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Imagine a time and place... (continued)

Posted by martirwithacause on 2011-November-9 21:40:42, Wednesday

My post about "Imagine a time and place..." was not, by the way, fiction. No, it is not just "a nice story" - it's actually the truth! It's a fact. Sorry (to those who this statement will annoy/bother/disturb, etc.). It's true. I know, I know, I upset some people. Sorry.

Hasn't anyone wondered exactly why so many BL'ers are getting busted in Thailand, Cambodia, the Philippines, etc? You see, BL'ers travel to these countries, and then they happen to notice how "easy" the boys are to make friends with. How many of the BL'rs ever stop and think just *why* it is so easy?

I mean, how could you happen on a kid at night in a parking lot at night and just say, "Gusto mo chupaing kita?" and the kid says, "Baik! Masarapnya!" and drops his pants? (That's near the end of a post on MBC, if you're interested. Check out the huge run-on sentence for it...)

Hey, I knew a guy who could say that in maybe 6 different Asian languages! Tagalog, Mandarin Chinese, Malay, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean... Of course, he just "happened to be" fluent in most of those languages, too, which made it much easier to live among, and get to know, the "natives" in those countries. Talented guy, he was. Talk about, "been there, done that"? Yup, he had. Done it all.

[Private language tutoring available upon request. Specializing in Asian languages. Reasonable prices. Inquire for schedules and fees. Satisfaction guaranteed!]

There must be a reason for the boys being so "easy", no? Well, back to this in a moment.

Anyway, I laid out a number of things, in very general terms, in my previous post.
And, being in such general terms, I had to leave out a lot of things. Religions, history, Western influences, etc.

I also found upon rereading it that I had made a generalization that included something very untrue, but very important. About the parents.

The parents. Husband and wife. Or, a man living with a woman without the benefit of "the blessings of the church" as they say. Very common in many Asian countries.


We all know what women usually talk about, when they get together, don't we? Cooking, child rearing, fashions, make-up, womens-lib... That's about it, right?


OK - Sorry. Too abrupt. I don't want to upset anyone. "Well, that's not exactly correct."

Well, that's not all they talk about. They also talk about things that we never hear about. Things like menstruation, the size of the penises of the men that they know, how good/bad their men are in bed. In fact, in other so-called "primitive" cultures like the rural Asian ones, people talk about all kinds of things that, in the West, would be seen as "uncouth".

Asians are so "rude", aren't they? They belch loudly without excusing themselves, they fart, they spit everywhere (can you imagine inviting a YF over to your place, and then watch - as he spits on your nice clean floor! Well, the "floor" is the "ground" [the earth] to him - which it actually *is* for many if not most of them at their homes (and it's the same word, often, in their languages). A disgusting habit! But, well, having the boy over for a visit can have it's "small rewards" [so to speak], as well) they pick their noses while talking to you [and sometimes they will pop into their mouths "a choice piece"!] - stuff like that. So "rude". How, in their cultures, could they *not* see just how bad that is? How nasty? How sickening? How... how... how just plain awful!

Oh, back to the men. And how about the men? Women know what men usually talk about, too, right? Sports, beer, fights, their latest sexual conquests, etc.

Uh, but we talk about other stuff, too. Blow-jobs, ass-fucking, masturbating, cunt-licking, etc.

Of course, we don't talk (usually) to *women* about this, do we? I mean, when was the last time that you said to a woman, "I jacked of 3 times last night! Over this great new porn mag I got!"? Or, "Gee, I met this gal and *boy* did she give good head! I thought she was gonna suck my brains out!"
(The above sounds contrived. Well, actually, I don't *have* all that much experience talking to women. You see, I actually like... Never mind. Seems the majority of people here don't believe me. Oh, well, what to do, what to do...)

Well, we don't. At least, not in the circles that *I* have traveled in in my life. Those things are guy's stuff. You don't talk to *women* about that. (OK - if things have changed, let me know. I've been "out of the loop" for quite some time...)

So, back to bamboo huts. And starving kids and nekked dogs (or is it the other way around?)

The women tend to be dominated by the men. Society defines strict roles. Woman are for "making beds, making babies, and making dinner" (I had to google for the last one - I wasn't sure - and I thought it would be *easy* to find! Sheesh! This U.S. occupation of Afganistan has sure gotten a lot of people riled up! Google "women are for making" babies boys OR men "for pleasure". It's amazing the hits you get! I only found *one* that said "..., making dinner". I thought I'd find a million!. Hoo, boy...

(Hmm... and just why *have* women been dominated by men... I've got some ideas, ones I haven't yet seen anywhere else. Oh, well, another day, another post... Of course, my posts don't seem very popular, of late. Probably nobody would be interested...)

So, men dominate woman, even today, in Asian countries. Men also don't *talk* to women about certain things - I mentioned a few above.

Well, in 3rd-world countries, the men never would talk about their sexual experiences, as boys with men when they were young, to women. I mean, why talk about that to women? What business is that, or of what possible interest would that be, to women?

So, the *women* have no idea about BL, and BL'ers, and their boys. (Except for the new breed of Asian women antis. And they don't really have any realistic idea about it at all...)

Anyway, it's the *men* who talk to *other men* about those things. And *boys* who talk to other *boys* about those things. The women are kept in the dark. They have no idea what is *really* going on.

Sure, they see boys going into men's houses, and figure that *something* is going on. But, the boys come out with smiles on their faces, so the woman say nothing. What business could it be of the women? And, even if they *did* think there was something strange about it, who would care? After all, "It's a man's world."

Well, I said above that I would "get back to this in a moment".

See, Asians (very generally speaking) have very different concepts of what is clean and dirty, what is acceptable and unacceptable, what is right and what is wrong, what is good and what is bad.

They have concepts about their bodies, and touching, that are quite different from those usually found here in the West. Very different. So, to them, bodies aren't "dirty", sex isn't "dirty", and touching penises isn't "bad" (In Indonesia, mothers often diddle their crying male infants. Makes them stop crying! Funny, that... Betul lah!)

And we did, too, many years ago. Before we became "properly civilized". With our strange sleeping arrangements (concerning children), our horribly unnatural - and very damaging - "nuclear families", our media bombarding us with advertisements for disinfectants, deodorants, bacteria-killing sprays for everything. All the "modern conveniences".

I'll bet you didn't know that inside of you, right now, are *billions* of squirming, writhing bacteria! Yup! And - worse - living in and on your skin (no matter *how* many times you scrub with soap) are *hundreds of millions* of bacteria and - get this - parasites! Little tiny microscopic animals, that live on you!

Yup. We're just like the other animals. We are hosts to all kinds of things. It's natural. It's normal. In fact, if you could somehow (it's virtually impossible) able to kill *all* bacteria in your body, you know what would happen? You'd die! Yup! You *need* those bacteria to stay alive and be healthy!

And you need touching, too. And you need sex.

The Asians (generally speaking) *know* these things. And accept them. And don't fuss about them. And are, usually, healthier psychologically than we are!

But they belch, fart, pick their noses... Hey, but you know what? None of those things are going to kill them! Nope. They are no less healthy for those things. And for other things, too.

Like getting their dicks sucked, when they are kids.

It doesn't hurt them at all! Nope. Not at all...

You see, *they* are the truly healthy ones. It's *us* that are the sick ones. Really.
[Continued discussion about BL in Asia. Attitudes towards bodies and cleanliness. Out sick attitudes towards the same. Germs and bacteria.] martirwithacausesticky


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