THIS IS FOR INFORMATIONAL/HISTORICAL PURPOSES ONLY. FOLLOW ALL YOUR LOCAL LAWS. NOTE: The links are all dead. PAGE 3 The Pedophilia/Pedophile Education Web Site Topics covered on this page Common myths about pedophiles The Pedo Credo COMMON MYTHS ABOUT PEDOPHILES Myth # 1 "All pedophiles are men" No they are not! A pedophile can be a man or a woman. There are undoubtably MORE pedophiles that are men than women, but female child lovers do exist. Part of the reason society accepts this myth is related to the usual male-bashing and refusal to believe anything "bad" about women or their intentions. I am not saying pedophilia is bad, but I suspect you understand my point. But women are quite capable of being pedophiles, I suggest if you doubt this you need to look a little more closely at what is going down in the real world. Still, it is true that more men are pedophiles. SOME of the reasons for this disparity are: (1) Women have alot more outlets via easier access to kids which leads to less "desperate" behavior which would be noticable to society at large. A woman can be around kids more easily and not be suspected by our society. A man does this and he is immediately viewed with suspicion. This does not mean they are not there -- only that society refuses to believe they are for real, and this helps women pedos get their relief more easily than male pedos. If a woman gives a child a bath, how many would suspect her of arousal? If a man does the same it is much more likely to be considered. Women often get trusting, unchallenged access to these outlets even if they are closet pedos which relieves pressure. Men are forced to use pedo Usenet and illegal pictures to get relief, and many now want this outlet taken away! No wonder men appear more desperate and are caught "acting out" much more often than women! (2) Women often treat kids in a parental role too often for a relationship bond on a mutual respect level to exist easily. Pedophiles are not generally condesending to kids. It is harder for women to become pedophiles in the first place since they frequently view kids as subordinates (early training via babysitting and other traditional patronizing roles of authority instead of interaction without judgements and existing on a relatively equal plane) and this turns kids off who in turn tune women out as partners for relationships and sexual release. Kids can spot a "normal" adult a mile away -- they are not stupid. Pedophiles are not really children themselves emotionally, but they still tend to view kids on their level to some extent at least, and women do not view kids this way as often, due to the above reasons. There may be other reasons for the lesser numbers of female pedophiles, I have only listed two possible causes. In any case, it is true that women do not tend to develop into pedophiles as often as men do. But make no mistake, I have seen a FEW. On the Usenet from time to time in and other such newsgroups women pedophiles request pictures of young boys having sex with other adult women like themselves and with other kids. We should welcome women into our family of pedophile advocates and kid supporters. There is nothing wrong with you if you are a female pedophile! I accept you as you are and do not judge you. If you, say, like little boys and desire sex with them -- more power to you! Never stop loving kids just because of our oppressive society. Women pedophiles unite! Together we are strong, apart and we can be victimized. All pedophiles, male or female, need to stand together and love children and champion their rights -- only by being united can we make a real difference! Myth # 2 "Many pedophiles are sadists" Rarely true. Since pedophiles are very fond of children and do not desire to harm them, this is seldom the case. It is another, typical media myth. There is plenty of hysteria and phobia about pedophiles out there, leading to scapegoat laws being passed by oppportunistic politicians like "Megan's Law". The public learns a poor little girl was raped and murdered and bingo, a law is passed which draws no distinction between homicidal rapist maniacs and pedophiles -- who are NOT even remotely related! It hurts me to see this kind of thing perpetuated, giving the wrong ideas about pedophiles to kids and their parents. The crazy murderer rapist is mingled together on the same level with pedophiles and this is insane! As a pedophile, I do not wish to harm kids! I love children! I would never even THINK about doing such a thing to a child! My heart goes out to her family. I wish I'd have been there and was her very own pedophile. If I had been involved with Megan instead of that nutcase, she would still be alive, healthy, wealthy and wise today. This blurring of the clear line which exists between pedophiles and rapists/murderers is REALLY disturbing. I doubt if Megan had much choice in her case, it seems to me that one was a case of force and violence leading to death -- nothing even remotely related to pedophilia! Let me ask you something. If you are an adult female-loving heterosexual male out there reading this right now, how would you feel if the media portrayed YOU this way? What would you think if laws were passed like "Megan's Law" against you -- in effect branding you on the same level as a rapist and a murderer? Think about it. This law is horrible, even if the intentions are good. Megan's Law requires state authorities to notify communities when convicted sex offenders move in. It sounds fine -- until you consider its flaws. Since "good" pedophiles can very easily be convicted sex offenders, the law is terrible. I love chidren and am not anything like the cruel maniac who ended Megan's life. You are branded as a person who harms kids to the community and singled out as a target. If I have sexual contact with a child who fully consents or even asks for it, and her mom finds out and I am charged with it and convicted (these things happening to me even against the girls' will) I am a candidate for Megan's Law! I hate what happened to her, but I am not a rapist or a murderer. Megan struggled with her attacker -- she would not have done so with me because (a) I would not have "lured" her into my home to rape her. (b) I would not have tortured, raped, maimed or killed her to begin with. (c) I am a pedophile, and WE LOVE children do not do these things! Her killer is being called a "pedophile" when he IS NOT one! No pedophile would hurt Megan! When I saw her picture on the net I nearly broke down for good. I never knew her, but I was revolted that anyone would do this kind of thing to a child -- as much as the non-pedophile community was repulsed and probably PLENTY more so! They ought to throw the book at this nut -- but not at pedophiles! Every time someone mentions this case and calls her murdering rapist a "pedophile" it is the worst form of discrimination and we all suffer for it. If Megan had been a 7 year old BOY instead of a girl, and her attacker was the same man, do you think they would pass a law requiring all notification of the community whenever a "convicted homosexual" moves in? You see my point. Ther is no connection between the two -- just as there is no connection between pedophiles and that sick animal who raped and killed Megan. Pedophiles are easy targets for scapegoating, and Bill Clinton ought to be ashamed of himself for signing this horrid bill into law. Myth # 3 "Pedophiles are feared by children" Seldom true. Pedophiles are often LOVED by children, chiefly because they realize he/she is an adult who LISTENS to them and their needs! "Normal" adults rarely do this, and treat kids like less than second class citizens, while claiming they care about them and their welfare -- often an excuse to oppress and repress them. Pedophiles do not condesendingly talk down to young people, which makes them very attractive to kids. A child can spot a "normal" grown-up a mile away. They are not idiots. A regular adult acts like they do not exist, or treats them with little respect and underestimates their intelligence and wisdom. A pedophile does the opposite, and makes a child feel important and special. We believe they ARE special and have a right to a voice in what happens to them. That is why all the talk about us being "child molesters" is so bogus! We do not feel kids owe us sex or anything else, but many "normal" adults think it is ok to force THEIR views and actions on children! We feel they have the right to make up their OWN minds! The fear of pedophilia and sexual feelings being demonstrated by kids is caused in part by the notion that adults OWN children as property. Pedophiles are adults who know that we do NOT own children! The other phobia is in refusing to believe a kid CAN be sexual and desire relief. Most adults, who are hung-up on sex and feel it is dirty and shameful, feel that kids are the "last resource" of innocence and purity, they wish to think of them as being unspoiled and clean. It is hard enough for most adult to admit THEY are sexual -- much harder still to admit their own kids have sexual feelings. But they do! A child can even climax in much the same way as you do. You must allow them to express these feelings, repressing them is harmful to their healthy development. By taking pedophiles away from kids, you are making it that much harder for them to obtain safe, satisfying relief with a caring adult guide to help them cope with and understand these feelings and urges. You are also hurting the child greatly in an emotional when you remove someone and punish them for loving the child. The child often loves the pedophile intensely and by punishing them and taking them away, society is harming the child immensely, in addition to imparting a sense of shame which should not even be there at all! The child in a non-forcing, non-coercive relationship with a pedophile does NOT view their sexual contact as abuse or molestation! Society needs to do more LISTENING to what the child really say and less TELLING children