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Some rosy pinks might be nice

Posted by Long Brown Cloud on 2011-April-19 08:27:08, Tuesday
In reply to How about some Reds and Blues ? posted by Behind Bars on 2011-April-18 09:54:05, Monday

OK, so I think I’ve got the picture now.

You as an adult have an unpleasant feeling about pictures of you as a naked child being circulated because as a child you did not ever consider such a thing. Also now as a socially indoctrinated, peer pressured, life experienced and loss of childhood naivety regretting adult you dislike any lack of control you have over images of yourself. And you give the example of a friend temporarily losing control by not recognising your email address.

I must say these concerns don’t seem particularly debilitating or traumatic to me. We are all vulnerable to lack of control and not knowing what others think of our looks, actions, words, ways or manners. Some weirdo could be reading my words on this screen right now and bizarrely getting their jollies from them! Of course a child doesn’t know where an image of them could end up. None of us really know that.

Lets get back to freeder’s rather simplistic question. ‘Do you think is bad to see nudist photos?’

You say it was not bad of your parents to hold images of you naked because in doing so their “intentions” were “innocent”.

I don’t know what you mean by this statement. I don’t know why others holding images of you might not also have innocent intentions – whatever this should mean. Several times in this thread you talk about people making assumptions yet you seem to assume a lot about people who collect images.

You say that what makes collecting naked photos wrong is that the collector assumes that the child in the photo will never find out that their photo has been distributed over the internet, thus no harm is done or they assume that if the child did find out that they would have consented or have simply not have minded. I don’t recall seeing any evidence that collectors need to make any such assumptions. I don’t assume what collectors might assume; assuming they assume anything!

Within this thread we have you saying you would have a distinctly unpleasant feeling at your nude child image being collected; yet we have Cardinal Sin saying he does not care who holds images of him and if they wanked off on them or stick voodoo pins in them; and we have Aviator also saying good luck to whomever wanks off to images him. Base on this sample of three I don’t see how any collector could make any confident assumptions or should make any assumptions.

Perhaps the only real solution to all this would be for more people to be more naked more often and for images of them to be massively distributed; to the point that no one ever again need feel vulnerable again!

On that issue, do you think nudism is flourishing or dying out?

Long Brown Cloud

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