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Re: Ping pharmakon - Bump

Posted by monkeyLostInHead on 2021-March-31 06:06:42, Wednesday
In reply to Re: Ping pharmakon - Bump posted by Pharmakon on 2021-March-30 16:18:51, Tuesday

So no, transpeople are not trying to force an ideology on people

Perhaps not at an individual level. But certainly at a group/movement level. Im not sure what else you would call being at the very least silenced if you "misgender" someone, or dont use the correct pronouns, and at worse being jailed for it ( Which has already happened)

I do not agree ( if you, or others are stating it) that misgendering or not using the correct pronouns is stigmatization or discrimination

getting sidetracked into questions about what is "true," when that doesn't matter politically.

So truth doesnt matter politically? All that matters is power?

The question of whether a transwoman should be stigmatized and discriminated against does not depend in any way on whether she is "really" a woman.

Well, in a sense it does depend on whether she is really a woman. And on how you are defining discrimination and stigmatization.

If someone claims they are napoleon bonaparte, but arent really napoleon bonaparte, I think I am justified in not associating with them, or not offering them a job, for example. They have demonstrated a distinct break with reality, and thats not good for them, or for me, or my company if I were to employ them.

Of course, its possible that the break with reality doesnt really affect how they interact or their day to day life, so it may not be a problem. That could be judged on an individual basis.

I know you have said this is a misrepresentation, and that they arent claiming that trans bonapartes are bonapartes. but whether this is the case or not, their beliefs about themselves and their identity leads them to take certain actions, and make certain demands.

So if this person started dressing as bonaparte, speaking in french, and getting upset if I didnt address him as Emperor, this would become a significant problem. So Im not sure if it matters if its a political demand, as you claim, or a psychological issue, as it seems to me to be.

As you have rightly stated, people should be pretty much free to do whatever they want, and express themselves however they see fit. So if a person wants to express themselves as Bonaparte, thats fine with me. Just dont expect me to play along, and I am also free to not associate, not employ, and so on. That is not discrimination, and not stigmatization.

There was a viral video going around of a trans person in a shop demanding that they should be called "Ma-am". From what I can see ( and obviously I dont know them in day to day life) they are quick to take offence, quite unstable and emotional. I dont want to be around someone like that, and I wouldnt want to work with someone like that. A chance innocent remark could have very serious consequences, that I dont think are merited. Again, I dont think that is stigmatization or discrimination.
My position is not necessarily just based on the fact that the person claims to be trans. That is, I am not saying "they are trans, therefore...." but it would be interpreted as such by you and the trans movement.

Truth does matter in reality.

She is a human being, and that is all that we are entitled to require for political and social equality. The rest is nobody's business but her own.

What rights do I have that a trans woman doesnt?

I watched the video you linked.

Firstly, Wynn is doing a lot of mind reading, guessing or just making up motives for things people say.
Secondly, she is claiming that by stating facts, you are ( or can be) bigoted. I absolutely disagree with this.
thirdly, "what if" is not an argument, or a refutation of anything ( timestamp 28:32 in the video). This is a pretty disingenuous attempt to dodge a valid question.

Your, and her, claim that all this is really a political debate, and that people have nefarious motives for stating "facts" or questioning the narrative ( you have basically accused me of being transphobic and bigoted, when I am no such thing and have not done anything to show that that is true) needs to be demonstrated.

In the slide at 27:33, it shows the intellectual debate vs the political conflict.

How does the law not currently protect trans from discrimination? Who gets to define what discrimination of trans people is?

What is social equality, who gets to define it, and who gets to define it with respect to trans people?

Trans people, as far as I understand it, already have complete equality under the law.

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