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My philosophy - Life, Sex, Boys, Boylove, Reality.

Posted by martirwithacause on 2012-August-12 17:24:24, Sunday

Lots of different things have been said about me here. The following posts I have made in the past might give you some idea of what I think... And about the realities of humans, sex, 3rd-world countries, and life...

This is long - you might want to save it or book-mark it. Whatever...


Just some thoughts on BoyLove and sex
Posted by martirwithacause on 2011-December-5 23:59:42, Monday

Love is love.

Sex is sex.

Sex can happen together with love.

Love can happen without sex.

Sex can happen without love.

The best is to be in love with someone who you also enjoy great sex with. Some find this. Boylovers sometimes find this, but it often or usually only lasts for a few years, sometimes longer. Boys reach adolescence, get hairy, find they like girls, and the sex stops. Usually, the friendship (the "love") continues after the sex ends.

Sex doesn't last very long. It is over in minutes. If there isn't a strong attraction to a boy for his personality, then the relationship usually won't last long anyway. Of course, it happens that a BL'er might have a hot sexual relationship with a boy but otherwise not enjoy his company. This is only possible if the boy, too, is enjoying the sex.

Boys - actually, all normal humans, enjoy touching and being touched. Sex is a form of touching, more intense because it involves orgasming. But it is just another way that two humans can share their bodies and the gift of their nervous systems.

Healthy boys enjoy being touched. And they enjoy sex, too. Especially if the sex is passive - if they lay back and get a blow job. Some boys are not so "squeamish" and will even touch back. They may even give blow jobs to their Adult Friend. Lucky him (if he is into that...)!

A boy doesn't have to be gay to enjoy sex with a man, especially when the boy receives a blow-job and does not have to do anything physical in return. Many - if not most - healthy boys like having their dick sucked. They see nothing wrong with it. Some boys - those with hangups - may be disgusted with the idea of touching and getting sucked off.

Males and females are different (duh!). Males are able to appreciate casual sex more than females. Males may not be so sensitive to the looks of another male in order to let the male touch them and give them pleasure. Most healthy males don't find this to be a threat to any concept of "masculinity" that they may have. They realize that sex is a strong urge that needs satisfying. So, if another male - no matter what he looks like or how old he is - who is willing to "satisfy" him then, well, anything goes! Of course, he often or usually won't mention it to his friends, because he doesn't want his friends to accuse him of being gay (this is true more in Western developed countries).

Sex for sexes sake? Why not? An orgasm is nice. Of course, despite what they say, all orgasms are *not* the same. Some are minor orgasms, some are major orgasms. Some males will have better orgasms with women than with men. But, an orgasm is still an orgasm. It is a wonderful pleasure.

BL'ers usually (according to the best studies available) like to give pleasure to the boy. The boy passively receives the pleasure - a blow-job. It doesn't harm him in any way. He usually will then go on to outgrow the physical relationship with his AF and begin relationships with females when he reaches adolescence.

And, yes, the *friendship* part of the relationship often or usually will continue. Often the AF then becomes the "mentor" to the boy as the boy goes through life. There's nothing quite like when a former YF comes seeking advice from his AF/former lover on how to get along with - or even have sex with! - his new female friends.

Boys usually don't being like being on the receiving end of anal sex. They may consent to doing the fucking, but not being the fuckee. Getting fucked is usually painful, until learning how to do it is learned. Especially for younger boys it can be very painful. There are techniques to minimize the pain. But, still, when the anal sphincter goes into spasm, it hurts.

Some boys will have heard about anal sex, and want to try receiving it. If done very very gently and carefully, the boy *sometimes* will find it pleasurable. Most will ask for the man to stop before penetration. You know, those tricky little anal sphincters have their ways!

Some gay boys *will* enjoy getting fucked. Usually they will seek it out. Some BL'ers like to fuck boys. Most will do it with very great care, so as not to harm the boy or cause the boy pain. Pain is, for most BL'ers, NOT pleasure. So, they avoid hurting the boy.

