An old friend visited me last week – let's call him Ronnie – and his visit brought into sharp focus the whole gay/BL problem (I see there have been some recent threads on the subject). Ronnie came into my life when he enrolled as a 7th grader in a posh private boarding school that I attended. I was in tenth grade at the time and a rising star on the school paper. I noticed Ronnie right away. He looked like an angel – cherubic, choir-boy face, pretty pink cheeks, silky hair of bright gold – with a sweet, almost submissive vulnerability about him. He seemed to me to radiate sex lights. Not, to be sure, that I had a fully developed understanding back then of my own sexual feelings, not to mention those of anyone else. The school had long been all-boys; it had just recently begun to accept a few girls, but was still an overwhelmingly male environment. No one would admit to being “gay” – an unspeakable concept then, if not an unthinkable one – but there were plenty of nooks and crannies in which to get your rocks off with other guys if you knew where to look for them. I had figured some of this out and had been “doing it” with a classmate for some time. But I told myself it was all “a phase” and in public I was as straight as everyone else, faking a sexual interest in our new female classmates and feigning enthusiasm for the Playmate of the month. I was still able to deceive myself into believing that once I got out of the hot-house environment of the school, I would end up dating girls, getting laid (with girls, that is) and eventually marrying and settling down. But with Ronnie, there was no fooling myself. I desired him with a fierce, hungry urgency. There didn't seem any way to “have” him, however (among other things, the younger boys were housed in separate living quarters). I assumed he was far too innocent to know what he wanted, and I wasn't experienced or savvy enough to get what I wanted. But I could at least do my best to have him around as much as possible. I encouraged him to write for the paper and for a 7th grader he was a pretty good writer. The paper gave him a place to fit in. Most of the kids in our school were rich men's sons (and, by then, a few daughters) – their fathers were bankers, lawyers, or came from old WASP money. Ronnie's father was a bus driver; Ronnie had taken advantage of a scholarship program for bright kids from poor families. The school wasn't easy for him – not at first, He was socially awkward, wore cheap polyester clothes, and for all his obvious intelligence, had big and embarrassing gaps in what he knew about both academics and the wider world. And the sex lights that so entranced me were off-putting to the athletes who dominated the school socially (“bloods” they would have been called in the British equivalents of our school). A decade or two earlier, boys like Ronnie had probably been prey for these types, but with the gradual loosening of restrictions on dating and the like, not to mention the enrollment of girls, these guys didn't need pretty boys any more as substitutes for the pussy they could now command. So if they deigned to notice Ronnie at all, they made him the butt of jokes in a sort of arch, WASP-y way. (Ronnie is the type who would have been beaten up in a place like West Texas or Alabama, one reason he benefited from getting the scholarship. Even if he was cruelly treated at times at our school, the cruelty was never physical). He flourished at the paper – I was going to say “under my guidance,” but that isn't quite fair since he really did develop into a good writer and at the paper we ostentatiously insisted to ourselves we cared only about competence, not whether your father was a partner in a white shoe law firm or your grandfather had his name over a building on campus. This was a bit before the lids were ripped off everything in the late sixties, but change was already “blowing in the wind” to pick a phrase deliberately, and we were a little hotbed of self-important and self-styled “radicals.” Some of us could even quote Allen Ginsberg. We got away with it in part because of our faculty sponsor – I'll call him Mr. M. Mr. M was the great luminary of the English department; a charismatic, brilliant teacher whose passion for what he did and the love – even idolatry – he inspired among a certain group of students helped protect him for a while from the resentments of many of his colleagues. Mr. M had no patience with and no aptitude for collegial schmoozing; he did not or would not understand how to kiss the asses of key administrators or alumni; sometimes because he could not tolerate them, sometimes because he just didn't get it – that is to say, he didn't understand what you have to do to survive in any bureaucracy, be that government, corporate, military, or academic. And he liked boys. I mean, he really liked boys. He liked everything about boys – the way they look, yes, but also the way they act – their orneriness, moodiness, energy, quickness, intelligence – and he particularly liked what happened when boys are together as a group. He had bitterly opposed turning the school co-ed – the one area of open disagreement between us and him. We were all of course politically correct advocates for admitting girls and completely integrating the school; when we would argue with him about it, he would say that it would destroy something fundamental and special about the place. (Of course he was right. The school is now essentially run by women for girls and churns out graduates of the Elena Kagan type along with properly house-trained, neutered males. Has