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You expect me to sift through all that?

Posted by Connor on 2011-November-19 20:00:38, Saturday
In reply to A list of posts showing how the harassment began.. posted by martirwithacause on 2011-November-19 16:28:23, Saturday

Really, you do not know me at all. Some that still dare to post here might, but you obviously do not.

Apparently you misread my post entirely. You read condemnation and a demand that you come clean, but somehow you saw it as me offering myself up to be your patsy, and in that you have made a gross miscalculation. "Do not pay attention to the man behind the curtain," you say, "For I am the Great and Powerful Oz, and I have the links to prove it!" You honestly expect me to believe you and your bloviating over people I've met, had dinner and drinks with, shared ideas with in person? What sort of over-trustworthy fool do you take me for?

You may look at this board and see nothing but a fertile ground of morons amongst whom you can sow seeds of mistrust, discontent and pointless drama, but you're wrong. The board, the cogs, and I, we're all on to your little game. And you can flail around all you like, but you're painfully transparent to those who are paying attention.

So put up or shut up. You cannot continue to spread your name like feces all over the index and bait people into saying things they shouldn't without giving us some hint of your true purpose here. We're all waiting for an answer.



And when you finally fly away...I'll be hoping that I served you well...For all the wisdom of a lifetime...No one can ever tell...But whatever road you choose...I'm right behind you, win or lose...-Rod Stewart--Forever Young

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