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What's wrong with everyone?

Posted by Him on 2011-December-6 00:27:06, Tuesday
In reply to Speaking of dangerous... posted by BLues. on 2011-December-5 20:13:01, Monday

Wow, Drama. . .

Sorry Martir, I can't read all that text. I read the post you made in this thread, but those links are just too much for me.

Slim, you sound like an idiot. Why would you derail a thread that has nothing to do with an individual in order to bully him?

Can anyone give me a concise reason people here don't like Martir? Nothing I've read is evidence that he's anything other than what he says he is, and to me that kind of libel is pretty nasty, as BLs over the internet have such a hard time trusting one another.

I like BC because the level of discussion discourse is significantly higher than other boards I've frequented, namely, but when it concerns martirwithacause bickering this seem to drop to an all time low.

From my perspective it seems like people on this board are bullying him to the point that it's making him a little neurotic, which is barbaric.

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