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'What sort of over-trustworthy fool do you take me

Posted by martirwithacause on 2011-November-19 23:57:56, Saturday
In reply to You expect me to sift through all that? posted by Connor on 2011-November-19 20:00:38, Saturday


We can get back to that. In another post. This one is just a "throwaway" post. Just to use one more of the few I have left - I don't have time to do anything really meaningful in a post now. Takes time.

Trust. It is important. Essential. Wonderful. Surprising. Dangerous. Treacherous. And often very disappointing.

Been there, done that.

Ever see a woman screwing a man? And tried, or thought about trying, to say something to warn the guy about it? Do you know the song, "Silence is Golden" by I-don't-remember-who?

Anyway, yeah - I don't know you. I'm not so sure I'd *like* to know you. Not if you are, in person, anything like you sound in your posts.

I'm not sure I'd like to know your "friends" either. But I think I do already, in a way.

Be careful, guy. People can go for years - even a lifetime! - without ever showing their true colors.

Some people have known me for a decade - even much longer! - and have no idea I like sucking boy's dicks.

Yup! People can hide their true colors.

Hope you're lucky with the birds you are "flocking" with.

And I hope you don't get "flocked" by them, either.

Well, I kinda hope you don't. Then, on the other hand, when I read your posts to me...

OK - I've just antagonized another poster! See! MWAC is a troublemaker!

Uh, hi guy. Did you happen to read your post before you clicked on the "post" button? You did?

And you're *still* wondering at the tone of my response to it?


Oh, well...

Life is strange. People are, too...

"Yes, son?"
"Why are some people so mean to perfect strangers?"
"It's their upbringing. And their experiences."
"Still, why do they do it?"
"They really can't help themselves, son."
"Should I get angry when they do?"
"No, son. It only makes things worse."
"OK. I think I understand, Mother."
"Good, son."

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