There are some men who may use boys as a substitute for women. Something similar happens in prisons, where "straight" men will fuck or be fucked by other "straight" or "gay" men. These may be called "pedophiles" when they are actually NOT pedophiles. They are opportunists looking for a warm hole. They have no interest in the well-being of the boy. They use the boy like a masturbation toy. These are the men that usually give "pedophiles" such a bad name. They are NOT "nice men".

Sex is good. Sex is wonderful. Sex is great. Everybody should have lots of sex! An excess in the quantity usually is not a problem, as sex for males is self-limiting. Most slow down after the first orgasm, and each successive one is harder and harder to achieve. Until the male reaches the point that it just isn't worth the effort to have another one!

For many males, one orgasm is enough. The need is satisfied. The release is complete. If there are two males having sex, once both are satisfied they will then go on to other things - the friendship things - and not return to the sex until the urge becomes strong again.

Some boys like the sex very, very much. Some like it a lot. Some like it a little. Some don't like it very much. Very few don't like it at all.

Boys may have sex with a man for several reasons. They make like the sex. They may like the physical closeness and touching. They may like to please someone - the AF - and enjoy seeing the AF happy. They may do it as a favor for the AF. And to show their appreciation to the AF for being their friend.

The sex may be "just OK" for them, but they like to see their AF happy. This may not be very satisfying for the AF if the AF really wants to pleasure the boy, as the boy isn't really into the sex and may not respond very much physically. But, that may be OK also for the AF, if the relationship is based more on the friendship. These relationships based on friendship are the most successful and satisfying relationships, anyway.

Consent is when someone says, "OK". Non-consent is when someone says "No". If a boy allows a man to suck his dick, then he is giving his consent. Whether the consent is because he likes the sex, or wishes to just please the AF, it is still consent. Some boys may give their consent out of curiosity. Some give their consent out of generosity. Some just because they are horny. All of these examples are true consent.

An AF may try to "talk the boy into" being sucked off. This is a kind of manipulation. The boy may consent, or not consent. If a peer-friend of the boy suggests that the boy go swimming, or biking, or hiking, or whatever, the boy can consent or not consent. Even if his peer-friend tries to "talk him into" going swimming, etc. and the boy agrees, it is *still* consent. And, often a boy - after being persuaded to do something, will then later do it without any need for persuasion. Boys, like all people, sometimes are reluctant to try new things.

Most people try new things, as long as they are not too bizarre. Getting a blow-job, to a normal boy, is not an extreme thing, and he will try it. Sometimes he may allow himself to be "talked into" giving his consent. But, the consent he gives is *still* real consent. And, getting a blow-job is not a harmful act. No boy has ever died from getting one.

Sex can be thought of like food. The finest food may be in an expensive restaurant, surrounded by lovely decor, sweet music, with fine linen and expensive crystal, flat-ware, and tableware. The food comes out hot and fresh. The smell is wonderful. You eat. You feel satisfied. You are happy.

On the other hand, sex can be like eating at MacDonalds. Something filling, fast, and satisfying. But not of the finest quality. But, that's OK - your needs are satisfied.

Of course, it would be wonderful to always eat at the finest restaurants. But it may not always be possible.

Having the meal alone may be satisfying. But having good company along makes it much much better, more satisfying, and with longer-term rewards.

A YF who is good company is probably what most BL'ers really want. A relationship where the friendship is the "meat and potatoes" and the sex is the dessert. That's really great! Yes, you can eat the meat and potatoes, and skip dessert. But then the meal is not really complete.

Sex is not some kind of "magical experience" that comes from the angels. Sex is the stimulation of certain nerve pathways, which excite parts of the brain, which then activates a complicated number of physiological processes, ultimately leading to ejaculation. It is far better to experience this with someone who is well-liked - even better if the person is loved.

Sex is good. Fun. Exciting. And satisfying. The best is when your love is your best friend. But this is not always necessary for the sex to be good and satisfying.

(I'm running out of time on this post!)

Society creates fears and phobias withing people about a normal, common process. This may cause concerns within someone when they think about, participate in, or are approached for sex.

In this case, the problem is society. The humans being raised are not healthy. Society should work to eliminate these concerns.

Religion is ofter a barrier to freeing people to enjoy sex.