what they can and cannot do. Adult/child sex is often is mutually desired and even good for the child. They have the right to love someone else and express it via sex, to prevent this is a violation of human/civil rights. We owe kids more than that and must not deny them their right of free sexual expression. We need to listen to them and make it clear that they can say BOTH "no" AND "yes" to sexual activity -- instead of only refusing it. The choice is THEIRS to make, not OURS. Kids have no reason to fear pedophiles, but they DO have MANY reasons to fear "normal" adults! Please stop oppressing kids and their loved ones. Myth # 4 "Pedophiles are kids themselves" Another media myth. Just because pedophiles respect kids and their right of free choice does not make THEM children as well. Sure, we interact with them and often understand what motivates them and the like, but that does not make US children ourselves. That is not meant as a put down to kids, mind you. A pedophile is an adult, and adults DO generally have much more experience and total knowledge than kids do. But that does not mean a child cannot give consent to be a friend of and have sex with an older individual! Pedophiles understand and relate to kids, but they are not usually kids themselves emotionally, mentally or physically. This does not mean they "prey" on children using their "superior" abilities made possible by greater experience. Even if I COULD "trick" a child into sex, I would not, because I respect them too much. I just would not feel right about it afterwards. Most pedophiles feel this way. You cannot force a child to be your friend or make them have sex with you -- both are morally wrong. The same applies to adult-adult relationships as well. We pedophiles are not really so different from anybody else, except that we treat kids better and protect them and their rights more than others do. I like the innocence of children, the lack of pre-conceived notions and heavy-handed judgements. We ALL should take a cue from our children. If we could lose some of our ill-founded judgementalism we would be much better off! Prejudice is an adult thing, something kids do not have until they are "soiled" by some of us hate-mongering adults! So I suppose a part of me IS a child, in that I'm in total agreement with the fairness kids display to others UNTIL they are infected with hate. Myth # 5 "Pedophiles are always child-molesters and use kids selfishly" Never! Sure, we desire sexual relief via them -- but that does not make us evil users! The contact is mutual in any true pedophile/child relationship! You MUST learn to distinguish between someone who IS molesting kids (forcing unwanted sexual contact) and is out there having coercive sexual relations with HUNDREDS of kids -- and somebody who LOVES children and and cares about them and likes to interact with them and make love with them -- in other words: pedophiles! The two types of adults in question are NOT at all the same, any more than a heterosexual man who is in a love relationship with a woman and they have consensual sex is the same as a heterosexual rapist that goes out and rapes a woman! Of course none of us condones rape, and I do not give approval to a so-called "pedophile" (not really one, anyway) who tries to molest kids and hurts them. If the adult cares about the child, and he/she wants non-abusive/coercive sex with a WILLING child, that is quite different! The child IS getting something out of the contact in this case. They often like sex and wish to learn how to do it. They are curious and need to have that urge satisfied. They are obtaining safe, guided, sexual relief with someone they love and care about -- what could be more normal or natural? THE PEDO CREDO This is the Pedophile Credo or Constitution. It supports who we are without apology, and stresses self-acceptance and other child-loving awareness. Read it and learn by heart! Supporters of the PLA (Pedophile Liberation Army) must read this document and defend it. 1) I am a pedophile -- and children are sexual and need release with me via sex/contact. 2) I feel good about myself and my views on children -- and will join pedo organizations. 3) I love children -- and kids love pedophiles and want to be with them. 4) I wish to defend the right of free sexual expression for children and pedophiles. 5) I have nothing to apologize for -- nobody can make me feel guilty for loving children. 6) I am entitled to my own opinion and nobody can censor me because they disagree. 7) I simply have a different sexual orientation than most people. 8) There is nothing "wrong" with me -- I'm not a "predator" -- I respect kids -- unlike society. 9) I'm not mentally ill -- society wishes to deny the sexual nature of kids and blames us. 10) I should be able to have relationships with children without being condemned/jailed. 11) I understand a child can say "no" and that he/she may also say "yes" to sex. 12) I will "network" with other pedophiles and use the safety of the internet to do it. 13) I will share experiences with people of my own kind in mutual self-help/support. 14) I realize that bonding with other pedophiles is a good thing and stops self-hatred. 15) I am not a rapist and would NEVER harm or force myself on a child. 16) I am not a "child-molester" since I do not "molest" (bother/annoy/disturb) kids. 17) I favor sexual contact between consenting children and adults being legalized. 18) I accept who and what I am without feeling guilty or ashamed over it. 19) I will work to stop ignorance of pedophiles and pedophilia using the internet. 20) I will work to promote TRUE understanding regarding the effects of sex on kids. 21) I will work tirelessly to stop censorship of our beliefs online and elsewhere. 22) I will eventually "come out" when our beliefs are legalized and viewed objectively. 23) I support pedophiles educating kids in the classroom to explore their options. 24) I support pedophiles being involved and not "screened out" of youth organizations. 25) I will protect myself from prosecution at all times if possible to keep hope alive. 26) I will not keep kids from exploring their sexuality with me or even other children. 27) I will not accept being a scapegoat of abusive, misguided laws (e.g. Megan's Law) 28) I will be active politically and demanding of my elected officials to respect me. 29) I will put up my own web site about/advocating pedophilia and educate the public. 30) I will counteract the lies of "save the children" organizations and tell the truth. 31) I demand the right of companionship with children I care about and protect. 32) I am not a monster. I accept children are sexual beings -- it is society that is wrong. 33) I am a good, moral, loving person who is attracted to and loves children harmlessly. 34) I will work to stop the REAL reasons for harm to kids in sex with with adults -- GUILT. 35) I will help children explore their sexual feelings with a safe, caring adult/pedo. 36) I advocate a very substantial lowering of the "age of consent" laws. 37) I will collect erotic photos & drawings of kids and TRADE (safely) with other pedos. 38) I advocate "pedophile self-help support groups" that are pro-pedo and not judging. 39) I have a dream! That we will all be free one day and I will rejoice at emancipation. 40) I am not ever going away. I will be here forever and love kids always. We will win! Those were the 40 basic commandments for all pedophiles to live by. One day we will have equal rights under the law, but only if you stand up and refuse to be a victim! This is a war and we need to win it at all costs. Fight ignorance and hate. Pedophiles unite! Pedophiles must organize! Pedophiles must act with one voice...Join the PLA today! Other pages on this web site Page one Page two Page three (this page) Page four Page five Page six PAGE 4 The Pedophilia/Pedophile Education Web Site Topics covered on this page Why people are misinformed about pedophiles Obtaining sexual relief without involving children directly WHY PEOPLE ARE MISINFORMED ABOUT PEDOPHILES Most persons are woefully ignorant about who and what pedophiles are. The ignorance is astounding, but understandable given the position that pedophilia occupies in most societies. People get the wrong ideas often, and there are a number of reasons why -- some are simple lack-of-knowledge errors and others are much more complex having to do with long-standing prejudices and phobias. Several of the the key reasons follow... 1) Reliability of pedophile data in studies is practically non-existent. It is crucial to understand this fact to avoid the traps and pitfalls many are taken in by. Most studies of "pedophiles" are misleading because they are biased against pedophilia in an emotional way. That is, most researchers treat pedophilia as a sickness without any counter-argument, so any findings are almost always lacking in objectivity. The research is conducted along the lines that pedophiles are ALWAYS abusers and child-molesters and this is RARELY so. If one starts with a faulty premise, he/she must invariably reach a faulty conclusion! Differentiation between outright force and coercion (i.e. rape and near-rape) is rarely made, and pedophiles are lumped with other sexual offenders on the presumption that a child can NEVER EVER give consent. Even if the child appears to enjoy or initiate contact in some cases, this is ignored flatly. Pedophiles simply are NOT rapists or child molesters! What researchers overlook in their haste to condemn (a bias which is usually held at the outset of so-called "research", thus poisoning and invalidating the results) is that MOST CHILD MOLESTING IS IN FACT DONE BY NON-PEDOPHILES! This fact is not heard because people jump to the conclusion that if an adult has sex with a child, he/she MUST be a pedophile. Not so! In fact, such a person who has sex with a minor in a typical "abuse" case actually IS abusive! Who is this person? Answer: An individual obsessed with power and control (sort