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Why not! You’re technicolour yawn is fully public.

Posted by Long Brown Cloud on 2011-April-21 07:36:57, Thursday
In reply to I'll keep my pink bits private posted by Behind Bars on 2011-April-20 17:37:19, Wednesday

This is getting tiresome but I feel obliged to respond; your multiple incorrect assumptions need some addressing.

[Your quote] Sorry forgive me I did not think you wanted me to convince you that collecting naked pictures of children is wrong.....just explain why I thought it was. [Your quote]

No I wanted neither. I was not interested in right or wrong. Remember: my original question was about trying to clarify why you had an unpleasant feeling.

I concluded on the elaboration that you provided to my questions this: You as an adult have an unpleasant feeling about pictures of you as a naked child being circulated because as a child you did not ever consider such a thing. Also now as a socially indoctrinated, peer pressured, life experienced and loss of childhood naivety regretting adult you dislike any lack of control you have over images of yourself..

And I also stated:I must say these concerns don’t seem particularly debilitating or traumatic to me.

I am not interested in right or wrong; legitimate or illegitimate; innocent or guilty. It is you that have felt a need to introduce these terms.

[Your quote] Interesting list, I'm sure most of them have been tried at court, not sure that any has been successfully argued as being "legitimate" enough to convince 12 fair minded people, indeed the only legitimate argument to have been taken to and succeeded at court has been that of being the parent of the child concerned which is why conviction rates are virtually 100% in this area, but I congratulate you on your inventiveness. . [Your quote]

There you go again with another incorrect assumption! I was responding to your request to give you some [legitimate] reasons why someone would want to collect pictures of naked children? I did not enter into your narrow minded focus on legitimately. Notice I wrote Just as I don’t know what you meant by ‘innocent intentions’ I also don’t know what you mean by “legitimate”. Leaving aside these value judgements the following could be some reasons (off the top of my head) why some people might collect pictures of naked children To repeat again I was giving some reasons why some people might collect such images. I was not entering into a discussion about right or wrong; legitimate or illegitimate; innocent or guilty. I was not giving the reasons someone might collect images as a defence in some imagined court case. I was giving them as some reasons why some might collect images – that’s all.

Perhaps this ‘wrongness’ and ‘legitimacy’ and ‘innocents’ is coming up as somehow connected to your unpleasant feeling although I don’t see that stated anywhere.

[Your quote] You can't seriously be suggesting that the members of BC or indeed any other BL board are "representative" of all children or all the children who have had pictures taken of then nude in the past. [Your quote]

No they are representative of two people in this thread with opposing attitudes to you. As indeed I have because I also indicated that I wouldn’t particularly mind if there was a bill board of me as a naked child in a busy city. I was bringing up their statements as a contrast to yours statement to try to clarify why you felt differently. I’m not interested in what the wider community might think on the issue. The wider community if fucked in the head on the issue.

That’s it. I’m done for now and hopefully for good!

Long Brown Cloud

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