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Let’s flesh it out with some colour then.

Posted by Long Brown Cloud on 2011-April-18 07:11:47, Monday
In reply to I did say it wasn't black or white lol !! posted by Behind Bars on 2011-April-17 10:01:02, Sunday

Perhaps you made some incorrect assumptions about me because of the questions I asked. We are all prone to speculate, whether about other posters here or about those who might amass large photo collections of naturist children.

I am well aware that others, especial non boy lovers, perceive issues distinctly differently from me. I’m interested in your perceptions and why you would now in your adult life have distinctly unpleasant feelings if there were images of you as a naked child floating around the internet and into large porn collections. I’m also interested in how debilitating or horrid those feelings would be when compared to the daily abuses most all suffer. I’m less interested in rights or wrongs after all this isn’t a black and while issue.

I’ m also well aware than many, if not most, would feel vulnerable naked in a clothed environment. I know I would. I assume an exhibitionist would not. I don’t doubt that you’d prefer not to have a bill board poster of a naked you in a busy city. The same applies to me. Interestingly I’m not sure I would have as much concern if it was a bill board poster of me as a naked child. Although being a dissatisfied member of a materialistic culture I’d want adequate monetary rewarded for the use of such an image!

From what you write it appears the main issue for you is your lack of control of images of yourself and what potentially others might be doing sexually with that image. We respond differently to this thought. I suppose the general population would have a very wide range of responses; including from total disinterest to hysteria.

As far as I know there are no images of me as a naked adult or a naked child floating around the internet. Should there be I think I’d have no concern at the thought of anyone wanking over the images; and especially not of me as a child. My concern would be over how such images could directly affect me. For example, in the kind of circumstance where a woman might be thrown out of a career in the Navy after it’s discovered she had a prior career as a raunchy nude model.

I accept that someone taking a picture at a nudist gathering and someone having their picture taken at a nudist gathering might not have at the forefront of their mind that such a picture is going to be distributed widely to people they will never know or meet. However the same applies to people who are not at nudist gatherings. Images can and do get distributed widely. I’ve no idea who might this very minute be looking at a picture of me and what they might be thinking.

I do think people who have large collections of nude images don’t spend inordinate amounts of time ogling a single image and masturbating. I think most images get a cursory glance before being tucked away in an encrypted vault for a rainy day that never comes. However even if there was a whiskered grandmother this very instant pawing her prolapsed vulva over an image of me I couldn’t care less. So long as I’m not directly affected. But that’s just me and I was interested in your distinctly unpleasant feelings. After all you are really the only person for whom you can speak.

So back to my questions; How unpleasant is the feeling? Does the unpleasant feeling surface now because you are an adult in today’s society or would that same feeling have been with you as a child in similar circumstances? Is it something that is often on your mind?

There is no need to answer these questions. You have been more than forthcoming already. It’s just what I’m mostly interested in given that it seems to be at variance with what I believe I would feel.

Long Brown Cloud

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