The hypocrisy is breath taking. It may be obvious to you that a "new" BCer is the alt nickname of a long time boychatter, but it isn't obvious to the law enforcement/antis/pedo-baiters who trawl the board looking to pad their #DOSSIERS. What are you trying to achieve by calling "Roy" out in this manner? How would you like for your alt nicks to be nick-linked? That's right, you wouldn't like it, so you should do unto others as you'd have done to you and let people "rebrand" if they want to. Of course it was blatantly obvious when you did it too, but only to those of us familiar enough with your, ahem, "style" (to use a kind euphemism) to recognized you. Outsiders and newbies remain clueless, thanks to the rest of us remaining silent. Sources say there are less than 30 actual human beings behind all of the personalities presented here (on slow days a lot less than that) so who can blame a bored BCer for wanting to liven up the chat a bit with a fresh character? As long as the person isn't responding back and forth with themselves then they aren't really violating any major BC norms. |