of like a rapist) who is USING the child for sexual gratification because they think the are "an easy mark" in their minds. This individual threatens kids to force compliance, and is not really erotically attracted or emotionally attached to kids. Such an adult cares little about kids except for sex and exploitation. Usually, this is a stepfather, family friend, or someone like that who is typically "normal" in other respects -- but he/she is NOT a pedophile. This person may have "normal" heterosexual sex with other adults frequently, and the child is a convenient target to abuse and get kicks from. A child-loving pedophile, on the other hand, is actually sexually excited AND usually emotionally drawn to children. He/she loves kids, and likes to be in their company. It is NOT a power thing, it is a way of life itself to a pedophile. Yes, a pedophile does sometimes have sex with kids, but rarely in great numbers and it is NOT a forcing coercive thing. The pedophile and child are often VERY close and the child is NOT made to do anything against his/her will. The pedophile is by his/her very definition NOT a child-molester! Pedophiles do not view children as definite subordinates, which is invariably the case with non-pedophiles -- abusers and non-abusers alike. Pedophiles usually do not have sex with kids, even though they want to do so. The reasons vary, but usually a pedophile who decides to cross that line cares about the child deeply and vice versa. But people see sexual abuse cases and attribute them to "pedophiles", who are not the abusers in most of those cases, and they lump them with sexual offenders who DO abuse children. The point to remember is that these stepfathers and other traditional child sex offenders are NOT pedophiles at heart, but are victimizers looking for a mark. These people are no more like pedophiles than rapists are like heterosexual men! 2) People assume pedophiles are cruising the streets looking for victims. Due to the hysteria in the media, people think pedophiles (whom they have already incorrectly lumped with real child-molesters) are on the make "preying" on the innocence of kids everywhere they get a chance. Firstly, most pedophiles are in fact celibate and abstinate except for masturbation. They do not get as many "opportunities" to be with kids in real life as the general public thinks. Again, people keep confusing pedophiles (who love children) with rapists and people who "prey" on kids. In articles about pedophiles (usually about molesters -- who are NOT pedophiles) every other line says something like "pedophiles or child molesters (one and the same to society) prey on kids whenever possible and many have hundreds of victims who are harmed for life", etc. The writers do not understand how little two-way sex pedophiles usually have, and are once again confusing regular sex offenders with pedophiles who are NOT the same! 3) People think pedophiles are only interested in kids for sexual exploitation. Again, this does not pertain to most pedophiles. They love kids and are emotionally into them and sexually stimulated by their appearence and manner, etc. A sexual offender, besides the power trip, is into kids as TARGETS for convenient sexual play to get off in a pure, sexual manner. This person can get excited by a child because it is a sexual situation when the child is having it with them. But they are not really turned on by kids per-se. A pedophile, on the other hand, actually finds kids erotically appealing and they become excited by the child himself or herself in a true way, like a common heterosexual male becomes when he sees a pretty nude female adult. Do you see the difference? It is an emotional thing also to most pedophiles. An abuser could care less about the child's feelings -- his/her gratification is paramount. A pedophile wants to be with kids and cares about them and their lives, and often loves the child he/she has sex with. Pedophiles are not into power trips and see kids as persons with rights. 4) People assume pedophiles are adept at tricking and "luring" kids into sex. This is the opposite of what a pedophile believes in doing! Again for thousandth time, many of these persons are sexual offenders, not pedophiles -- who are being confused with these persons. Pedophiles do not "trick" their child or threaten them, because to be a pedophile means that you see kids as human beings with rights and a not as property. The reason the general public thinks pedophiles think this way is simply a projection of how the public thinks IT would act/react if in the same shoes as a pedophile, whom society rarely understands. It takes a pedophile to understand a pedophile. A "regular" adult assumes a pedophile will "take advantage of a chiild's innocence" and threaten them since that adult is not thinking through the mind of a pedophile -- he/she is imagining how THEY would behave if a criminal bent on abusing a child. Pedophiles are not interested in making kids do as they command, because it is demeaning to the person they love -- the child. Since pedophiles are typically ticked off enough at the abuse kids get from most adults, the last thing on their minds is doing the same thing to their own child-lover! All of this garbage is simply an extension of the idea that kids cannot ever give consent to sex. A pedophile does not even need to trick or threaten a child to have sex with them -- the child usually loves the pedophile and comes willingly and the sex is not forcing or rough, so the child enjoy it and feels fine about it. The trouble comes when the guilt over not doing anything sets in perpetuated by adults who insist that a child must say no and NEVER yes. This is the problem! The relationship MUST be conducted in secret since who would condone it other than the pedophile and child? This adds more problems, but again, they are not the fault of the pedophile or child. It is society and their guilt and repression of sex and associating it with "dirtyness" that does harm to kids in sexual relationships. 5) People think pedophiles are mentally ill. This last point is a common misconception with a grain of truth. Pedophiles are not crazy, they are simply sexually-oriented towards children, and are not any more mad than a a typical lesbian or gay man. A pedophile expends a great deal of time and energy defending his/her choice. They develop persecution complexes sometimes because people really are out to get them! It is very hard being a pedophile. One is denied access to kids usually, and this is quite frustrating to pedophiles, naturally. It is no wonder some act out in desperation, leading a few of them to actually abuse kids like sexual offenders since they cannot obtain release. Pedophiles are routinely screened out of youth organizations and this leads to no contact (and emotional gratification) and interaction with kids, which is usually even more important to pedophiles than sex itself is with a child. On the net, pedophile sites are outnumbered by anti-pedophile sites (often loaded with misinformation about pedophiles) by a 50-1 margin. Most of the child porn on Usenet was produced prior to 1980, before a general crackdown on it occurred. Pedophiles have hard time getting outlets and the few ones they have are censored or taken away by people who are ignorant but more powerful. In a sense, pedophiles have plenty in common with and can truly identify with kids -- they are routinely ignored and their rights are trampled-even free speech rights. It is amazing that pedophiles are NOT mentally ill, given how rough their lives often are. Pedophiles cannot stand up for themselves openly since their families would often desert them and society would banish them also. Many persons claim pedophiles are cowards, that they should stand up for what they think is right-but those people have never been pedophiles! You go through life with legions of people hating you, spitting on you, and yet you are often the kindest most moral person on the block! The proof is in the current wave of censorship of the few pedophile advocacy sites on the net. This one will undoubtably join the ranks of the censored and attacked-simply for stating an opinion! This site has no child pornography, so it cannot possibly be illegal-only poilitically incorrect. It is tough to get the truth out when others do not wish to hear it! Pedophiles are the most challenged minority group around, and have a long tough road to gaining acceptance. Hopefully, this page will help toward obtaining pedosexual freedom. OBTAINING SEXUAL RELIEF WITHOUT INVOLVING CHILDREN DIRECTLY This is a guide for those of us who have made the decision (or are compelled by individual circumstances) to avoid kids altogether and desire sexual relief. If you are a true pedophile-i.e. a boy or girl lover, this is not a good substitute for the relationships and LOVE you crave with kids, but it does relieve SOME of the tension. Some of your attraction to kids IS sexual, there is nothing wrong with that. But situations being as they often are, it is hard to express this safely and in a healthy manner. Take me for instance. I am a "girl-loving" pedophile man. We desire girls on more than a sexual level alone. I am very turned on erotically by young girls, but that does not mean in real life that I would attempt sex with ALL of them based only on lust! I have personally seen or even known such girls, pretty and drop dead sexy to me, that I was very attracted to (lust) but I would not act upon those feelings even if given the chance since I did not have a real relationship with the girl and no true love feelings for her. Call me old-fashioned, but I would generally tend to have to care about her to even consider sex seriously. The reason girls are important and attractive to me is more than sexual -- it is a deep emotional need to connect with young girls. Too me, (like a "boy-lover") just being with her actually is most of it, and other non-sexual things like helping her with her