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high voice a good thing? i hate mine

Posted by AdOrkAbLe RawR Boii on 2008-August-12 08:09:17, Tuesday
In reply to Boy Muscles: hot or not? posted by Davis on 2008-August-11 20:10:13, Monday

ok the high voice thing stuck out for me... being mid teen i think thats what i class as i never get this right.. and without giving out my real age...

i have always hated my voice.. as i hit puberty it never changed... tho its good for singing ( i love to sing and can really hit some of those high notes too) its a (looks for the word) downfall (maybe the right word) when i m trying to function in real life.. speaking on the phone i get called kid or lil boi or even girl sometimes as it is very high and this woman once called the house and thought i was a 9 year old girl... i was like wtf i m a BOI i hit puberty i have all the body parts i should have for a boi do you mind woman (grr)

but do you guys think its gonna be a problem with i get older? say i m 25 and i still sound like a lil kid? how is gonna take me seriously?

i took up smoking as people told me it deepens your voice... guess only time will tell if that rumor is true...

the docs have given me reasons as to why my voice is still high but apart from giving me hormone treatment which right now given my health isnt an option there isnt much they can do....

am i gonna be stuck sounding like a lil kid for the rest of my life? and should i be so worried about it..

i dont know if i m really asking questions or just opnions or if anyone can really answer me eh i m just ranting i guess

thanks for reading


AdOrKaBle RawR Boii

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