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The thing you continuously fail to understand....

Posted by Etenne on 2025-January-2 13:31:01, Thursday
In reply to Re: why he has learned to act that way.... posted by monkeyLostInHead on 2025-January-2 12:44:21, Thursday

... even if he had parents who forced him to behave in a more expected typical way... he would still be a fabulous kid, he'd just be a very miserable fabulous kid.... and in the worst case scenario, a very dead fabulous kid, either by his own hand or that of his parents. There is a reason suicide and death rates are so high among gay kids.

That is not to say that some kids like him don't survive and eventually escape.

Still, I think it is better to have supportive parents, even if their kid did not turn out the way they were expecting.

And really as a parent, there is not much difference in having take you kid to dance class, theater club etc..... or some sports related activity... after awhile, it is still a drag either way lol

The difference is in having a happy well adjusted little fag boy or a miserable and damaged little fag boy. I personally think we should give them all the glitter their little cock-sucking hearts desire. IMHO
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