homework, talking, playing and walking together are a big part of my attraction. Do not get me wrong, there is a sexual feeling, but it is strongest in the context of something more. I have to have her love to enjoy her body fully. As fate would have it, I am not in the situation I would like to be, around girls to establish real relationships. My primary outlet is my feelings for them as expressed by thoughts and sexual desire. If you are like me, you are are a pedophile who is mostly abstinate EXCEPT for masturbation, which serves as your only outlet to express who and what you are. This article is about satifying our physical needs to some extent (but not emotional) by discussing masturbation methods/techniques as they apply to us. Most pedophiles fall in the "celibate except for masturbation" category, often not by choice, but it is reality. Most of us are not in a position to establish relationships with whom we want. So, the only thing we can do is satisfy our sexual urge part of our pedophilia via masturbation, and suffer in silence. I will help you do this expertly. You need to learn to masturbate for release of sexual tension and do so with the objects of your desire in mind. This is easier said than done, but it can be accomplished with the right approach. The first resource I will point you to is the following link to the Masturbation FAQ, which details auto-erotic methods for both sexes. It shows you HOW to masturbate with all of the common proceedures. The URL is: After you are in command of the mechanics, the next step is to collect child-related materials for masturbatory purposes. First, you must know how! Regarding internet/usenet pics, (the #1 sexual release tool for today's techno-literate pedophiles) you need to read the FAQ first which is contained elsewhere on this site. (No space -- find in Slurp's site, given on link page 6) This article shows you HOW and where to save the pictures and safety/legal concerns. It is a very complete guide which you MUST read! Most of the masturbation resources are listed below (use all of them to masturbate or as many as possible) and are treated in some detail: 1) Nude photos. These are available on Usenet and can be saved to diskettes -- which is something you MUST do as a modern pedophile. Look in for these pictures to save in your collection. Both sexes are featured for your enjoyment. 2) Nudist publications. This is in the same vein as the above newsgroup. You can find lists of such organizations elsewhere on this site. (No space -- find at Slurp's site, given on link page 6) You can usually legally subscribe and receive the issues with photos by mail. 3) Hard-core sex photos of kids with adults or other children. There is not very much of this in existence, in spite of what the fear-mongering public thinks. You have to dig hard for it often. These pics float around the net on Usenet in and all of the other pedophile newsgroups. The only way to find them is to surf for hours and hope they surface. You can request certain series (do so anonymously!) but you may or may not get anyone to post the images you request. Most of these photos are old, 20+ years ago before the crackdown on "kiddie-porn" took place. Many times the kids do NOT look in pain or abused, but this is subject to debate, and in some cases, the kids are CLEARLY suffering! Certainly, I do not advocate force or pain being used on ANY child, but some of this stuff appears to be concensual or non-traumatic. In those cases, I advocate collecting the pics, I find the others distasteful (you probably do too) since I HATE people who hurt kids. In any case, since this is a part of what we long for, most pedophiles need these photos as an outlet. It is very arousing to me to see a 9 year old girl performing fellatio -- I highly reccomend such images! You need to be patient to save these to disks by surfing the newsgroups ad infinitum. It is well worth the wait to build a collection! Regarding IRC (Internet Relay Chat) pic trading -- beware! Cops patrol this medium. It may be possible to get pics there, but be careful. Pedophiles must hide who they are to remain outside of jail! Do not BUY pictures. That supports "kiddie-porno" as a business. Only trade with others. The safest way is posting scanned or saved photos on Usenet. IRC is more risky. If you do it right, you can disguise who you are pretty well, as explained in the FAQ described earlier. Save pics to 3.5 floppy disks and NEVER on your hard drive! You do not want to get caught with "hard" evidence. 4) Drawings or cartoons. Do not laugh! These are useful. One series called LART or "Little ART" depicts nude poses by very young little girls. If this is your taste, you have an outlet! These have been posted to the pre-teen and pedophile newsgroups on Usenet in the past. Save them to diskettes as you would "real" photos and use them to masturbate. Japanese anime is another example. I give naked Sailor Moon links on this site -- check them out. Tape the show or get videos of it if possible! The Japanese are closet pedophiles to the max! The girls in anime often look much younger than even their suppposed character ages. These are often overlooked resources by pedophiles! 5) Pedophile sex stories. One of the best masturbation tools around! I give a list of links to site featuring pedo sex stories. These describe in detail sex between adults and kids of both sexes. You can use these for release in concert with the other materials. Stories involving pedophilia are often listed as being "pedo" in the part that describes content. Look for this quick guide to story-types on such material. 5) Cut-outs. Many Pedophiles do this. It sounds strange and desperate, but, hey, we are used to such lives, right? Sunday newspapers have inserts for Ward's JC Penney, Sears, K-Mart, etc., that feature mostly non-sexual pictures of pre-teens. But many of them are very CUTE! You simply cut them out with scissors and paste them in albums or notebooks which are spiral bound by attaching them to the pages. You can build a huge collection over time, and many pedophiles are discovered with such masturbatory aids. If you are lucky, you can find pics that feature your tastes in kids that are partially clad, such as beach or summer scenes. I highly reccomend this practice -- it is cheap, harmless, and fun! You can order big formal catalogues from department stores via mail for this purpose, too. Many feature children in undergarments (yummy!) and it is a little more expensive than color inserts for newspapers, but it is still plausible. A guide to catalogues featuring children is found on Slurp's site given on link page six. 6) Underground magazines. If you can still find these, good luck. They are often cop-bait. "Lolita" magazines are rare these days, and you better be careful who you get them from. I say more power to you if you can get some -- and I hope you stay out of jail. 7) Mainstream movies. I give lists elsewhere on this site of movies that contain pre-teens in them as stars of both sexes. (No space -- find at Slurp's site, given on link page 6) You can really use these to masturbate to when scenes involving your favorite child actor occur. These movies are on video and you can buy or rent them from several sources. I recently masturbated to an 11 year old Solei Moon Frye (Punky Brewster!) in "You Ruined My Life" and believe me, she did not ruin it! 8) Masturbating unobserved while watching children. This is the best method ever! One can do this easily hidden behind a drawn blind window (with cracks judiciously placed) while observing neighbor children at play near your home. Do this carefully -- you must be CERTAIN nobody sees you at any time while doing this! You must be alone and have an unblocked view. Once, I did this and was a heartbeat away from climaxing and girl's parents came out on the adjacent driveway of my house where she was playing jacks and took her in the family van almost without warning to go to a grocery store! I nearly died and wanted to slap her mom by taking her beautiful pre-teen body away from me just before my release! I like doing this and you will too -- just be careful NOBODY sees you doing this! 9) Purchasing Children's undergaments. If you are like me, you LOVE little girls panties! You can by them from department stores (say they are for your daughter/little sister if anybody asks) and use them to masturbate with or on. I suppose mail-order would carry them, too. This is a fun toy to use in masturbation sessions. Get some today! 