... on the situation. First, you are NOT a pedophile. Not medically. Not psychologically. The law and the public may say otherwise, but you are not. Pedophiles like hairless prepubescent boys. Period. You don't. You are not a pedophile. OK, now that that is out of the way. You fear sex, and anything sexual. You fantasize about being tied up. You fantasize about having boys 13 to 16 farting in your face. You are not attracted to women, except for boyish ones. You are not a social person. You feel anxious around boys. You are a religious person. You have been raised in the church all your life. You've been taught that sex is only between a man and a woman. BINGO! You've been taught a lot of other things, over the years. That sex is somehow "bad" or "nasty". That bodies are "dirty". That sex is shameful. You have internalized all of this - probably starting at a very very young age. When sexual feelings began to emerge in you, this set up an impossible situation within you. How could you resolve these strong sexual feelings with the teachings you had received? Not easily. First, you had to repress your attraction to females. You did that. But, still, your sexual feelings did not go away. So, you subconsciously found another outlet for your feelings - something feminine, but not too feminine. Young boys. Ah! But now, another problem. That, too, is forbidden! So, how to resolve THIS problem? By punishing yourself. By fantasizing about sex occurring only when you are tied up. By being bound, it could in a way excuse you - you are a "victim" and not in control. But then, you needed more. You needed to be demeaned. To be humiliated. So, then the boys started to fart in your fantasies. OK - now you can jack off, not think about women - have a surrogate for them - have your guilt assuaged, and accept and adjust to your sexuality as best you can. You, my friend, are a victim of terrible child abuse. But, you won't hear about this form of child abuse, because it is socially acceptable. It is "good" and "right" and "normal". But you *have* become a Good Christian. While the truth is, something horrible has been done to you, a terribly sick thing has been done to yet another young person. Well, by now, your masturbation habits are well-entrenched. They work - you can get very excited, and orgasm. OK - enough of Part 1 of martirwithacauses' instant psychoanalysis. If you want, I can do Part 2. Let me know... Oh, and I did not find you rambling. What you said was very coherent. P.S. I am NOT a trained so-called "mental health professional". I'm just some guy who has some smarts, has done a lot, has read a lot, and has thought a lot about many many different things. If you find it interesting or useful, good. If not, good. Whatever... |