THIS IS FOR INFORMATIONAL/HISTORICAL PURPOSES ONLY. FOLLOW ALL YOUR LOCAL LAWS. PAGE 2 The Pedophilia/Pedophile Education Web Site Topics covered on this page: Common myths about pedophilia Who am I? COMMON MYTHS ABOUT PEDOPHILIA Myth #1 "This is sick!" Reality: One of the most basic, and invalid responses. Define "sick" for us. Is love "sick?" If one loves an 11 year old girl and protects her in their arms from harm and has a MUTUALLY caring relationship with her, is this "sick?" If you think so, we are really in trouble with the state of education involving society at-large. A relationship of ANY kind that is honest and real is the most beautiful thing on earth! Love and consensual sex is not wrong in any way. Pedophiles are not a "baby rapers". If someone rapes that 11 year old girl (and consensual sex is not rape) then that IS sick. Nobody sane would ever rape anybody, male, female, of any age. If a pedophile loves the 11 year old little girl, and she loves him/her, and they both desire lovemaking, WHAT is the problem? The point of blame is our Christian ethic which attempts to brainwash people into believing that sex in general is dirty, something we sadly teach our kids. This tendency does more harm than any sexual activity ever could. Believe me, we could all use plenty more love than hate in the world, there is enough of that already to last us a lifetime and then some. So what if told you I preferred a little girl to a woman for relationships and sex, as long as I do not hurt her and protect and care about her? Myth #2 "Children cannot give informed consent" Reality: Not true! This is one of the biggest lies out there. Actually, children are sexual beings. They are interested in sex and sexual activity, games and exploration. The point is that YOU do not wish to admit this. It conflicts with YOUR hang-ups. You do not wish to see chidren in a sexual light. It disturbs you greatly, and even more so that a child could desire it! You do not wish to see them act out an a sex-related manner. Our society discourages sex, it makes the activity shameful. When kids are sufficiently young, they do not yet have these phobias firmly entrenched. That's the beauty of kids -- they are often innocent (but not dumb and incapable of making any decisions -- especially sexual ones) and are unspoiled by societal hang-ups. That is why they take off their clothes when very young so easily -- being naked to a rather young child comes natural! Then, mom and dad scold the child for his/her nudity in public, and the young one first learns body shame and that nudity is "dirty" and so forth when practiced in public. The child then masturbates, as children sometimes do, out in the open, and mom and dad scold junior about this -- and now the kid has learned to associate sex, sexual play and relief with something dirty and shameful. This is not healthy for society. Certainly, these activities may be inappropriate for most situations, but is important NOT to impress shame, guilt, or the concept of it all being "dirty" on children! This is what our society does, and it contribute in great part to the resulting cases of mental damage that kids suffer sometimes when they have sex with adults, or even other children. What IS important is to LISTEN to them and how they feel, to care about their feelings and treat them with respect. That means accepting that they can make SOME decisions. One of those is sex. It is wrong to deny children a voice in this regard, and it is wrong to suppress its expression with other kids or adults as long as it is mutual and not forcing/coercive. Yes as adults we seek to protect children from harm "for their own good", sometimes acting against their wishes by relying on our supposedly better, more experienced judgement, but that does NOT have to entirely enclude sex and all forms of it. Sex is a learning experience for kids to enjoy, a part of their being which exists and demands expression -- not something to be denied by oppressors. You say: "I would not let my two year old play in traffic, as he/she does not have the experience to understand the consequences of his/her actions". Fair enough. But sex is not a speeding car! They will like it if it is done responsibly and with LOVE. They will experience feelings their bodies in a new, good way. It can be a healthy experience for all involved -- but if you make them feel guilty about it, and if society automatically punishes the "perpetrator" they care about, and they put the kid in therapy and brainwash them of course there will be side-effects! How would YOU feel if it was yourself in that child's shoes? Granted, it IS true that kids SOMETIMES lack the experience and wits to make up their minds in an informed manner -- but then, that is also often true of adults. Children may need ENCOURAGEMENT. This is not coercion! One can assist a child to experience sexual feelings, but never should one force them. Children are people, too, which means they