10) Videos of young gymnasts/athletes, tv show kids and child audio tapes. These round out our discussion as masturbation aids. I like all three. You can get the sports related vidoes at various stores and on web sites pictures of young athletes in tribute pages abound. Consider all the Dominique Moceanu sites there are on the web replete with pics! Man, I fell in love with her during the 96 olympics and half of the rest of the U.S.A. Women's (girls!) Olympic Team! These web pages often have many pics for your enjoyment. Television shows often feature young actors/actresses you can really get into. I like "Lucy" on 7th Heaven and even Party of fives' Lacy Chabert (Claudia). You can tape these shows that feature children you find attractive. Audio tapes are another thing altogether. You can find these featuring girls and boys from various sources. They are not that common, but they do exist. Usually, they are kids talking to other kids in youth forums and the like. Sometimes, they are instructional series materials aimed at elementary school kids to encourage learning by making the "teacher" someone of their own age-level. Good luck at getting this hard-to-find source as a masturbatory aid. You will just have to keep your eyes and ears peeled. In conclusion, I want to encourage ALL pedophiles to use these safe, easy outlets to satisfy their sexual urges when and if children are not available, or if you have chosen to exclude them for moral, ethical, or legal reasons. In the future, I hope you DO consider REAL children as options, for it is the only true path for pedophile and child liberation in the long-run. These methods are tried and true, and there may be others I have forgot to list, but this listing is fairly complete. Please use these methods to let off steam, it is unhealthy to suppress your urges. You are what you are, and you will be a pedophile for life -- start accepting it and TRY to satisfy your hunger. Other pages of this web site: Page one Page two Page three Page four (this page) Page five Page six PAGE 5 The Pedophilia/Pedophile Education Web Site Topics covered on this page Understanding sexual contact with children from adults Common problems of sex with children UNDERSTANDING SEXUAL CONTACT WITH CHILDREN FROM ADULTS Most people are ignorant about every aspect of sex between adults and kids. This article will try to dispel some of the most common myths. The first misconception is that ALL sex between children & adults is automatically harmful -- nothing could be further from the truth! It can even be beneficial. Sex with a young person can be a good experience for both parties if the conditions are right. Sadly, that is not often the case due to society and their stupid, uneducated views on this subject. The close-mindedness on sex and in particular regarding sex between adults and kids often does plenty of harm to many children. It is important to understand that the cause of harm is GUILT, SHAME, and phony self-defeating religious brainwashing involving the concept of "sin" that causes damage in adult-child relationships -- not the pedophile! Assuming the relationship is a non-coercive/non-forcing one, it can potentially be good for the child -- but the hang-ups and forcing of kids into "therapy" to admit they "were victimized" (really by the therapists themselves!) is a major problem. It is also a problem that the pedophile is punished for the "crime" of loving a child. This is often a person the child cares quite a bit about, and seeing him/her go to jail reinforces guilt (over something that was not wrong in the first place!) and does considerable damage to that child. How would you feel if someone YOU loved was hurt like this? Therapists come in and attempt to brainwash the child by telling her/him that they are "victims" as opposed to willing participants. Children are often inexperienced and do not see all the "consequences" of sex -- but so are many adults -- and they do not get someone pregnant or become pregnant! Just because a child does not see ALL the so-called ramifications of sexual activity does NOT mean they cannot enjoy sex with themselves or a loving adult to guide them! Kids are permitted to become child-star actors, and at the time they undoubtably do not know all the pressures of fame & its eventual effects -- but that does not stop adults from permitting then to take up acting! Sex is NOT different! It is crucial to understand &accept; this fact to make headway with the ignorance. A child IS sexual! Small boys have erections and girls lubricate. All of us are sexual! This is another essential point to digest. It is often hard for adults to admit that kids are or can be sexual. Many adults are guilt-ridden enough to have a problem expressing or accepting their OWN sexuality -- let alone that of a child! The reason aside from shame for this denial is the belief that kids are "unspoiled territory" in an otherwise rotten corrupt world. Adults do not WISH to think of children that way -- even though they ARE that way! In several respects, kids are MORE sexual than adults, since they have fewer hang-ups and guilt-complexes to burdon them! That is why when a pedophile is taken away from a child and that youngster is brainwashed into thinking they had been taken advantage of, it is often one of the first heavy-handed tastes of sexual guilt a person gets in their life. This is what does harm to a child of a pedophile relationship -- not the pedophile! Only by removing guilt and other misguided trappings of our society can we stop this damage. The solution is not to scapegoat or blame pedophiles! The root causes of the problems (when they exist) must be examined in order to help children cope. The answer is NOT to deny kids healthy sexual expression in a free manner with a pedophile whom they love, care and respect! That would be the worst thing for them and only serves to perpetuate sexual guilt feelings by telling them that it is wrong for adults to teach kids sex first-hand, & that it is bad or shamful for them to desire it themselves! We SHOULD teach them by actually having sex with them! Sexual education is like other types -- you learn best by doing! Only thing is our hung-up societies do not preach this fact in regard to sex, despite doing so with other topics! Children can experience climax and the feelings are intense -- that is why they require someone with experience to guide them down the road safely and guiltlessly! An adult is a perfect teacher. We owe it to the children of our world to help them experience the pleasure and release of sex. We need to be there for them to utilize as partners to practice on. We must make ourselves and our bodies available to kids for sex. Do not laugh -- I'm quite serious! Children need sex. They require release like you do but are denied it with a partner who can teach them and guide them through it lovingly. Many young children masturbate for relief -- and what does mom and dad do when they find out? Why, they slap the kids hands and tell them to stop or they will go blind! Once again, this only leads to oppressive, damaging GUILT. By age 11, I was a compulsive masturbator & collected hard-core pornographic magazines like HUSTLER! I was VERY sexual and I was asking for it on a regular basis (and never seemed to get it!) and yet society would have believed I was as innocent as can be. This harmed me. If I had only known a pedophile then, I would have been much happier in my childhood! But then again, if I had decided to have sex with a pedophile adult, they would have been imprisoned and I would have been in therapy for brainwashing to accept my "abuse". But my childhood had a happy ending -- fate soon blessed me at 11 and a half with a woman pedophile who sexually educated me! Other kids are more like I was than you maybe would like to admit. Perhaps you were something like this in your own youth and due to guilt you wish not to admit this side of yourself existed. Think back and be honest with yourself -- it is ok to be sexual and you are not alone or wrong! Stop feeling guilty about a natural bodily function and do not infect our kids! Children do many things that are new to them. Sex is one of those things. A child must learn sometime, and "waiting for their wedding" is WAY too late! The sex drive is the most important one in our species besides breathing air and eating! We are made for sex! Children are made to enjoy it too! Repressing these feelings is NOT healthy. It is also unhealthy for kids to deny themselves relief. Sex by itself is NOT damaging to kids. This is a myth designed to attack pedophiles and deny kids their rights. In a misguided effort to "protect" kids, society has actually HARMED them by repressing perfectly natural feelings which DEMAND expression. Without it, healthy development and beliefs about sex are problematic. Kids masturbate and climax, and it does NOT "scar" them for life! By itself (remember -- it is the guilt not the sex!) having sex with an adult (or another child) will NOT harm a child! It is a normal bodily function. Kids urinate and defecate as you do -- they also experience sexual gratification (usually via masturbation) just as you do. A 10 year old boy may not ejaculate semen, but he CAN climax. A 10 year old girl can and often already does masturbate and she climaxes. Society needs to accept that kids are sexual beings. There is NO proof at all that adult/child sex is actually harmful! Guilt harms -- not pedophiles! Rapists leave scars and non-consenual sex between adults and kids IS harmful. But pedophiles ONLY have consensual sex with kids! What we see in sex abuse cases is exactly that -- sex abuse. The key is that not ALL adult/child sex is abusive! If a child is forced or coerced, of course they will be affected for years. If you were raped, that would happen to you, too! But pedophiles are NOT rapists! People confuse the two and so does the media. They would have you believe that the killer of Megan Kankla a few years back was a "good example" of a pedophile. The sicko that brutally raped and killed Megan was NOT a pedophile. No pedophile advocates use of force on kids or would harm a child. This case led to the passing of an unconstitutional law designed to protect communities but really scapegoats pedophiles by lumping them with child rapists! The so-called "Megan's Law" states that if a released sex offender of children moves into a neighborhood, the locals must be notified. The trouble is, of course, that an "offender" can be a violent rapist OR a loving pedophile -- no distinction is made and this is very unfair and wrong. It also sends bad messages to kids and parents about pedophiles and their true nature. Pedophiles are good, loving people -- not animals. Putting the abuse question aside, we ultimately, we must learn that we have no choice but to admit that kids are sexual and that they need to be taught this aspect of life as much as being shown how to brush their own teeth. Yes, kids trust adults -- that is EXACTLY why we owe it to them to offer ourselves to them for experimentation! As an adult, I protect kids and am the responsible one. I can help a child cope with sexual feelings and emotions. Pedophiles are great for this. We only ask that you let us educate your kids and love them. We only desire the best for them. With our guidance, kids can learn all about sex safely, with a caring adult to show them them the ropes. Compare this with simply "telling them" about it. A child will not