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Jealousy not all bad

Posted by Edmund on 2024-April-11 21:14:17, Thursday
In reply to Re: 'The Only Problem'... posted by diogenes on 2024-April-11 11:37:25, Thursday

I agree with everything you say.

Moreover, jealousy is a natural part of the human condition and some of the reasons for that are actually rather good. Imagine a classroom of thirteen-year-olds in a boys' school in a society with positive attitudes towards pederasty. What would happen if a super-cool and handsome new teacher turned up who was believed to be boysexual? I suspect a rather sudden improvement in the efforts of the boys to excel before his eyes.

This scenario is so hard to envisage in our rotten culture that perhaps one should consider the heterosexual equivalent. At the time of the massive publicity over the Jeremy Forrest affair (2013; a girl of 15 falling in love with her teacher and eloping with him when they were exposed; in 2013), there was a stream of letters to newspapers from grannies relating how they had fallen in love with their teachers at that age (obviously in a more tolerant era) and were still happily married to them after fifty years.

Favouritism could of course lead to problems of corruption, but I don't think it should if everything had to be out in the open and the school authorities free to adopt measures to pre-empt this happening.

For a real-life equivalent of the fictional stories you cite, consider the case of Hajo Ortil, who had sex with about eight hundred boys without a single one complaining and some of them long afterwards recalling him fondly in public. There is an interview with him posted at the link below which has had so many hits compared to any similar webpage that I have grown to suspect its popularity comes from old pupils longing to revive happy memories.
  • (https site) Interview with Hajo Ortil
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