any ruling class in history ever immolated itself so thoroughly and with so little fuss as the old American male WASP elite?) I knew at some level that Mr. M was “into boys,” as did most everyone; there were occasional jokes about it. I had even come onto him myself in a half-acknowledged way (that is to say, I didn't quite tell myself what I was doing). But I wasn't his type, which didn't prevent him from being the most important mentor I ever had. I worshiped the man and if he had wanted me sexually, I would have instantly made myself available – as I said, I was already broadcasting the signals. I understand perfectly what the classical Greek and Japanese apologists for pederasty were getting at when they wrote of the boy giving himself in gratitude for what he has been shown, been taught. Be that as it may, under Mr. M's leadership and prodding, the paper was a wonderful place for misfits like Ronnie and me. I made editor my senior year and of course continued to work closely with Ronnie, but in the meantime, I had fallen for another younger boy, had begun a sexual relationship with a girl with whom I was really doing my best to fake lust, and was still getting it on with the classmate (not the best looking guy on earth, but we were comfortable with each other by then and each of us knew exactly what the other needed – we were each others' stress antidotes). And alas, Ronnie was hit rather early by testosterone poisoning. I am primarily interested in boys (my AOA is around 12-15, although I'm not religious about it) but I like certain young men as well, which has made things easier for me, I suppose, than for many BL s. Ronnie, however, did not pubesc, if I can coin a term, into the kind of young man I like. His soft silky blond locks turned a dull, dishwater flat. Lots of hair began growing where it shouldn't – on his arms and legs, even on his ass which I occasionally glimpsed in the showers by the pool. The round cherubic face lengthened out and became somewhat sharp; gaunt. And perhaps in response to his earlier insecurities, he adopted a hard-edged, knowing tone that could sometimes veer into an off-putting petulance. Don't get me wrong, I still liked him as a friend and respected him as a writer, but he no longer occupied even a minor place in the pantheon of boys from whom I would select one or two per night for masturbatory fantasies. I graduated and went on to university. But I remained interested in the affairs of the school. I kept in touch with Mr. M – I continued to send him much of what I wrote for critiques, saw him whenever I could (we would still have long, passionate debates), and wouldn't have dreamed of making a serious life-decision – choice of college major or job, for example --without consulting him. And I saw Ronnie as well from time to time. By his senior year, he became editor just as I had been three years earlier. It was on one of my visits back to the school late in his senior year that Ronnie “came out” to me, as they say. Stonewall had just happened and Ronnie was every bit the militant, I've-had-it-and-I'm-not-going-to-take-it-any-more gay. He was far more politically “advanced” than I was; I was still pretty closeted, to use the language of the time. In fact, he nailed me right away, insisting that I come out to him (which I had never done in so many words). And in some ways it was a relief to talk to him finally with complete openness. Ronnie told me that he had figured out very early on that I wanted him. But that at the same time he was being hit on openly by Mr. M and he preferred a man who was explicit about what he wanted and needed to some confused upperclassman who hadn't yet made the connection between where his cock pointed and what kind of life he was going to lead. He would get invited on Sunday evenings for pizza in Mr. M's rooms (like many of the other single teachers, Mr. M lived on campus) – sometimes just by himself, sometimes with other boys, although the others would leave before anything happened between Ronnie and Mr. M. But then things would, indeed, happen. Ronnie spoke in a somewhat bemused, dismissive way of the sex he and Mr. M had had; maybe because it was “closeted,” Ronnie didn't find it sufficiently radical by the time he told me about it. He did speak admiringly of the size of Mr. M's cock and the skill with which he used it, but it was clear he felt that Mr. M was something of a coward by not being open about his sexuality – although exactly how one is to be open about one's homosexuality and keep one's job when that job involves teaching boys was not clear, even then. But those are the types of contradictions that don't much bother hot-headed 17 year-olds. Ronnie also spoke explicitly and lasciviously of several of the younger boys, boys I had noticed as well. In fact, it was clear that Ronnie and I had pretty much the same sexual tastes – we both doted on beautiful boys right on the edge of puberty, although neither of us was averse to sex with older boys/young men provided they retained some element of boyishness about them. Even though I had gone on to university, had given up trying to fake anything with girls, and had begun to identify as “gay” to myself (if not yet to others), I was still more closeted about my own feelings than Ronnie. And Ronnie knew so much more – he knew which boys were available, which boys might be available, and even which of my classmates had been sexually active and were likely by then to be “coming out” as gay. Ronnie had already been accepted at a college in a city even then famous for its tolerance