, if that is the case, then as a parent you would want to help your child see that, and help them get back in touch with reality. Of course, there are different ways of doing that, some more caring than others. I dont know if that is necessarily the same as "molding them to your personal specifications" You are assuming that this is a decision that you can make. If my son came to me and said "Dad, Ive got something to tell you, I have decided I am 7 feet tall", I dont think I would be saying "Well, son, I respect your decision, you are old enough to make decisions like this for yourself" Conservative Christian parents are not a force for liberating boys This assumes that boys need liberated. Liberated from what, and by whom? |