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Everyone has pink bits

Posted by Long Brown Cloud on 2011-April-20 08:47:50, Wednesday
In reply to Pink isn't that a girl colour? posted by Behind Bars on 2011-April-19 11:30:29, Tuesday

[Your quote] OK perhaps you could give me some legitimate reasons why someone would want to collect naked pictures of children? [your quote]

Just as I don’t know what you meant by ‘innocent intentions’ I also don’t know what you mean by “legitimate”. Leaving aside these value judgements the following could be some reasons (off the top of my head) why some people might collect pictures of naked children. I’m sure it is by no means an exhaustive list.

1. To dream about what it would have been like to be the boy in the image if they were not born into a conservative, inhibited family.
2. To fantasize about having a young friend like the boy in the photos.
3. To celebrate beauty.
4. Because they are dedicated collectors and images of naked children is the collectable that sparks their interest. Or initially sparked their interest when they first started collecting. [There are long running television series on collectors of all sorts. Generally the presenters interviewing the collectors talk about how their interest first began, the range and variety available in the collectable, the value of the collection, an outstanding example, etc.]
5. As part of a wider collection of general nudist pictures.
6. As part of a wider collection of cute kiddy stuff.
7. As part of a wider collection of art.
8. As part of a medical reference library.
9. For the purposes of ethnographical studies.
10. Because, even though it has never been part of their personal experience, it gives them some reassurance that there exists, or existed, places in the world where children could get naked without fear or shame.
11. For education purposes.
12. For historical purposes.
13. To pass on to trusted but deprived acquaintances.
14. Because it is their job as an IT person or administrator to maintain the vast collections that law enforcement bodies keep for entrapment or evidentiary purposes.
15. As a personal protest against censorship and prohibitive laws.
16. Because they feel they owe it to the sexting, webcam uploading, exhibitionist kids to maintain a record that those kids do exits; the kids out there who do derive pleasure showing off their naked bodies [Even acknowledging your advice that you were not one of these kids.]
17. Because the images give pleasure to the collector when looking at them.
18. As inspiration for artistic endeavours.

The consent/control issues you are concerned about does not concern me that much. I’m sure that Tutankhamun didn’t give his permission to have his remains on display at whatever museum. A debate over if it should be on display is a bit too academic and esoteric for me. This discussion about some people holding images of unknown boys for any range of reasons is going the same way for me. I could have had a go at responding to more than just the first line of your response to me but it feels like this discussion could go on forever and I do have a life to be getting on with.

I will say that I’m sad at your (probably correct) perception that nudism is dying out. I hope that the concerns some people hold (yourself included) that some unknown stranger is ogling images of them as a naked child does not hasten its demise.

Long Brown Cloud

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