own themselves do NOT have to allow ANYBODY to touch them in ANY way they do not wish. That includes sex, of course, and other forms of contact. But they also have the right to give consent, if that is what they desire, to sex. They are not stupid, no matter what you may think. Give kids credit. If they do not desire sex with you they CAN say so. They are not morons. We as adults can TEACH them (often from very young ages) to refuse contact if they feel uncomfortable with it. Our society is hypocritical -- it only tells kids they can "say no", but NEVER tells them they can SAY YES! Implied in the ability to REFUSE contact is the ability to ACCEPT it! Give children that right you now enjoy, and stop oppressing them. Myth # 3 "You are forcing this lifestyle on them & it may harm them later on in life" Reality: Have you been to a Communion in a Roman Catholic Church lately? Religion is rammed down kids' throats every day much more than sex with adults ever occurs, and nobody says anything! This is a great parallel. Despite the long-term effects of this and other rituals, etc. practiced by religions that nearly qualify (like the Jehovah's Witnesses) as cults, it goes on indefinately with the full blessing of our hypocritical society! You say: "But I want him/her to know God!" Yes, that's it exactly, is it not? YOU -- REPEAT YOU "Y-O-U" want them to! Do THEY want to? The ideal of respect for personal religious freedom never stops the church from DEMANDING attendence from minors, and their parents MAKE them go. Compare this with a pedophile who at least gives a child a CHOICE! The church and its resultant applied guilt complexes and the like can harm kids as they grow up and later on in life FAR more than sex ever does! At least that is something they enjoy, and is desired by them out of free will. Can you say the same about church and your child whom you FORCE to go? Think of it: Catholic Communions -- eight year old girls being made to dress up almost like "child-brides" in white gowns, paraded about on display for all to see! Is that her choice? Or did you "encourage" her to do it, and afterwards, she had little or no regrets? The same applies to sex with adults, there is in many respects NO difference. If she enjoyed the Communion, why not orgasm? She is capable of experiencing this feeling you know. With the right person, her experience may be a positive one, and she deserves the best one available. An experienced, older man/woman who cares about her and she loves in return would fit the bill nicely. You would be denying her a quality sexual awakening by opposing such a union! The fact is, all of us use SOME pressure on kids to do certain things, yet society only tends to go nuts when it comes to adult-child sex. This hypocrisy is not acceptable. If a pedophile merely encourages a child to sex, and never forces them, then he/she is a lot better in any intelligent persons' book than someone who FORCES their kid into church to know God. That is a personal decision, one that could easily be argued against on the grounds that a child does not know his or her religious preferences yet, so the decision should be made later on when they can understand it better and decide for themselves which, if any church to belong to. Factoring in the the usual guilt, and shame over sex resulting from church involvement, which often teaches sexual repression, and a very good argument can be made against the clergy. So am I advocating that all parents who FORCE their kids into church (thus negatively affecting their lives, perhaps permanently) should be jailed? Well, maybe, but I'm not advocating parents who encourage their youngsters to attend church of their own free will to be imprisoned -- so I do not advocate the same for pedophiles. The 8 year old girl who does Communion may later on be glad she did so -- even though she may have not been wild about the idea at the time. Her parents may have used pressure on her to do it -- so does a pedophile in certain cases! He/she "encourages" SOME children to have sex. They may be a little apprehensive about it, but afterwards may enjoy it and be glad it happened. Of course, there are many cases where the child is not in least against it -- or even initates. The point is that is up to the participants to decide! For every "horror story" out there about the negative effects of sex between kids and adults on the children involved, there is another where BOTH parties got something positive out of it and enjoyed it -- if not at the time, then later on in life. A child deserves sexual expression just like you do -- they can experience sexual pleasure too -- and an experienced adult man or woman is the best guide for them to discover sexual awakening in a safe, loving and caring manner. If society would stop judging pedophiles and making sex seem dirty for all involved, leading to a sense of shame and stigma, and quit mentally abusing kids and the adults who love them via so-called "therapy" with we would not have most of the problems we sometimes see in "child sexual abuse survivors". Granted, there are people who abuse kids, and they should be punished -- but this rarely includes pedophiles, who are not usually harmful to kids, care for them and are even good for them on balance. Myth # 4 "Pedophilia is a mental illness" No more than homosexuality is! It is a sexual-orientation and a way of life, nothing more. The typical pedophile is a sane, upstanding member of society. He/she is no more crazy than you are. They do not belong in institutions -- they need understanding. Myth # 5 "Pedophilia always leads to mass child molestation" Again untrue. First, all contact is NOT molestation. Second, most pedophiles are celibate by choice in any case, and use masturbation to obtain relief. They have less sex with other participants than most of you! Since being a pedophile is a way of life to most real child lovers, it means more than sex alone. If you are a heterosexual male, do you have sex with every woman you meet? Will you sleep with absolutely anyone who offers? If you are like most of the population, the answer is of course a resounding no! A pedophile is not a mass child sex seeker by force. He or she does not always cruise the streets looking for new conquests, any more than others do. Many pedophiles are relatively monogomous, some by choice, others by circumstances. As a pedophile, if I am really close to a young girl, I do not also have sex with all her friends, even if I am also friendly with them, too. Sex for many of us is a very personal thing. It is to me. I would not have multiple child sex partners any more than I would sleep with many adult women at once. I believe in one-on-one relationships and honesty -- do you? Myth # 6 "Pedophilia is becoming an epidemic" I wish it were -- it would be easier to be one! True pedophilia is actually fairly rare, but that is no reason for discrimination to be tolerated against them. You may have a hard time understanding pedophiles and sex with kids and accepting them/it because you are probably not a legitimate pedophile. Even some people cruising in the Usenet groups for pedophiles are often just curious thrill-seekers looking for something different or to flame at. Such persons are usually not real pedophiles. A true pedophile is more than someone who is sexually aroused at kids -- it is a lifestyle. Pedophiles like kids and enjoy their company, not because they are kids themselves, but because they are most comfortable with them around and interacting with them. It is not merely sexual arousal to a real pedophile, but about loving children and protecting them. Of course sex with a child is very pleasurable to most pedophiles, and they would probably choose that over sex with an adult any day, but that is not the only thing kids are good for! Most adults are NOT pedophiles, and they treat kids accordingly -- i.e. abusing their rights and lives, never listening to them, etc. The typical adult sees a child as a non-person if truth be told. They are not really interested in hearing them. They may even operate under the cloak of child advocacy, but they are no defenders of childhood rights! Pedophiles respect kids and their minds, something most oppressive adults do not adhere to. I listen to kids and their needs, that is why I am a pedophile -- only we truly care about them. I am attracted sexually mainly to young girls under age 13, but I do not wish to use them ONLY for sex. A little girls' friendship and her love means almost EVERYTHING to me. I want to serve as a positive role model in her life. I think she deserves to have someone who REALLY listens to her in her world -- not like her parents and others who merely view her as property. Unlike most adults who see kids as objects, to me they are people, too. I do not speak condesendingly of them or minimize their feelings as being invalid. I recognize their desires and do not attempt to suppress them. Girls are sexual beings and emotional thinking ones, too. I feel that young girls on the verge of uncontrollable sexual feelings need sexual outlets that are safe with older, caring individuals who are non-abusive. If she trusts a pedophile who loves her with her sexual initiation then I support that arrangement. This is simply part of their healthy sexual development. I can provide this to them if only I'm given a chance, plus lots of love. I am not a rapist seeking to force myself on your daughter. She must come willingly or not at all -- but you need to give her the choice and live and let live. Myth # 7 "Pedophilia is always treatable" It is NEVER truly treatable. One is who one is. I will always be a pedophile. I like adult women, and am even attracted to them sexually all the time -- but I am a really pedophile at heart that likes little girls. I also prefer their company much of the time. if and wherever possible. To me, I become most aroused sexually with young girls 