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Butt out.

Posted by i woke up grumpy on 2022-August-28 20:21:52, Sunday
In reply to Re: Fuck you Arota posted by kit on 2022-August-28 19:17:51, Sunday

No. everyone has a right to their own opinion, but when you pick a fight with one of us, you better be sure to have back up.

And opinions are JUST like assholes.

I also have a low opinion of Brits. I worked for one here in the states and he would be downing the U.S. even tho the shithead couldn't find work at home so he came here.

That is my opinion, and I accumulate them every day, as I learn who our enemies are.

If I get a vote about it, My sons and grandsons will never go to war to save your butts again.

i woke up grumpy

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