Fortnite has recently added boars into the game. They grunt and squeal and will attack you if you get close to them. Likewise there are wolves now, chickens, frogs and as of yesterday there are dinosaurs. I was running from the boars and wolves, because they run in packs and will kill you. Then one little buddy showed me how you can kill a chicken and use its bones and meat to fashion a "hunters cloak" which disguises your smell and allows you to sneak up on animals and tame them. He gave me a cloak and I tamed some boars and he tamed a dinosaur and it ran around with us. I may be describing the technique for making the hunters cloak wrong. Sometimes us oldsters have to depend on the youngsters to help us with newfangled technology. I am grateful to our friends young and old who make the fun technologies that we use to communicate and play together. |