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Boychat is what we imagine it to be!

Posted by in solidarity with kids on 2012-August-22 18:28:28, Wednesday
In reply to Boychat isn't the Journal of Psychiatry posted by Kristofor on 2012-August-22 11:34:31, Wednesday

Pardon me for intruding, but if someone wants to turn BC into an academic journal, more power to 'em, just as long as they let me design too! If we are equal designers, getting in touch with our hearts, more power to us all! In multiversity we are that much stronger!

It strikes me as odd, however, that you don't preface your position on what boys are thinking with the likely fact that you are talking about european-centered, or Westernized nations (where christian sex dogma has done a big job on most people's minds, even when they don't go to church!).

Anyway, when's the last time "ten year old boys" wanted to be characterized in such a confining way? As a wise thinker once said: "Kids are people too."

The only thing I remember about being "10" was when I sat comparing my mere ten years (!) to that of my grandfather! Other than that, I think it's fair to say that I lived in the world as anyone else thinks, the age bracket being put back in its proper place, the unconscious!

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