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He's considered a fraud in some circles

Posted by Errant on 2024-July-16 02:55:33, Tuesday
In reply to Trump announces next POTUS posted by Sick Rose on 2024-July-15 19:04:45, Monday

There was some controversy about his cartoonish depiction of Appalachia when his book came out, dealing in stereotypes to magnify his own self-aggrandizement for getting out. And, of course, Leftists are attracted to his essentialist narrative about hillbillies being just a bunch of white trash who are intrinsically racist and misogynist. There's even a book with contributions from people from the region to counter Vance's memoir. But I don't know why you would look to the White House to bring anything into boys' lives. If you're not teaching your YFs that DC is a hive of scum and villainy, then you're just setting them up to become hero-worshipping sheep (and sheep are not "men" of any variety no matter how much hormones you pump into them). What kind of mentor teaches boys to look to Dear Leader?


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