8-12 years old. They make me the most erect, and I tend to masturbate with them in mind instead of women. I cannot entirely explain it, but I am no worse a person than you! I simply desire them and want to make love with them and feel their bodies. If I had a choice (and I am mostly celibate by choice and use masturbation to relieve my urges like most pedophiles) between intercourse with with a supermodel and sex (even without intercourse, which is often problematic due to size differences) with a ten year old girl, I would pick the child. She just has to love me, and give me what she can provide and it is way better in my mind than even intercourse. Sounds strange, I know, but that is way I and many other pedophiles feel. I would even prefer a young girl to give me her body just to hold without sexual activity all night long than I would to engage in most sex with ordinary women! It is simply me. I am a pedophile and I love little girls. They do not always have to give me sex (although that would be nice!) but I prefer to be with and around them instead of women. I can deal with and talk to women just fine, thank-you, it is just that I choose little girls over women for relationships and sex. Myth # 8 "Pedophilia can be cured by castration" Since pedophilia is more than sex, this is garbage. If you cut off my testicles I will still love little girls and want to be with them and have sex with them. You could even cut my penis off and I would still desire them. This is another bogus line popular with uneducated persons who do not understand how deep-rooted pedophilia is. It is more than just sex -- it is a state of mind! You cannot cure it with this or drugs, any more than you could cure heterosexuality by doing the same things to that group. Myth # 9 "Pedophilia is caused by child sexual abuse" Nope. Just because someone had a bad experience does not make them into pedophiles. If you are a heterosexual man and a gang of homosexual thugs raped you and anally violated you, would that turn you off to women and become a practicing gay? Of course not. Even abusive relationships between adults and kids will not neccessarily turn the kids into "perpetrators" or pedophiles, for that matter. It is not something you can generally catch -- it is what you are or decide to be. Just more nonsense for the masses. Myth # 10 "Pedophilia is also harmful to perpetrators" Again, I'm not a perpetrator, and further, the harm which comes to us is the ATTACKS by ignorant people! We can be harmed by oppressive laws -- but that is not the fault of our pedophilia. It does harm us in that we have trouble getting outlets and expressing our feelings and urges. If you and society would treat us and kids right, we would not suffer as we often do. If you want to help pedophiles, help them be free and safe from the law. Help kids find pedophiles to love and be loved in return. I can only be happy when I can on day shout like Martin Luther King: "Free at Last! Thank-God almighty we are free at last!" The day I may be with young girls without shame and legal trouble, and her rights are also protected is a moment I live for! Please make that possible by supporting pedophilia instead of rejecting it. Support kids who love pedophiles and do not force them into "therapy". Only then will I and others like me be free and happy. WHO AM I? I am a male pedophile. I am not ashamed to admit this, but reality in the real world forces me to keep my sexual orientation secret. I long for the day when I and others of my kind can "come out of the closet" like gays do. I realize this will not happen soon. I am doing my part to educate society about pedophiles and pedophilia by this web site and others like it that I have authored and put up. I like little girls. I love them. I prefer them sexually 8-12 years old. I am mostly a celibate/abstinate pedophile, meaning other than masturbation, I do not have sexual relationships (and few ordinary ones) with pre-teen girls in the real world. In spite of media hysteria about legions of pedophiles molesting kids (most of which is done by non-pedophiles!), this quite common among us. I do not have access to them as I would like to. It is hard in today's paranoid world for any adult (especially male) to have ANY heavy-interaction relationship with a child and not be suspected of being a child-molester! I wish I was involved in a youth organization. I would have access to kids and could get the companionship (the #1 thing for most real pedophiles -- not sex!) that I long for with little girls. I am a very protective and loving person by nature. I am opposed to violence and that against kids especially -- which is why I am pro-life and against abortion. I am a Republican politically on most things and a party member. Since no political party supports my innermost beliefs, the GOP does not know my views on this matter. I love children. I love to interact with them (especially girls) and talk to them -- not as an