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I think you get it

Posted by Etenne on 2024-December-28 11:14:51, Saturday
In reply to Unsure what you mean posted by Lial on 2024-December-28 05:17:33, Saturday

"You'd have to go search yourself to be certain though"

I like people's personal accounts better. I often find that what people say they do (even on surveys) and what they actually do is two different things.

I can't even tell you the number of fine upstanding straight family men that I have known that cheat on their wife with other women or men or both. "Family man" is simply the role they play/ the image they project but the reality is that they are as big or bigger pervs then the rest of us..

"(For the record, he did leave me alone, but it did cross my mind that he might not.)"

Isn't that part of the full women experience? :P

".... veered into discomforting territory"

Does that mean that you don't enjoy bottoming?

See my experience talking to these guys is that a lot of them want trans women to do them up the bottom lol

International Boylove Day

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