Many experience guilt for sexual thoughts, feelings, and experiences. This should never happen. Guilt should be reserved for the prevention of harmful behavior in humans. NOT for normal, pleasurable behavior.

Maybe more on this tomorrow...

Just some thoughts on BoyLove and sex (Part 2)
Posted by martirwithacause on 2011-December-6 23:56:54, Tuesday

NOTE: This is a continuation of: Just some thoughts on BoyLove and sex

Four and a half billions of years of evolution have "perfected" life on earth.

Eight million years of evolution have "perfected" hominids.

150,000 years of evolution have "perfected" homo-sapiens sapiens.

And now, we are perfectly designed to live successfully as hunter-gatherers on savannas and semi-open forest terrain, in tribal societies, comprised of extended family groups!

Oh, wait...

Oops! Seems that for the last 10,000 years or so, we've been doing things differently. Uh, oh. Problems... Agriculture. Permanent settlements. Large conglomerations of unrelated humans.

And the last several hundred years - nuclear families. Pollution. Never-before-existing chemicals. The "wonders" of industry and technological progress. Hmm...

Boylovers - us - were designed by "Mother Nature", or more correctly, are part of the "best survival strategy", of the genes that make us, and that we are dependent on.

We are part of the "grand plan" for the continuance of the human species!

Yes, we are part of the great master plan. And we should be recognized and appreciated as such. Humanity needs us.

But, well - life has changed. Their are the "new religions". New methods for mass-controlling humans by privileged groups.

And, then, of course, money...

And guilt. Shame. Coordinated, controlled, directed hate. Fear.

Uh, "We've come a long way, baby"? Hmm...

Mass communications. Mass hallucinations. Mass manipulation.

Sex. So simple! Manipulation of a few select nerve endings, stimulation, climax, release. So simple. So natural. So wonderful. Truly, a gift of nature!

Ah, but now - somehow - corrupted.

"It's dirty! It's nasty! There are bodily fluids! Ewww... And, anyway, you're not *supposed* to feel good! You're born into sin! You must repent!"

Hoo, boy...

So many are fooled by these "false gods" into throwing away our true human heritage. Fooled into misunderstanding our true purpose. The real reason we are here.

Which is?

To live. To enjoy. To prosper, as part of a larger community.

To feel.

To be.

To love.

But now, the masses of people in the Western world have had their thoughts twisted. Corrupted. Turned away from the nature around us, and the true nature of man. Now they are directed into the path of hate. And we (this time - we're not the first) are the ones being hated. There have been other groups, before...

And not just this! Due to the naivety of the rest of the world ("They're rich! So they must know what is best!") these twisted, perverted, sick ideas are increasingly corrupting the rest of the world as well.

Boylove? Such a simple concept. Touching. Giving pleasure. Enjoying life together with all kinds of people, including younger people. Sharing what we've learned with the younger of our species, to help them to then survive in a sometimes confusing, sometimes senseless, sometimes hostile, sometimes brutal environment.

Sharing. Bodies. Pleasure. Love.

But now - corrupted. By hate, ignorance, intolerance.

And fear. Fear is like a cancer. It destroys people from the inside out. It creates self-doubts. Insecurities. It paralyzes. It destroys the natural joy and humanity within us. It makes us afraid to live. Sometimes it makes us want to die...

All for no good reason.

But why is it tolerated? Why does it continue?

Because of ignorance. Because of selfishness. Because of greed.

Because - well, we've lost sight of who and what we are. Monkeys, with just a little bigger brains. Hunter-gatherers, living in extended family tribal groups. Living and loving together.

Yes, we've lost touch with our roots. And this is slowly driving us mad... Well, actually, maybe not all that slowly, after all...

Just some thoughts on BoyLove and sex (Part 3)

Posted by martirwithacause on 2011-December-7 23:59:08, Wednesday

NOTE: This is a continuation of: Just some thoughts on BoyLove and sex (Part 2)

For millions of years men have been diddling boys, and boys have been letting themselves be diddled by men. And this was the way things should be. Nature *wants* it to be that way!

Then, agriculture. Settlements. Cities. Industry. Technology.