learn this way! They need to actually be free to experience sex and feel a partner-induced climax first-hand for themselves -- not read about it in some cold, clinical book! Give them that chance. Do not deny them the right of sexual free-expression. Children DO intitiate sexual contact with adults and there is nothing wrong with it. Adults can also intiate. We must teach our kids the importance of their right to own themselves. This means they can REFUSE sex with an adult at any time. It also means they can accept an offer and inititiate one themselves! This is the part that society hypocritically refuses to allow. They say kids own themselves, but when that belief is tested, society applies a double-standard and denies kids a right to do as they wish to themselves. Implied in the belief that kids can say no is the acceptance of them saying yes! You cannot have it both ways. Either they own their bodies or they do not. If they can only say "no" according to you, then they do not own themselves in your eyes! Pedophiles are the opposite of "predators". In fact, they are the ONLY TRUE "child advocates" in this regard on earth, since the take the opinion of the child and his/her wishes into full account! Pedophiles love children. That is what the word means, (pedo=child phile=lover) it is not a bad word to describe a monster -- except in the eyes of the media which distorts and sadly shapes public opinion against child-loving advocates -- i.e. pedophiles. It is time for a new opinion about us -- a positive one. Another issue concerns the availability of children to pedophiles. Recently, yet another misguided effort has begun to "purge" pedophiles out of youth organizations. Kids need pedophiles. Pedophiles need kids. This is cruel and wrong. Since pedophiles are not harmful to kids, keeping them apart is silly. Several pedophiles work in these capacities to be close to children as an outlet. Many times no sex is even involved, which is not surprising since most pedophiles are abstinate in any case (save masturbation) and often force themselves to live without the sex they crave with kids. Just being around children makes pedophiles happy. It is not all about sex! If you were to ask a pedophile what they want from children, most will say "companionship". We like to be with them and interact with them if possible on many levels. Many pedophiles would just a soon help a child they care about with their homework as have sex with them -- the key is being with them! A pedophile is attracted to youth organizations because of the chances for contact with kids -- not to hurt or molest them, but simply to be with them. The problem pedophiles have (particularly male ones) is that if ANY adult shows a special excessive interest in kids, that person is immediately suspected of being a pedophile. This leads to pedophiles being separated from their outlets & it harms them. It also leads to kids being taken away from people that truly care about them. It is often the case that people who show unusual interest in kids are pedophiles but is that a bad thing? Pedophiles can be a VERY positive force in the life of a child. Society does not think so and wonders why pedophiles must add the sexual element. They ask why we cannot always be happy just doing things with them that are non-sexual. The reason is that is one very important aspect of life and one that is something we find very pleasurable when it is with the people we like and love. It is no different than you! If I have sex with an 11 year old girl I love and care about, why do you care if she is willing and loves me too? The trouble is, society assumes that she is incapable of loving, or understanding it. She IS capable -- she loves her parents, which is one kind of love. I am only showing her another kind that she is gladly and voluntarily experiencing with me. You must accept that she IS capable of wanting sex and relief, and feeling LOVE for me -- her pedophile. You can bet that if I were in such a situation, I would love her -- not just use her. It is not merely sexual. I prefer young girls. I do not cruise the streets looking for them to molest! If it happens it does and that is fine. It is simply my sexual orientation. I cannot help what I am or how I feel about little girls. I long for contact with girls & to be protective of them. I would choose even to have a girl child that I love sleep in the same bed with me for the contact without ANY sex over intercourse with an adult woman! I'd prefer a to help a little girl of my choice whom I care about with her homework over spending my time talking to an adult female on a date! If this sounds odd, remember that little girls to me ARE my world. They are my very existence -- like adult women are to many of you. It is not simply sexual! If you are a "regular" heterosexual adult male who like adult females, sex is NOT the only thing is it? You like women and prefer their company, you also like to have sex with a woman you love. As a pedophile, I only ask society for the same thing -- to let me have sex with a child I love, who loves me back & consents -- is that so much to ask? Pedophiles do not talk down to kids & treat them with respect and listen to them. This is not the case with an average adult, and kids see right through it. Kids like pedophiles very much, whom they do not see as a heavy-handed authority figure, but rather, as a sort of "older" PEER. That is what confuses the general public about the motivations and methods of pedophiles. Society assumes the pedophile views the child as an object, and uses his/her superior smarts/abilities/experience to control the child to extract sex. But pedophiles do not do this and never advocate such tactics! It goes against their very nature to do that! The reason society falls for this assumption is it is "transferring" what IT would do if in that situation. Since "regular" adults do not really respect or understand children, they assume the same mindset applies to pedophiles -- and it does not! A "regular" adult does not understand pedophilia or pedophiles, & so they assume the pedophile is approaching the situation as a "regular" adult with a perverted streak in them -- bent on taking advantage of children -- since that is what the average "regular" adult could see himself/herself doing if they were sex maniacs looking for an easy outlet to prey on. But pedophiles are not this way -- we are not predators looking for targets! Being a pedophile is a way of life -- not a sick perversion. It is time for a new beginning. Pedophiles should be active in the community to educate the masses on this lifestyle. This is currently very hard to do, but it has to happen sometime. Hopefully, pedophiles will be able to personally inform children inside elementary schools about pedophiles & who they REALLY are. We need classes for this purpose where pedophiles show kids in school that we are not child molesters. We can teach them the truth that other misguided adults will not reveal. We are uniquely qualified to show elementary students that they own their own bodies and do not have to accept unwanted sexual contact -- and that they can accept or initiate it if they desire! If society would do the smart thing and permit such education, REAL abuse (i.e.unwanted contact by molesters -- who are NOT pedophiles) of kids would be sharply reduced. But, unfortunately, the general public is not really interested in stopping kids from being hurt by real abuse -- they are more concerned with wrongly blaming pedophiles for their beliefs. If pedophiles were teaching kids, they would learn they have CHOICES. To accept that (as pedophiles do) is true respect for child -- and kids will only respect themselves when they understand they own themselves & their bodies & can say no OR yes. COMMON PROBLEMS OF SEX WITH CHILDREN A practical problem of sex with children is physical. It is very important to understand that adults are much bigger than kids. Obviously commmon sense must be used. The size differences CAN be dealt with and sex can be accomplished without harming a child physically. This mostly applies to sex with very young girls. It is probably not advisable for adult male pedophiles to even attempt vaginal penetration with a girl until at least age 9. A girl much below that age is not able in many cases able to handle an adult penis (especially if one has a large penis) being inserted in her vagina. She is often simply too small to take it all the way in easily without pain. The girl may not enjoy full-insertion intercourse no matter how gentle, as she simply is too small & cannot handle the sensation of the penis being fully inserted and withdrawn repeatedly as an adult female can easily allow. Your erect penis may also look HUGE to her, causing apprehension. She may also have an intact hymen, & dealing with this is tricky. You should proceed with intercourse VERY carefully or not at all since you can hurt her quite easily even if you are extra gentle -- she is NOT a woman -- remember that! In any case, if she becomes familiar with the concept of intercourse, she may ask you to do it. I advise you to not give into her pleading or if so use judgement and proceed VERY carefully and GENTLY. You may have to settle for partial insertion to satisfy her wishes without actually having real intercourse. This way is a safer compromise and with it she can see what it is like sort of without injuring her. If you must break her hymen, do it carefully, but firmly -- do not prolong her sexual suffering needlessly. When inserting the penis, (especially her first time being penetrated) do so very slowly & gently & listen to her carefully. Ask her if it is painful, & if she would like you to stop & remove it. If she says to, obey her. You want to make intercourse pleasing not painful, & listening to her is the key. Do not fret, intercourse may still work if you are gentle enough and you do not push her. She may be able to accept penetration with sufficient practice, but