of “alternative life styles” and had chosen it in part of because of the vibrant gay community in and around that college. As the years went by, I continued to see Ronnie from time to time, although we took different paths. I would continue to work with words (I still do); Ronnie, after floundering for a year or two after graduating college, went into business. He was moderately successful at a large, famous company. Back in the early 80s, when he was working there, we both lived abroad; he in a poor developing country where he had a major role in some big construction project, me in a nearby much richer country. He used to get periodic “leaves” because his was considered a hardship post; he would come to my city, stay with me, and go out every night and pick up young guys. He told me a little about his personal life where he was stationed; he said most of his ex-pat colleagues at work hated the place, but he loved it. He spent his free time off the compound with local teenagers; there was no “gay life” there – the whole concept was foreign – but that didn't prevent him from forming close relationships with the local teens – in fact, it made it easier. Usually, he would just “hang out” with them, but sometimes sex would happen; it was treated not as something “gay” that marked a boy who did it as somehow different from his peers, but something that sometimes occurred as a natural outgrowth of close male friendships that were generally more group- than pair- oriented, so one didn't talk about or make a big deal of the sex when it occurred. For all of Ronnie's earlier militance about the coming of the gay identity back in the States, he had figured out the dynamics of where he was and – instinctively? – knew that to make a fuss of being “gay” would wreck those dynamics. So it was something of a surprise when we spent a couple of days together last week for the first time in well over a decade. He had left the big company, worked for a variety of small enterprises, and finally started his own business. He's been moderately successful, but he works hard and he doesn't have much chance to travel. But a business trip did finally take him to my city; he e-mailed me that he was coming, and I insisted he spend the weekend with me. I hinted around a little about boys – we watched a DVD with a couple of very cute boys in it (perfectly legal). I mentioned warily that I sometimes read boards for pederasts as I called places like this one; he laughed knowingly, said I hadn't changed much. He made some contemptuous remarks (admittedly at my prodding) about the cops and vigilantes who spend their time perving over “underage” porn so they can ruin the lives of lonely old queens. But then the conversation came around to Mr. M. Mr. M was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer two years ago and died only a few months after the diagnosis. Mr. M had not lived far from me and I had visited him several times in the hospital when he was dying. I had gotten to know a couple of his relatives and had been invited to his funeral. It was about 5-6 years after Ronnie graduated that Mr. M had left our school. His departure had engendered a huge controversy, with battalions of outraged alums (as well as current students) writing letters to the admin and the like. The powers that be wanted to get rid of him, but they handled it well – they dressed up his forced departure as part of an overhaul and “updating” of the whole language and arts side of the curriculum; went through the motions of a prominent search committee with candidates invited to the school to give teaching demonstrations and all that. (I recently read in the alumni newsletter that the man they had already decided to hire as Mr. M's replacement before all the search-committee hoopla has just retired. He was popular too, but a real smoothie – just the type of go-along-and-get-along man that feminists will tolerate. He knew how to flatter and promote the girls who were the school's new darlings. He was certainly a competent teacher. But he never inspired the intense devotion that Mr M had, and he taught students how to fit in, not how to tame language and make it one's own, beating it into shape as the indispensable tool of independent thought.) We all suspected that the real reason Mr. M was fired was because he couldn't “get along” and because of his implacable opposition to the school's integration. Those were contributing factors, but the clincher I only found about years later – Mr. M had come on pretty strong to the son of a prominent alum; the boy said something to his father who went on the warpath – discreetly of course; the alum loved the school and didn't want a public scandal, but I gather he had made credible threats. Interestingly, the administration used old-boy connections to get Mr. M a job at an elite women's college, so it looked like a promotion since Mr. M was moving from a prep school to a college – and I suppose they thought that with temptation out of the way, Mr. M would risk no more embarrassing incidents. But of course he wasn't happy there and left after a couple of years; he drifted through the rest of his life as a writing instructor at 2nd and 3rd tier colleges – the kinds of places rich people send their kids when they're not smart enough (or not smooth enough) to get into one of the top ranked schools. I am sure Mr. M was always a good teacher and now and again I would hear stories of students of his from these later years who had also gone on to do well in journalism or academia, but I don't think he ever recaptured quite the