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Re: Yes he did

Posted by mark194 on 2024-July-28 14:31:20, Sunday
In reply to Re: Yes he did posted by monkeyLostInHead on 2024-July-28 09:55:42, Sunday

He didnt make up something with no evidence.

Yes, he did.

there was lots of talk around what happened on election night.

Oh, that's the evidence you're talking about? "Lots of talk?" Some retard looked at a graph and said "It's not supposed to go up that fast! There's fraud!" because they don't understand how batches of votes are counted, and that in your mind constitutes evidence?

There's lots of talk about the earth being flat, and about vaccines causing autism, and about the moon landings being fake: I guess there's evidence for all those things too?

I am reasonable, and I dont know that the election fraud claims are false.

Yeah, because you haven't looked into it at all.

Who did he tell to go and investigate, and what did they come back with?

I was thinking of Barr, who told Trump "all that stuff was bullshit" in reference to election fraud.

"To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election,” Barr told the AP.


Barr said he told Trump the Justice Department had investigated and found no evidence to support the various conspiracy theories that Trump and his legal team were pushing.

I think its reasonable to assume that Trump hoped to at least delay certification.

Ok, gotcha. Just to clarify this, would you agree that his ultimate intention was to fraudulently overturn the election results? That is, if he was trying to delay the certification, that would've been a means to the end of eventually getting the election results overturned, and he set out to do this even knowing he lost?

I have no idea how much he thought the crowd would do.

Ok. So, when he said, in reference to the crowd having guns, "I don't fucking care that they have weapons. They're not here to hurt me", what do you make of that?

And what do you make of the fact that, instead of calling the crowd off as soon as he knew they were being violent, Trump sat there sipping his diet coke and watching the whole thing unfold on TV, and waited until three hours later, when the insurrection (I believe you admitted it was as much) had failed, to tell them to go home?

Isn't it a bit odd that trump would say and do these things if he didn't expect or intend the violence?

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