that will never happen if you are too rough on her. At the very least, you may be able get her to permit partial insertion and go from there, it just takes time and patience and listening to her feedback. If you cannot have complete intercourse or even partial penetration, do not try and force it -- accept it and allow her & teach her to satisfy you in other ways which will not hurt her. The last thing you want to do is harm her, so you may have to accept oral sex (whether she swallows semen or not is something you have to work out with her -- do not make her do anything she feels uncomfortable with. In any case, she will probably be fascinated by ejaculate, since it is so alien & new to her even if she understands the biology. Fear of swallowing semen is a woman thing, a learned prejudice that females pick along the way to associating sex with dirtyness and from talk to girlfriends who refuse to do this and give women ideas. Many times they have not even TRIED it before condemning! Hopefully, you can catch her before her friends terrorize her and convert her to these prejudices without at least TRYING it...) or mutual masturbation. She can stimulate you by hand or mouth & you can do the same for her. Female pedophiles who are sexually active with boys have it much easier -- you cannot hurt him by letting him insert his erect penis inside your adult vagina. It may be a little loose, but he will not be harmed by it, & you may enjoy it. He should be able to climax by vaginal stimulation if you do it to him right, but it may take work. Anal sex with either sex is likewise risky & should be done carefully with older children or not at all. The most important thing is to listen to the child & not do ANYTHING they do not wish to do. You must not hurt them! If they ask you to stop, it is for a reason! You are probably hurting them or they do not like it. Your child must enjoy it or else you should not do it! You can encourage them, but NEVER make them! Be careful of putting weight on a child -- remember, you CAN hurt them very easily & unintentionally if you are not extremely careful. Most pedos are pretty good about this, but it can't be overstated. You should help your child climax and experience the joys and sensation and relief of orgasm. This is very important. You should teach them to help you climax and do the same for them. Explain orgasm to them. Tell them how good it feels to boys and girls to obtain release, that orgasm is a pleasurable feeling in their bodies that they need to understand & experience & that they need to know how to bring it about with a partner. If they already masturbate, show them how to complete it to climax if they have not discovered it yet. If they do not really know how to masturbate, show them how and demonstrate yourself doing it. Tell them it's normal and healthy and they should do it to relieve sexual tension. A child is not stupid -- but often ignorant due to lack of information. Inform them! A climax can be scary to a child, it is a powerful experience they may not have had yet. You must guide them & explain that it won't hurt them, & is even good for them! A word about pregnancy: This is a concern! Usually, girls do not menstruate until about 12 or so. But there are early bloomers so be very careful! You must be certain she is not able to have a cycle before you allow semen into her vagina. Treat the situation as you would with an adult woman unless you are sure she is safe! For female pedophiles, the same applies. Boys begin ejaculating sperm at around the same general ages as girls start having periods. Once he does so, you CAN get pregnant -- so beware! You can test these conditions easily enough. If you are man with a girl near the point of periods, ask her if she has one yet and look for the signs of proof. If you are not sure do not have intercourse with her!. If a woman with a boy, test him by masturbating him to climax yourself first, and see if he produces semen. If not you can proceed without protection -- but be careful and use your judgment and use birth control as needed. There is no reason to be paranoid about it -- just use common sense and caution. Concerning locations for sex, always choose one where you will not be discovered or interrupted. This seems obvious but is crucial. You do not want distractions -- they only serve to hinder the enjoyment of sex between you and the child. Be patient and do not force your child-lover to do ANYTHING against their will. You can mildly encourage them, but nothing more. Your child probably loves you, so getting them to cooperate will not be that difficult in any case. Be easy and gentle in ALL cases -- particularly if you are a male pedophile with a girl-lover. Go slow and take your time. Make sure the child climaxes and not just you if at all possible. Make sex a positive experience that your child-lover will want to experience many more times with you. The other issue of vital importance is secrecy. It is unfortunate, but vital that the relationship details be kept secret. You must as a pedophile instill this in your child-lover. You will notice that this puts a child in a negative bind -- i.e. they must keep a relationship secret for legal reasons, but at the same time, the very aspect of your union being a secret (thus clandestine) leads to guilt and is possibly harmful to the child and is unavoidable. How can you lessen the harm? The answer is interesting. Some pedophiles, in an act of extreme self-sacrifice, try to spare the child by avoiding all sexual contact with real kids. Noble as this seems, it ultimately misguided and NOT in their (or your) self interest. Children need pedophiles. They will never not be hung-up on sex and think it is dirty unless someone (you) shows them at an early age. It is a shame that society does this to kids (and pedophiles) putting them in this position. If pedophiles were allowed as they should be to conduct relationships out in the open and there would be no sneaking around. In addition, if parents and the community were open minded, violent non-pedophile sickos (like Megan's killer) would ordinarily be identifiable and weeded out, leaving only loving true pedophiles who do not advocate force or coercion to have relationships with the kids. There is a better way. You can try the truth! Tell your child lover the facts and do not spare her/him. Tell them that if they reveal your sexual relationship, their parents probably would not understand. If you love your child-lover (most pedophiles really do -- it's not just sexual) tell her/him so early and often. Explain that the world has problems with admitting sexuality. Tell the child that people often wrongly think that sex is bad or dirty, but that is a faulty way to think. Point out your relationship with her/him as proof. Tell the child that sex is a beautiful, natural thing that people often do when they care about or love another. Repeat your feelings about the child at this point to set her/his mind at ease. If you are already having sex with your child-lover, ask her/him HOW what you are both doing could possibly be bad or wrong. The child will have no good answer, since it probably feels good to the child and kids are not nearly as hung-up or hypocritical as adults. They carry less emotional baggage and garbage around -- at least until society gets a grip on them as they begin to grow up and discover the sickness of unhealthy, unwarranted guilt! You can save them. You must save them! But to do so, you must not be in jail which kills relationships pretty quick! It is crucial to impress on the child the seriousness of the situation. Do not frighten the child, but be honest. Tell the child you will be harmed and imprisoned if your relationship is discovered. Your child probably loves you, so this goes a long way to accomplishing the goal. Tell her/him that they will be put in therapy by ignorant adults who think there is something wrong without exception with pedophiles who love children. Impress the consequences on the child of this. Tell them they might be taken out of their home (possibly true -- do not overdo it, but make your point) and forced to undergo therapy designed to force them to admit non-existent abuse. This is not a lie, and you should stress honesty if at all possible. Do not intentionally frighten the child, but you must not spare their feelings -- it does neither of you any good in the long-run. Soon, your child will defend you and she/he will protect you from those that do not understand. She or he will lie for you and avoid telling, but it will be something resembling a positive thing instead of a guilty complex. The reason is that your child-lover will understand the basic reasons WHY she/he cannot tell, instead of simply being told not to, which leads to them getting the wrong ideas about the relationship and its goodness and ultimately leads them to question it and feel guilty -- because they begin to doubt if it is REALLY ok to do. This is the correct way to handle the situation. A pedophile/child relationship must be mutually protective if it is to continue. Before long, it will be you and the child against the world. It is bad enough to have nearly everyone against us, we pedophiles NEED our children on our sides! Other pages of this web site: Page one Page two Page three Page four Page five (this page) Page six PAGE 6 The Pedophilia/Pedophile Education Web Site Topics covered on this page Important links of all kinds Pedo sex story links IMPORTANT LINKS OF ALL KINDS Here is a list of links for you to explore. All worked when I compiled them but you know that goes. Some are good, some are bad, but you should be informed in any case... A good example of how people innocently confuse sickos like the animal that killed little Megan with loving pedophiles. Our hearts go out to her family and friends, but this unconstitutional scapegoating law is not the answer! Pippi is the best! The ultimate free-spirited 9 year old girl! If you missed the original Swedish films