passion he had had when he had taught at our school. As he got older, he devoted more of his energies to collecting first editions and memorabilia of the writers he most admired – T.S. Eliot, Gerald Manley Hopkins, H. L. Mencken, Ezra Pound, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Evelyn Waugh, Somerset Maugham, Thomas Mann, Friedrich Nietzsche, Andre Malraux. As our relationship became more and more that of old friends rather than former teacher-and-student, he let down his guard about many issues and would talk in a way that you simply can't in polite company today. He hated mainstream liberals and feminists with a passion that I found frankly over-the-top, but he was equally vituperative about what had happened to American conservatism; his scorn for the people around George W. Bush equaled his sentiments about political correctness and the feminist abuse of language. I sometimes found these conversations uncomfortable since I tend to have mainstream liberal views on many issues, but he would be as merciless with me as he had ever been as a teacher going over a student's badly written, poorly-thought out paper, probing for sloppy thinking and weak assumptions. One thing we couldn't easily talk about was sex, however. I had introduced him to both of the (adult male) partners I have had at different stages in my life and he was as polite and nice to and about them as you could want. Now and again, it was clear he had gone gaga over some boy – usually a very young-looking college freshman, although there were middle and high school boys as well – but by that point I could read the signals and I was pretty sure nothing sexual was actually happening any more between Mr. M and these occasional youths (the infatuations occurred maybe once every couple of years or so). But there was no real talk between the two of us about sex or sexual attraction, and Mr. M made it clear he didn't want to discuss these issues, not directly. We once took a long trip together; one of the places we visited was Bangkok – I had been there before and knew about the bars where one could see naked boys in their early to mid-teens prancing around on table tops (this was the early 90s); I asked him if he wanted to hit one of these places and after hesitating a bit (he did hesitate) he said, “No, it would just be a cock-tease.” So when Ronnie and I started talking about Mr. M last weekend, I was more than a little surprised. He reminded me again of the sex they had had during Ronnie's 7th grade year (as if I needed reminding), but the way he described it had changed subtly – now Ronnie presented himself much more as the passive boy; years earlier he had talked about it as if he had taken more of the initiative than Mr. M had. He spoke of Mr. M in a pitying, slightly contemptuous way, using the word “transition” several times – that Mr. M had failed to make the “transition” to mature, self-acceptance as a gay man that the post-Stonewall political developments have made possible for homosexually inclined males. I pressed him about it (thanks to Mr. M's training, I don't tolerate unexamined thinking well). To paraphrase what Ronnie said under my questioning, there was a time when pervasive discrimination (and worse) meant that homosexually inclined males had to be discreet about their sexual orientations. In the old days, when it had been impossible for men to live together openly or to demonstrate any kind of interest in another male beyond distant feelings of friendship, it was entirely understandable that many homosexually inclined men would end up in places like boys schools or the Catholic priesthood. Similarly, back in those days, boys who had begun to discover that their feelings would mark them out as deviants or worse would turn to similarly inclined older males, men who would be less likely to betray them while helping them relieve their sexual tensions. But with the coming of gay liberation, none of this was necessary any more. Boys who discover that they are growing up gay can now –at least in more enlightened places – turn to friends and classmates and explore their sexuality with “age-appropriate” partners. They need not risk the ostracism or worse that Ronnie or I would have faced when we were growing up. Gay men, meanwhile, now have the option long available to their straight peers: adult relationships in which mature, rewarding even life-long love can develop on the basis of the deepening knowledge of another that comes from sharing lives. Of course, gay men on a glandular level will continue to be drawn to hot young teens in the same way their straight counterparts are, but just as “child brides” and marrying off girls at extremely young ages are customs that have disappeared in advanced civilized societies, so will the kind of relationship that Mr. M and Ronnie had once had. Ronnie was willing to acknowledge that classical pederastic relationships could have their pluses, but giving those up was, in his view, a small price to pay for two huge benefits: the ability of homosexually inclined men and women to build lives together without furtiveness, persecution and self-hatred, and the drastic reduction in what he characterized as the sexual exploitation of children and teenagers. Although he didn't try to paint his own relationship with Mr. M as that of exploiter and victim – treating it more as a closed chapter of a bygone age – he firmly believed that his experience was in the minority. He was particularly incensed about the scandals in the Catholic Church; indeed he spoke of the Church with a jeering, contemptuous