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Craft a very consistent cover story, in case

Posted by amicus on 2011-October-19 16:03:42, Wednesday
In reply to Worried posted by Worried on 2011-October-19 15:52:51, Wednesday

Think of all the questions cops could ask you, think of all the evidence they could compile. Make sure they can't access any media that would be incriminating, the safest way is by truecrypt encrypting your entire drive (take a good few hours, otherwise worth it), the second is by using a wiping tool to destroy it.

So far, you haven't given any reason for anyone to beleive you're a BL. Don't. Also, if their are logged records of stuff you've typed, make sure your story is as consistent as possible.

Now realistically, unless you have provided incriminating evidence or confess to wanting to or having done something incriminating, you're fine (also, you cant allow incriminating evidence to be shared).

If above is all that went down, you probably have time to truecrypt your drive(s).

Finally, you can't lose your life about this, even if you were outed a BL (which seems highly unlikely), you'll find life still has it's wonderful beauty and may ultimately experience these even more intensely.

You'll probably be perfectly ok, I'd recommend not communicating too much anxiety by appearing to be over concered about it, just try to come accross as sincere, but don't talk more than you have to, and remember you don't have to - at all - you could totally dissapear or ignore anything any time.

in general, chill and be smart.

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