pity on you! Rent them now! She is a true pedophile at heart herself! She loves kids and frees them! Her pals are typical repressed pre-teens -- they are afraid of doing anything! Pippi educates them. In one of the movies we get to see Pippi's pal "Annika" shirtess and almost naked -- a lovely blonde Swedish little girl to die for and make your mouth water! I fell in love with her a dozen times... AND You rock Slurp! Other than mine, one of the ONLY true pedophile advocacy pages around! I long for the day when I can list THOUSANDS on my website! Until then, this one is what we pedophiles have been waiting for! Finally, someone on OUR side that understands us! German Man/Boy love advocate essay -- thoughtfully put, but brief material about pedophilia. I do not agree with his taste -- I am "straight" but that is irrelevant. Poetry by a sick jerk who hates pedophiles and confuses them with murderers... Misinformed "child advocates" from Norway who want to ban free speech on the net since they wish to silence "networking" by pedophiles and thus trash the 1st amendment and institute thought control via shutting down opposing opinions... Yet another hate-monger. This British moron really needs psychological help... German Man/Boy love advocate book title site. Not original but relevent... Yahoo links to all things Moceanu -- the cute little gymnast that stole the hearts of pedophiles everywhere at the 1996 olympics. She's a little bit too old for me... Still under construction last time I checked -- hopefully another real pedophile advocacy page and not a joke or flame vehicle... Finally! Somebody gets it right -- pedophilia does NOT equal abuse in ALL cases! This relatively thoughtful essay is a breath of rare fresh air on the net... Pedophilia legitimized? God, I hope so! Read this article and see if you agree with me: That little girl who died flying a plane would be safer with me... This guy is not 100% right, but he is closer than most... Now here is an enlightened page -- NOT! Teaches kids and parents to be misinformed... Have you read George Orwell? You can find him in this page... This Gay man makes some very good points which is quite rare for any non-pedophile... NAMBLA Home Page for all of you Gay male Pedophiles... Body n Mind page includes info on UDN (Uncommon Desires Newsletter) about little girl love advocacy by men. I would like to have every issue they ever made!,87287/situa.htm Info on some German pedo groups and a link to a WWW page of pedo advocacy. She stole the hearts of pedophiles everywhere and is still doing so! She is LAIKA! This page is her dedication. She was 11 years old when these photos were taken -- some nude... Adult anime (Japanese cartoons) archive page. Stop laughing! This is a relatively unexplored outlet for pedophiles -- but a good one! The Japanese are immense closet pedophiles and LOVE little girls, and this reflects in some of their anime. I suggest you do some research on this and try to find some hardcore anime with pre-teens... Speaking of anime -- here is X-rated Sailor Moon! Of course she cannot act and the show sucks, but God, look at her! She is 14 and too old for me, but hey, she looks pretty cute and sort of younger than that! Also check out her friends -- they should all fight evil and crime in the nude! Sailor is blonde, blue eyed -- and ready for adult/child sex! Frank McCoy's homepage. He writes sex stories (mostly incest) involving little girls. He has a semen fetish and dwells on bodily fluids/impregnation -- but his stuff deserves a look. You can also find his stuff on Usenet in To see past posts, go into Deja News and search under his name in that newsgroup. You should find several of his stories involving pedophilia. This page from NMV (No More Victims -- nuff said!) and others in its library keep on missing the point: There is NOTHING wrong with pedophilia or being a pedophile! These poor repressed souls need to accept what they are and defend it -- instead of apologizing! This is a bulletin board page involving Japanese themes. It has a link to an image library page and the people on the boards seem to have panties fetishes and like schoolgirls. I firmly believe the Japanese are closet pedophiles -- pages like this are confirming my theories. Still, I like my schoolgirls YOUNGER, like 8-12 thank-you! You MUST read this! Anti-pedophile profiles of us and our activities/behavoir (which consist of various half-truths) and legalities. A VERY interesting read! Trouble is, if I hear one more time the phrase "child molesters or pedophiles" (making no distinction) and the constant total lie of "they prey on and trick/lure children" I will go crazy! This interesting article says I am a "high-tech pedophile" -- gee, I suppose it's true -- but at least I do not have a video camera in my computer, so maybe there is hope for me... About male sexual abuse victims. At least they get credit for pointing out that not ALL pedophiles are male -- women can be and sometimes are -- pedophiles. Hold your nose and read! This is so SICK, you have to read it! My God, and people think PEDOPHILES are mentally ill? Castration for us by force, and the usual anti-male garbage. Mostly overlooks the possibility of females being "perpetrators" and downplays it. Sexist, discriminatory, and discusting, it is incredible that there are such people in the world who think WE are sick! The ignorance about pedophiles and lumping them with rapists/molesters abounds...,87287/erklaere.htm Another rare breath of fresh air -- pedophiles do not=abusers! Austraila semi-disinformation government report page that includes a very engaging discussion of "organized criminal pedophile activity" (i.e. free speech) Ya know, I think I'll contact some of these fine, upstanding organizations -- makes me wanna join! Read the section of qoutes supposedly from the Rene Guyon Society ("Sex before eight, or it's too late") -- they actually make some valid points, but it is lost on deaf ears... Another Pedophile acvocacy page! You can count them on the fingers of ONE hand! These guys show not all Britishers are morons! Not much to the page -- poetry, writings of famous British Pedophiles -- but it is a start! Maybe there is hope for mankind after all... Another sicko being confused with loving pedophiles -- shades of the Megan's Law case... They never learn! This page realizes female pedophiles exist, even if in smaller total numbers than men, instead of promoting the endless myth that ALL pedos are male, but it considers ALL sexual contact with minors as abuse, and they see it as a power thing -- failing to realize that we want to EMPOWER kids and do NOT see them as second class citizens -- unlike the general population (and these guys) do! They think WE think this way about children because that is how THEY would react if hypothetically in that situation! I have news for you morons: Speak for yourselves -- not us and our partners! Read the whole thing -- all the pages of misinformation on pedophiles and see what kind of stupidity we are up against! They see all forms of adult-child sex as harmful in every case! This mistake is VERY common, and the reason intelligent discussion is so hard... Dutch page with some interesting links -- but mostly the same old tired myths and hatreds. I wish they would make one of these address pages for girl-lovers! This one connects you boy-lovers to mail-order companies and the like who peddle your interests... Address page like above only advocating Woman/girl love. Why not Man/girl loving? Article/interview which makes a few good points, and also gets a few things wrong... Wow! Here is a Boy-Link page for you pedophile boy-lovers! Man, I wish there was one advocating Man/girl relationships! Lots of links for you to explore -- do not miss it! I get a message "sever is busy", (spelling correct)on this girl-love novel site. A shame -- it is a part of a so-called "Fresh Petals" site (not Japanese) about girl love advocacy. Please fix it!,87287/paedoint.htm International boy-lovers links. I am getting sick of not seeing ANY international GIRL lover links, but I list it as a service to my boy-loving pedophile friends. If you know of any links for me (girl-love advocates for Men) please drop me a line ASAP! This moron I LOVE! You should too! The dolt lists boy-love sites as being "sewers" and gives us pedophiles lotsa links FAVORING us! Thank-you dumb and dumber! You have some use after all! A "child-molester" database is provided as well. Places like this prove that even dorks who oppose us can sometimes point us right to others of our own kind -- a good thing. "The link of pedophiles" Awesome! A Japanese site that proves what closet pedos these guys are! Also with ODD sex fetishes involving youngsters. They get excited in the most creative ways! This is a page for us by Japan. One link not to miss is the one provided on this site selling sex toys. The company which ships everywhere will sell you "little girl sex dolls" -- anatomically correct! These range in "age" from rather young to 9-12-14, etc. A bit weird, but worth considering given the practical aspects of our deepest desires! You must know Japanese to get the most out of this site, but pointing and clicking randomnly will get you pretty far if you have enough patience! Enjoy! PEDO SEX STORY LINKS These are links to Pedo sex stories -- I do not claim all will work! This is a great fantasy outlet for all pedophiles to consider... Warning! Some of these are kinky and weird, involving incest and rape. Force is NEVER acceptable on kids! But since these are fantasies I included them for completeness! You are warned about the content -- now read at your own risk! [OMITTED A LONG LIST OF PROBLEMATIC URLs] [...] Other pages of this web site: Page one Page two Page three Page four Page five Page six (this page) You may wish to comment. Do you agree/disagree with what Ronald claims? Do you see any factual errors that you would like to correct? M. I didn't spot any factual errors. Did you? |