1960s - "Liberation". Sexual liberation. Women's liberation. Balancing the (assumed) power imbalance between men and women. (Woman actually have always exercised *tremendous* power over men, in their own way. "Want a taste of this, honey? Well, here's what you have to do to get it...")

The 1970s. The subject of child abuse. Real, physical abuse. Which, of course, is terrible!

Headlines! Media made big bucks! Books written, careers launched, paid speaking engagements. Spreading the word. Getting famous.

But, there wasn't enough demand in the marketplace for those people who were only talking about the physical abuse of children. The first ones in got control of the market, and were making all the money. And fame. And glory. There wasn't room for any more competition!

What to do? Others wanted in on the "gravy train"! It wasn't fair that only a few were making the big bucks!

Ah! Yes! I've got it!

Rape! Of girl children! By men! That's a good one!

And, yes, it was. Careers launched, books written, speeches paid for, fame and glory...

But, soon, *that* niche was filled. But more wanted in on the bucks to be made by sensationalizing sex, abuse, and children! The magic words, which if put together got everybody's heart pumping!

What to do...

Well, there are *boys* having sex, too, with adults...

Great! Books written, careers launched, speeches paid for, fame and glory...

But then, some people started asking embarrassing questions. How did anyone *know* that sex and children didn't mix?

And, anyway, what exactly *was* a child? What age did childhood end?

And, rape. What exactly *was* rape?

And, harm. What exactly *was* harm?

Time to do a little "redefining" of words that previously had very clear meanings! Make the words be more useful, for the speeches, the newspaper articles, the magazine articles. They had to be sensational, didn't they? To get the masses "hooked" on the articles, so the masses will buy the next edition. And to get the speech-makers more engagements.

And so, the money rolled in.

People said, "But - where's the harm? Boy children go on to be healthy adults, almost always, even when they were diddled as kids. Where are all these dysfunctional adults that you should be seeing in society, if there is *real* harm from being diddled?"

Uh, oh! There was the threat that the "gravy train" could be derailed!

Well, then a woman wrote a book. She was certain about the harm. The harm was real, she said. And you could see it, if you just looked for it the right way!

See, the boys didn't *know* that they had been harmed. They thought they were healthy, but - they were *really* sick! They needed treatment, desperately!

And she knew just the treatment that they needed! They needed psychological help. Counseling. By "trained, qualified mental-health professionals".

The counseling would help the boys *see* that they *really had* been harmed.

The counselors?


Now, remember - there are *two distinct* parts in the field of psychology.

The first part are the researchers. They have laboratories. They have an idea, and they set up a study to test their idea. The others check their work, to see that it is correct.

Pavlov, and is drooling dogs. Skinner and his boxes. Lots of other researchers, doing real science. Good science - science that could be reproduced and confirmed to be true by other researchers.

The other part of the field of psychology? Philosophy.

People sit around and think. What may be going on? What could be happening? What might be true?

They develop theories. But, they never ever test their theories, like the other psychologists do. They don't *have* to, they say. They *know* their theories are true! They just "feel it in their bones"!

Oh, sure, they talk to people - the "patients". "Do you feel this way? Have you experienced that? Do you think this?"

All leading questions. And with answers open to interpretation. Buy whom? But the clinical psychologist himself, of course! See, he is the one who checks his own work. He decides if his data is valid. He chooses the subjects to study, and the ones to ignore. He formulates the questions. He interprets the answers.

And, guess what?

He finds that his theories are always confirmed!

Funny, that...

Well, this woman wrote a book. And, see, the harm to children? Well, it was there, all right! But, you see, it was *hidden*! Hidden from the very people who had experienced the harm!

The didn't *know* they were harmed! At least, not until they got help. From the clinical psychologists. The "philosophers" with their own unproven, untested - even untestable! - theories.

And the more they treated their "patients"? Well, the more they discovered the disease! It was everywhere! Huge numbers of people suffered from the disease!

See, now they had proof! Proof of the harm! They asked leading questions, got the answers that *proved* their theories, and everybody was happy, right?

Uh, wrong...

Now, Kinsey had done some research, too. Some studies. But they were of a different type. He didn't go into the research expecting anything. He went like a true explorer. Just to see what he would find!

