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Speaking of dangerous...

Posted by BLues. on 2011-December-5 20:13:01, Monday
In reply to TPKA ''Slim'' is lying. Here is proof. posted by martirwithacause on 2011-December-5 19:52:32, Monday once asked me here in a Boychat post (begged is more accurate) to contact the FBI and request they release to me all of the pre-2003 BC content; to pretty much send them a letter admitting I was a BL and demanding I be given the internet logs of a pedophile site.

Oh, you also begged me to have my YF out himself to help our cause...

That's great advice from a poster so concerned about his privacy and safety and the privacy and safety of others, no?

Care to explain that?

I could bring up something else much more troubling but I'm still on the fence about whether or not if you were actually involved. I'm kinda doubting you were - which makes me look like a complete idiot - but still doesn't make you look any better.

Maybe there's something I'm missing and if so please point it out - but that advice is about as good as...well just let your imagination think of something fitting.


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