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I did say it wasn't black or white lol !!

Posted by Behind Bars on 2011-April-17 10:01:02, Sunday
In reply to Something I’m curious about Behind Bars posted by Long Brown Cloud on 2011-April-16 17:27:23, Saturday

I did ponder than scenario as I typed and tried to empathize with how I would feel or indeed how anyone generally might feel who say wasn't a boy lover. The problem with being a boy lover or indeed a girl lover is that sometimes our own desires and wishes mean we can loose perspective. As much as we see "no problem" with something based on who we are and how we think, we must accept that others may genuinely perceive issues distinctly differently to us.

So getting back to the question you posed and just speaking for myself and my own feelings, then yes the uneasy feeling would exist.
It seems not to come down to the nudity totally, but that does play a part. If you think nudity does not make you feel vulnerable in a clothed world then try taking off all you clothes (if it wasn't some kind of offense to do it) in a clothed public place.

Context matters here. Being naked where you have societies quasi permission to be naked ie naturist clubs beaches your own private back garden etc is a whole lot different to being naked or indeed being seen in a picture naked generally in society. Indeed after taking all your clothes off for the first time at a naturist resort you do feel very vulnerable. The liberating part of being a naturist is that those feelings of vulnerability diminish with time because everyone else is naked and that's an important factor in this. Doubt it imagine a bill board poster in a put up in a busy city center of you standing there full frontal and buck naked.
But as alluded to nudity is not the whole issue here. It's about being used in a way you did not give permission for.
If I can take this abstract point to fully answer your question, should the situation exist that clothed pictures existed of me and they were circulated widely, but not used for any sexual purpose and only for uses I had given prior permission for, then I would be unlikely to feel any weirdness or uncomfortableness UNLESS control of what was happening or what those pictures were being used for occurred due to the distribution.
In reality this is what happens with naturist pictures. They are taken in one context and then placed on the internet and distributed where the "owner" looses any control and they are used in a completely different context.

So simply distribution alone isn't a pre-determined factor in this.
It is about "consent, control and context".

Don't get me wrong here I,m not an "anti" or wanting to "moralistically" preach. What can be said with a degree of certainty is however that to make any assumption on another's wishes and feelings towards any image of them solely based on our own predilection is simply wrong.
What people choose to do is between their own conscience and any laws that relate to this subject matter in their own country. I recognize my own weaknesses and frailties, but I do try to empathize how others including the subject matter of any photo would feel

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