hatred, obviously rubbing his hands with proverbial glee at the Church's troubles (he himself is a liberal Christian and goes to a gay-affirming church). When I tried to argue that at least some of the relationships that have come to light in the recent media circus were probably more akin to what he experienced with Mr. M than the helpless-child-in-the-clutches-of-a-monster-pedophile-priest that journalists like to depict, he conceded that that might be the case, but that the Church deserves what is happening to it. Many priests who cannot be honest with themselves precisely because of the Church's hateful doctrines on homosexuality had been exploiting their positions to abuse defenseless boys. – so Ronnie maintained. He conceded that he still found boys hot, but then most male adults are attracted to youth and beauty – so what? Decent straight men stay away from hitting on girls; now that it is socially and politically possible to be a decent gay man, gay men should avoid hitting on boys. I argued that there are boys who seek relationships with men (I didn't point out, although I could have, that he himself had been a case in point, although he would no doubt have responded that “things were different” then, that neither he nor Mr. M had any real choice). He was only willing to acknowledge the theoretical possibility of this, arguing that with the coming of gay-straight alliances in the schools and increasingly open acceptance of homosexuality these days, homosexually-inclined boys are going to be far more interested in each other than in some older guy. And in cases where a boy really did want a relationship with a man, the man should exercise “self-control” – steering the boy towards “age-appropriate” relationships (he used that term so many times I had to restrain myself from throwing things at him). He seemed to think that the man's ability to offer sound, disinterested advice or act as a role model would be irremediably compromised if the two were to have sex – that sex between an adult and a youth is inherently “exploitative.” I wanted to scream about his own relationship with Mr. M, but he could always turn that aside as the product of an earlier, repressive age. I realized that we had fundamentally different takes on Mr. M – that I still regarded him with unbridled admiration and gratitude as a great and passionate teacher, and that I saw his greatness as a teacher as inextricably tied up with his boylove. Ronnie viewed him with pity as someone trapped by the internalized protocols of a repressed, bygone age. Bygone? Ronnie was willing to concede that much of the media hysteria over kiddie porn, not to mention the behavior of the on-line vigilantes and the cops who spend their time impersonating teenagers, is at its core socially acceptable homophobia. It's no longer the “done thing” to arrest or beat up old queens in public toilets; instead you ruin their lives by catching them on-line. And he admitted that if anything, it can be harder for sissyish and otherwise obviously gay boys today in the “red states” than it had been a generation ago, now that everyone is aware of gay issues. But Ronnie's solution is to continue the “progress” as he sees it of the last thirty years – electing mainstream liberals to public office (Ronnie is very active in his local Democratic Party chapter), prosecuting “hate crimes,” encouraging the spread of gay-friendly school policies. Men who are concerned about gay youth should channel that concern not into trying to hit on boys but into contributing towards counseling and other services that can offer gay kids a refuge from homophobic home and school environments (I gather there are a number of such places, both “real” and on-line.) Of course I found his smug self-assurance enraging and it was hard for me to keep my cool. I didn't bring up the way he had lived nearly 30 years ago in that developing country when he too was hitting on teenage boys; maybe I should have. I suppose again he would have argued again that things were “different” - that the boys in that country might have been free to form close attachments with each other and sometimes with men, but that after all they would be pushed into marriages with women they didn't necessarily love (not getting married in that country is simply not an option), so aren't things moving in the right direction in the enlightened West after all. Ugh. We did end up agreeing about one thing: that with the spread of “gay liberation” men like Mr. M will gradually disappear. In Ronnie's view, when they are young, future “Mr. M's” will self-identify as “gay,” seek “age-appropriate” relationships, and end up as happy and fulfilled gay men – and thus be great role models for youngsters – gay or straight, male or female. In my view, our schools will no longer have places for brilliant teachers that instill in groups of young males the capacity for independent thought. The latter part of Mr. M's life shows what will happen to men like him: if they manage to stay out of prison, they will live on the margins of society, surviving hand to mouth on jobs that don't begin to tap their potentials. I have some further thoughts, but I'd like to get reactions before I set those out. It does seem to me that the intertwined stories of Ronnie and Mr. M, enfolding as they did under my eyes, capture the whole social reshaping of male homosexuality that has occurred in my lifetime. Ronnie thinks it's great (and I suspect that the vast majority of “out” gay men agree with him, not to mention tens of millions of women). I think it's a disaster. |