inferior, but as a sort of peer. I was the older party in most of my boyfriend-girlfriend relationships. I have been told by all the women I dated in my life that I was exactly like a father to them in a non-authoritive way. I'm just that way with females, I see myself as their protective lover. I am a very nurturing type of guy and simply cannot help being good-hearted and (sometimes) too trusting -- that is just me. I wish I could have a very young girl as my lover and friend. I want that more than anything else in the world. I would gladly trade years of my life in exchange for the love of a little girl. I have always been this way for as long as I can remember. Even as a young teen, I preferred younger girls to older ones, and desired 9 year olds. To me, a little girl, with her trusting mind and natural child-like innocence, IS a REAL woman! A young female is not yet heavily infected with guilt over sex yet, and she is not a man-hater -- like most feminists are, but a lover of men. Especially men like me that are naturally protective and fatherly. We are a perfect match! I believe if only young girls had loving pedophiles' like me as children they would grow up to be better WOMEN. They would not hate or resent men, no little girl (unless she was completely brainwashed) would loathe me if I were given the chance to love her, and be her protective pedophile. I would shower her with so much love, she would never forget me Being a pedophile is very hard. I have cried alot (and I am not ashamed to admit this) over being myself. People do not understand me. I am not a monster. I am a good, loving person, and anyone who knows me would agree with that. I am always the first person to lend a hand to people in need. Yet I read about pedophiles and I am essentially called a rapist. I would NEVER make a little girl do ANYTHING against her will! I love them so much, it hurts! I cannot wait for the day we will be accepted for who we are and not hated. I know it will not happen in my lifetime, but I can dream. I am often unhappy. So much of me is a pedophile, but I cannot tell anyone about it. I feel all alone in the world sometimes and have actually cried myself to sleep sometimes, wondering why people are so cruel and ignorant about pedophilia and pedophiles. Why do they think I cannot love a young girl and she love me? I wish I could just be with a pre-teen girl and help her with life. To me, it is not merely sexual -- it is emotional. It is my deepest need -- one I cannot satisfy easily. I long to love a girl child. I want to hold her in my strong arms and protect her from the world and her oppressive parents. I would even take simply sleeping together with a pre-teen girl I cared about with no sex whatsoever over vaginal intercourse with an adult woman! It is a way of life. To love little girls and be a girl-lover is my universe. It is the foundation of my being and very soul. I just want to be with little girls. I would do anything to just help a little girl I cared about with her homework, but I just know I would be caught as being a pedophile, even if I had NO sexual contact at all with her! Pedophile's are easy to recognize since we show so much interest in kids. I am afraid even to have such a relationship without sex with girl as I fear she would be taken from me by force once people became suspicious. And if that happened I do not think I could bear it. The hurt would be too much on me and especially her -- and I would NEVER hurt a little girl for anything in the whole wide world. That is why I am so hesitant to have a sexual relationship with a pre-teen girl. I would fall too much in love with her and vice-versa, such that a separation would be too painful. And I know with my luck we would be discovered and her stupid parents would have me arrested and imprisoned -- hurting the child in the process -- I could not live with myself. It hurts to be me. I am never going to change, and have always been like this. But I am happy with myself. I know I am a good kind-hearted person who loves little girls and is not a rapist, no matter how many times mean, hateful people say I am. I am never going away. I will fight censorship and oppose people who ignorantly try to silence me. I will fight for the rights of little girls to love men to my grave as much as I can. I will struggle for their rights to enjoy each others' companionship and love and caring. I will fight to lower substantially the "age of consent" laws,so young girls and the men who they love and who love them can make love to express their love. I will try to educate the masses about this issue -- one person at a time... Other pages on this web site: Page one Page two (this page) Page three Page four Page five Page six The other pages will be continued under this post. You may wish to comment. Do you agree/disagree with what Ronald claims? Do you see any factual errors that you would like to correct? M. I didn't spot any factual errors. Did you? |