And it's amazing what he *did* find...

(Only one or two reading this shit? Hey, takes time to do it, you know. Anybody want more? You gotta let me know, or I won't want to do it. Feedback, people, or it stops... right?...)


The following is from here.

Just imagine a place, and a time...
Posted by martirwithacause on 2011-November-8 21:22:47, Tuesday

A place where most of the population are rural farmers. Where kids grow up living in tiny "one-room homes", even huts made of bamboo or other local materials. And where the whole family all sleep together in the same room. And the kids hear strange sounds at night, coming from their parents bed on the other side of the room sometimes. Grunts, fast breathing, "Oooh's" and "Ahhh's".

Then the kid goes outside, and sees the dogs, cats, chickens, goats, and the pigs mounting each other. And they make strange sounds, too.

And the kid notices the penises of the animals standing stiffly erect...

Then, one afternoon, the kid is washing himself in the yard, under a naked tap sticking out of the ground. Or, dipping water from a large earthen jar, filled with water carried by hand from a tap or well far away.

And, the kid looks down - he sees his penis. And his penis is standing stiffly erect!

He starts to get ideas...

[WESTERN VIEW: My god! The poor child has been sexualized! NORMAL VIEW: Sex is just part of life. And it's everywhere you look.]

Well, maybe the kid goes on to fuck a chicken or a goat. (Not a dog - the damn things bite!) Hmm... not bad! But still, it's lacking something - "the human touch".

One day, a man - another local person who lives a few huts over - approaches the kid. He says, "Hey, you want to have some fun?" The kid goes, "Huh?" The man points at the kid's crotch, then puts his little finger in his mouth.

Now, the kid knows, from his friends, that "the little finger in the mouth" means a penis in the mouth. And he knows, too, that there are men who like to suck on penises. And he has seen animals tonguing each others genitals all the time.

All the kids talk to each other, about the men who lick boy's penises, and about what goes on, either to themselves, or to a friend of theirs.

So, the kid says to the man, "OK!".

The kid visits the man's house. The man is very kind and gentle. He seems really concerned about the happiness of the boy! He makes food for the boy, plays games with the boy, gives the boys small presents, maybe even some spending money...

And, he sucks the boys dick. The boy thinks, "Hey! This is just great!" Yes, it does feel marvelous! And, so, he goes back again and again, for more.

Now, the parents of the kid - hey! - they grew up on the farm, too. They heard "their" parents grunting at night in the dark across the room. They saw animals fucking. And they know that there are men who like to suck penises - even young boys penises! Maybe the father himself had a "special adult male friend" when *he* was young! If not, he's sure to have had a friend who did. Yes, he knows the drill...

So, big deal. The kid is getting his cock sucked by a neighbor. Who cares? The kid is happy, nobody is getting hurt - where's the problem?

Call the police? For what? The policemen all heard their own parents grunting in the dark. They had seen animals fucking. Many - or most - had fucked a chicken or two, when young.

Many had also had "an adult friend" when he was young, or else one of his young friends did, and who had told him how wonderful it was. Maybe he even, as a boy, used to go over to one of those men's homes, with a friend who was the "lucky one" who was getting sucked off. OK, he only went along "for the ride" and didn't get pleasured, but he saw what happened. His friend had a great time! And the man was nice to him, too.

Anyway, I began by saying, "Imagine a place and time..."

Well, the place? In the third world, where the majority of humans live. And the time? Well, the time is right now!

Now, imagine another place, a different place...

The place? The first-world. Where kids sleep in separate rooms from their parents, and never hear their parents grunting, ooing, and ahhing at night.

Where they hardly *ever* even see an animal, except a dog or a cat. And, should the animals be mounting each other, the parent says, "Johnny! Don't look!". Or else, if Johnny asks, "What are they doing?" the parent turns red and says, "You're too young to know about that! You'll find out when you get older!"

And the poor kid goes away confused...

Then, one day a man approaches the boy. Hey, wanna have some fun? But the kid gets afraid. What does this man want?

It may take a while for the kid to find out. Or maybe he never finds out.

Just imagine a place and a time like that.

Pretty weird, no?

The following is from here.

