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I'll keep my pink bits private

Posted by Behind Bars on 2011-April-20 17:37:19, Wednesday
In reply to Everyone has pink bits posted by Long Brown Cloud on 2011-April-20 08:47:50, Wednesday

Sorry forgive me I did not think you wanted me to convince you that collecting naked pictures of children is wrong.....just explain why I thought it was.

If it was the former I wouldn't have wasted my time composing in depth responses to your questions.
I don't think in over a decade of online discussion boards, I have ever witnessed a true incidence of a widening of perspective or changing of point of view following discussions from opposing points of view even once.

It is perhaps this entrenched thought pattern and behavior which is reflective of the reasons why just so many of us end up with a criminal record. Sometimes we just cannot see past what we need to give us permission to act and behave the way we do, and that applies equally to many aspects of human behavior.

Interesting list, I'm sure most of them have been tried at court, not sure that any has been successfully argued as being "legitimate" enough to convince 12 fair minded people, indeed the only legitimate argument to have been taken to and succeeded at court has been that of being the parent of the child concerned which is why conviction rates are virtually 100% in this area, but I congratulate you on your inventiveness.

I've given this all the time I feel is useful. Thanks Over & Out.

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