It drives the "child-savers" nuts! How can it be, when it is so well-established by the psych-industry "professionals" that children are forever damaged and irreparably psychologically harmed [which is, remember, a myth -- don't fall for it yourself!] if the children It drives the "anti-child-porn" people nuts that in the vast majority of videos and still photos of children (supposedly) "forced into posing in sexual activity" -- so-called "child pornography" -- by "evil monster child molesters," the kids usually are relaxed, smiling, laughing, and generally enjoying themselves, even seemingly PROUD to be displaying their bodies for the camera? It drives the cops nuts trying to understand why "innocent children" return so often to visit their "abusers" -- often over a period of months or years! -- with the children insisting that they are NOT abused in any way. How can this be? The obvious answer to the first question is that the children are actually NOT harmed by sexual activity, so there is NOTHING to recover from! To the second question, the answer is again just as simple -- the kids LIKE to pose/engage in sexual activity, and to be filmed or photographed while doing so. They are NOT being forced to. But the public cannot be told the truth. The materials are hidden from the public, ostensibly because "they are no awful, nasty, and shocking to look at," and that "when people see this material the abuse is revisited on the children causing them additional harm". The third question? Again, the answer is simple. The children feel in control, are happy to be exercising their "sexual agency," and they return over and over because they are happy with the experiences they are having, and actually ENJOY being "molested" and being "sexually abused". Isn't it amazing the power of the "child-sexual-abuse narrative" that the simple and obvious answers to such seemingly perplexing questions cannot be given, or even suggested? What are your thoughts? Do you think that this is fair to children -- to tell kids what they are supposed to think and feel, when it comes to what they want to do with their bodies, without any input whatsoever from the kids themselves? And how about the adults they are involved with? M. If someone would like, I can provide books and published articles on the above topics, though it would take we awhile to find them because I have an IMMENSE library on the "problem" (usually, the "non-problem") of "child sexual abuse". |