Gaming is already a way of communicating and "being". I don't know what games you could like, but there are games for everyone. If you want a game where you can talk with boys then you should play Fortnite. If you want a game that is more like a movie and has boys in it, you should play Heavy Rain. If you liked Duke Nukem back in the day, might be you will like Doom, CoD Warzone or Counter Strike. But if you prefer Donkey Kong might be get a Nintendo Switch and play Nintendo games. The thing is, Nintendo being a console for kids, it's really difficult to add boys in your friend list or to even communicate with them. Although I think you might not be the type of person that would usually like videogames, you could find a game you enjoy. What are you looking for in a game? having a good time with other people? having a good time with other boys? or might be having a good time by yourself immersed in a story that you control? |