Imagine a time and place... (continued)

Posted by martirwithacause on 2011-November-9 21:40:42, Wednesday

My post about "Imagine a time and place..." was not, by the way, fiction. No, it is not just "a nice story" - it's actually the truth! It's a fact. Sorry (to those who this statement will annoy/bother/disturb, etc.). It's true. I know, I know, I upset some people. Sorry.

Hasn't anyone wondered exactly why so many BL'ers are getting busted in Thailand, Cambodia, the Philippines, etc? You see, BL'ers travel to these countries, and then they happen to notice how "easy" the boys are to make friends with. How many of the BL'rs ever stop and think just *why* it is so easy?

I mean, how could you happen on a kid at night in a parking lot at night and just say, "Gusto mo chupaing kita?" and the kid says, "Baik! Masarapnya!" and drops his pants? (That's near the end of a post on MBC, if you're interested. Check out the huge run-on sentence for it...)

Hey, I knew a guy who could say that in maybe 6 different Asian languages! Tagalog, Mandarin Chinese, Malay, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean... Of course, he just "happened to be" fluent in most of those languages, too, which made it much easier to live among, and get to know, the "natives" in those countries. Talented guy, he was. Talk about, "been there, done that"? Yup, he had. Done it all.

[Private language tutoring available upon request. Specializing in Asian languages. Reasonable prices. Inquire for schedules and fees. Satisfaction guaranteed!]

There must be a reason for the boys being so "easy", no? Well, back to this in a moment.

Anyway, I laid out a number of things, in very general terms, in my previous post.
And, being in such general terms, I had to leave out a lot of things. Religions, history, Western influences, etc.

I also found upon rereading it that I had made a generalization that included something very untrue, but very important. About the parents.

The parents. Husband and wife. Or, a man living with a woman without the benefit of "the blessings of the church" as they say. Very common in many Asian countries.


We all know what women usually talk about, when they get together, don't we? Cooking, child rearing, fashions, make-up, womens-lib... That's about it, right?


OK - Sorry. Too abrupt. I don't want to upset anyone. "Well, that's not exactly correct."

Well, that's not all they talk about. They also talk about things that we never hear about. Things like menstruation, the size of the penises of the men that they know, how good/bad their men are in bed. In fact, in other so-called "primitive" cultures like the rural Asian ones, people talk about all kinds of things that, in the West, would be seen as "uncouth".

Asians are so "rude", aren't they? They belch loudly without excusing themselves, they fart, they spit everywhere (can you imagine inviting a YF over to your place, and then watch - as he spits on your nice clean floor! Well, the "floor" is the "ground" [the earth] to him - which it actually *is* for many if not most of them at their homes (and it's the same word, often, in their languages). A disgusting habit! But, well, having the boy over for a visit can have it's "small rewards" [so to speak], as well) they pick their noses while talking to you [and sometimes they will pop into their mouths "a choice piece"!] - stuff like that. So "rude". How, in their cultures, could they *not* see just how bad that is? How nasty? How sickening? How... how... how just plain awful!

Oh, back to the men. And how about the men? Women know what men usually talk about, too, right? Sports, beer, fights, their latest sexual conquests, etc.

Uh, but we talk about other stuff, too. Blow-jobs, ass-fucking, masturbating, cunt-licking, etc.

Of course, we don't talk (usually) to *women* about this, do we? I mean, when was the last time that you said to a woman, "I jacked of 3 times last night! Over this great new porn mag I got!"? Or, "Gee, I met this gal and *boy* did she give good head! I thought she was gonna suck my brains out!"
(The above sounds contrived. Well, actually, I don't *have* all that much experience talking to women. You see, I actually like... Never mind. Seems the majority of people here don't believe me. Oh, well, what to do, what to do...)

Well, we don't. At least, not in the circles that *I* have traveled in in my life. Those things are guy's stuff. You don't talk to *women* about that. (OK - if things have changed, let me know. I've been "out of the loop" for quite some time...)

So, back to bamboo huts. And starving kids and nekked dogs (or is it the other way around?)

