Well, why would Barr lie about that? If there was actual widespread voter fraud against Trump, why wouldn't Barr want to investigate that? Saying that the election fraud claims were unsubstantiated cost him his job - why would he do that if there actually was evidence to substantiate them? I have no idea if he would lie about it or not. Its not wildly outside the realms of possibility. But I am not going to take your word for it. And Im not going to take that articles word for it. I would want to know what he investigated, and who he spoke to. Do you still think that the claims about dominion voting machines require further investigation, when the network propagating them opted to settle for almost 800 million dollars rather than defend their veracity in court? Yes, I think the claims about dominion voting machines require further investigation. Are you actually saying that a mob breaking into the Capitol while the election results are being certified in order to get them overturned, is not an insurrection? That assumes that they had that goal in mind. They didnt appear to have any goal other than breaking in and milling around. You appear to think that Trump set them off with all these goals. I dont see any evidence of that in his speech. I guess you could claim that his tweets about pence might have given the mob the idea, but Im not sure thats how things work, that is, I dont think a mob would necessarily be monitoring twitter and interpreting Trumps tweets. I dont see any organization and leadership. I dont think an insurrection is achieved by an unorganized mob with sticks. As Ive said, its a possibility that all you say is true. Im just not going to accept your interpretation on the evidence you have presented. The things I just said. Saying "I don't fucking care that they have weapons, they're not here to hurt me", and waiting three hours to call off the mob. What do you make of Trump saying this and doing this? when I looked up that quote, the explanation given was that he wanted the place to be full of people for media/photos. Do you think thats not a viable explanation? Of course, the explanation that he wanted people with weapons to stay around for nefarious purposes is also a viable explanation, How do we determine which is the correct one? |