** Like in anything in life abuse can arise in sports, social settings, family dynamics, and just about with anyone doing just about any activity. ** Hurtful, damaging, and cruel conduct against any youth, or anyone for that matter must be called out, and punished. That said, for me to prevent sexual expression, to deem any erotic intimacy under 18yo that is shared with someone younger or older a criminal offence is a violation, and does in fact harm youth long term. The law as it is, is hurtful, it injures and destroys lives. It's criminal. The problem is the avalanche of prosecution against the state, and all the experts that cause said abuse has not yet started. Beautiful will be the days we see hoards of PhD forensic psychiatrist from all over being hauled off to prison for malicious prosecution, and damaging interventions... along with all those "officials" responsible for profiting off of hysterical narratives, and cruel and unusual punishments. |