The women tend to be dominated by the men. Society defines strict roles. Woman are for "making beds, making babies, and making dinner" (I had to google for the last one - I wasn't sure - and I thought it would be *easy* to find! Sheesh! This U.S. occupation of Afganistan has sure gotten a lot of people riled up! Google "women are for making" babies boys OR men "for pleasure". It's amazing the hits you get! I only found *one* that said "..., making dinner". I thought I'd find a million!. Hoo, boy...

(Hmm... and just why *have* women been dominated by men... I've got some ideas, ones I haven't yet seen anywhere else. Oh, well, another day, another post... Of course, my posts don't seem very popular, of late. Probably nobody would be interested...)

So, men dominate woman, even today, in Asian countries. Men also don't *talk* to women about certain things - I mentioned a few above.

Well, in 3rd-world countries, the men never would talk about their sexual experiences, as boys with men when they were young, to women. I mean, why talk about that to women? What business is that, or of what possible interest would that be, to women?

So, the *women* have no idea about BL, and BL'ers, and their boys. (Except for the new breed of Asian women antis. And they don't really have any realistic idea about it at all...)

Anyway, it's the *men* who talk to *other men* about those things. And *boys* who talk to other *boys* about those things. The women are kept in the dark. They have no idea what is *really* going on.

Sure, they see boys going into men's houses, and figure that *something* is going on. But, the boys come out with smiles on their faces, so the woman say nothing. What business could it be of the women? And, even if they *did* think there was something strange about it, who would care? After all, "It's a man's world."

Well, I said above that I would "get back to this in a moment".

See, Asians (very generally speaking) have very different concepts of what is clean and dirty, what is acceptable and unacceptable, what is right and what is wrong, what is good and what is bad.

They have concepts about their bodies, and touching, that are quite different from those usually found here in the West. Very different. So, to them, bodies aren't "dirty", sex isn't "dirty", and touching penises isn't "bad" (In Indonesia, mothers often diddle their crying male infants. Makes them stop crying! Funny, that... Betul lah!)

And we did, too, many years ago. Before we became "properly civilized". With our strange sleeping arrangements (concerning children), our horribly unnatural - and very damaging - "nuclear families", our media bombarding us with advertisements for disinfectants, deodorants, bacteria-killing sprays for everything. All the "modern conveniences".

I'll bet you didn't know that inside of you, right now, are *billions* of squirming, writhing bacteria! Yup! And - worse - living in and on your skin (no matter *how* many times you scrub with soap) are *hundreds of millions* of bacteria and - get this - parasites! Little tiny microscopic animals, that live on you!

Yup. We're just like the other animals. We are hosts to all kinds of things. It's natural. It's normal. In fact, if you could somehow (it's virtually impossible) able to kill *all* bacteria in your body, you know what would happen? You'd die! Yup! You *need* those bacteria to stay alive and be healthy!

And you need touching, too. And you need sex.

The Asians (generally speaking) *know* these things. And accept them. And don't fuss about them. And are, usually, healthier psychologically than we are!

But they belch, fart, pick their noses... Hey, but you know what? None of those things are going to kill them! Nope. They are no less healthy for those things. And for other things, too.

Like getting their dicks sucked, when they are kids.

It doesn't hurt them at all! Nope. Not at all...

You see, *they* are the truly healthy ones. It's *us* that are the sick ones. Really.

The following is from here.

Imagine a time 'n a place - that *really* existed!

Posted by martirwithacause on 2012-July-28 20:20:56, Saturday

Yes - the following describes real places, and real times. The times were up until the late '70s, and the places were the Philippines, Thailand, Sri Lanka, South American countries, and others.

The story you are about to read is true. No names have been included to protect the (now so-called) "child molesters".

No laws existed in these countries against adult/child physical/sensual/sexual interactions with boys. No laws were felt to be needed. Society accepted Boylove and Boylovers (though they thought it somewhat unusual, they didn't think it was a problem to be condemned and legislated against). And boys did drop their pants at the drop of a hat to get blowjobs from the Friendly Neighborhood Pedophile. Why? Because the boys loved getting them!

Yes, there were special laws to protect females from being impregnated by adults - certain "rape" laws. Rape. The insertion of a penis in the vagina of a female against her will. Real rape.

