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Blake was a rapist and/or pederast

Posted by ophrys apifera on 2010-August-5 06:51:19, Thursday
In reply to hyacinth: it's a quote posted by t_j on 2010-August-5 05:50:47, Thursday

The invisible worm is of course an mans penis. Because a woman wouldn't actually see the guys togger, that was impossible, she would close her eyes and think of the Empire.

The Rose is depending on your outlook on life;

A virgin girl or Woman's vagina/hymen that the worm seeks out at night, in the howling of passion destroying it's purity, breaking it. The female becomes pregnant never again to enjoy the fruits of innocence.


A young boys anus. The perfect bud, a rose of 'crimson joy', yet unfurled; is found by the worm. The boy is taken by force (he is lying on his tummy, so he can't actually the mans togger either, but he sure 'feels' it!)and is corrupted. His life after being taken is also destroyed and he becomes a teacher or priest.


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