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Re: this appears to be blatant nick linking

Posted by monkeyLostInHead on 2025-January-13 12:57:22, Monday
In reply to this appears to be blatant nick linking posted by Tyred on 2025-January-12 20:00:51, Sunday

this appears to be blatant nick linking

I didnt mention a name, so how is this nicklinking? Saying "this looks familiar" or even "this reminds me of another poster" is not nick linking. You would have to give a specific nick in order to nick link. I didnt.

The hypocrisy is breath taking.

In the link you give, you link a specific current poster, with posts from a specific previous poster. That is what appeared to be nick linking.

So no, no hypocrisy

It may be obvious to you that a "new" BCer is the alt nickname of a long time boychatter, but it isn't obvious to the law enforcement/antis/pedo-baiters who trawl the board looking to pad their #DOSSIERS. What are you trying to achieve by calling "Roy" out in this manner?

This hypocrisy, however, is all yours. You constantly call people out for being sock puppets.

How would you like for your alt nicks to be nick-linked? That's right, you wouldn't like it, so you should do unto others as you'd have done to you and let people "rebrand" if they want to. Of course it was blatantly obvious when you did it too, but only to those of us familiar enough with your, ahem, "style" (to use a kind euphemism) to recognized you. Outsiders and newbies remain clueless, thanks to the rest of us remaining silent.

Of course, I cannot prove this, but this is the only nick that I use to post here.

So any parallels you draw are purely in your own mind.

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