Other laws existed to protect people of all ages against assault, battery, and other forms of violence and physical coercion. And these laws were sufficient to protect all people (even minors, children, and babies) from being "abused" in the true sense of the word.

What was it like in a place where there was no public concern about minors having sexual relations with adults, as long as there was no violence or physical coercion?

Read on... (Remember - the following is all true!. Boylovers have been there, seen it, and lived it. It really was exactly as described. These are the facts.)

The following is from here.

Imagine a time and a place...
Posted by martirwithacause on 2012-June-14 21:18:02, Thursday

Perhaps long ago, perhaps far away...

Where people accept their "animal nature", because being human is being an animal too...

Where people seeing other people naked "is no big thing"...

Where children play with each other, and often "play with each other", too. And the adults just smile...

Where animals are fucking out in the open all the time, and everybody sees it, and nobody gets freaked out...

Where kids know what sex is all about, and from an early age. They've seen the animals, and they know that mommy and daddy do it, too..

Where kids "touch their private parts" - and the adults just laugh and remember how they did it too when young...

Where people touch each other - freely and naturally - knowing that part of being human is touching other humans...

Where bodies are not "icky", and bodily functions not "disgusting". Everybody knows everybody else shits, pisses, spits, cums, etc...

Where people know when others are hurt, because people cry when they are hurt...

Where people know when others are happy, because people smile and laugh when they are happy...

Where boys are seen entering some men's homes - relaxed and smiling - and then are later seen leaving the men's homes - (perhaps just a little bit more) relaxed and smiling...

And the adults who happen to notice just wink at each other and say (about the man) "He likes the boys..."

Just imagine a time and a place like that...

"Imagine there's no hangups,
It's easy if you try,
No hell below us,
Above us only sky.
Imagine all the people,
Living for today...

You may say I'm a dreamer.
But I'm not the only one..."


The above is an excerpt of an earlier post I made. I had hoped that people here "would finally get it". Apparently they didn't. There were very few responses. Perhaps BoyChat has been taken over by people who have bought the crap the antis spout about men, boys, and sexuality?

It could be...

And remember - the above very closely describes the situation in the U.S., Canada, and most other countries of the world up until around WWII.

So, yes - when society does not condemn man-boy relationships (including sexual relationships) life goes on. Boys are happy. Boylovers are happy. And there are laws in place if real "abuse" occurs.

Don't you wish you had been there, to those places? Don't you wish those places still existed today?

I wonder if there are any posters here now who actually lived in those countries, learned their languages, worked among the "natives", and saw the reality of healthy attitudes about sex?

Could we have a show of hands please? Anonymously, perhaps? (Maybe you could PRF your response [Please don't volunteer cog time without checking with us first -- cogsigliere], and the cogs could post the response without your nick? [Sheesh! If only people worked together more and cooperated with each other here...])


So, that is (part) of my philosophy. And, no, I haven't "BTDT" for everything!

But I have for a lot...

And yes, it's all about me! And what I've learned by reading and studying extensively, having a lot of experiences, doing lots of things... But who else could it be about? About you? I'm not inside your mind. I'm inside mine! And, by most reports, it's a pretty good one...

:- )

If you go to the original posts and read the comments, you can see many responses from "those who have drunk the Kool-Aid" - those posters who are ignorant of boys, of reality, and who think that sex, bodily functions, bodily fluids, etc. are "dirty" and "nasty". And that sex is somehow "evil" or "wicked" or just somehow "bad".

Go figure!

So, comments? Cabinet maker? Connor? Rahiim? (and a bunch of others!) You "drank the Kool-Aid", didn't you?

Note: "Drank the Kool-Aid" is a reference to Jim Jones and the mass-suicide of his cult of followers because they blindly followed a leader who was insane.



I don't like Kool-Aid!

"Educate yourself, educate others, and change the world - one-mind-at-a-time!"

[That's how the antis did it, after they "drank the Kool-Aid". Now it's our turn. But please - do NOT drink the Kool-Aid!]

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1. Do not post erotica or overly-detailed sexual discussions.
2. Do not request, offer, or post links to illegal material, including pictures.
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