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Noname P101 porn Videos and William Martin

Posted by The Happy Paedophile on 2011-August-13 07:48:12, Saturday
In reply to Ping martinwithacause posted by In-the-know on 2011-August-12 23:24:10, Friday

The Internets allow people to be anonymous, so I have no idea if the people below are who they claim to be, or whether the information id valid. But they do fit together, and they tell a story, and allows one to gain insight what went on:

First in the News Report

"William Martin, 34, of Beaver Dam: Sentenced to 50 years in prison after pleading guilty to three counts of enticing a minor to engage in sex to produce pornography."

Second, the Underground Word (Obtained from a non-pornography wiki)

"Noname/P101: American boys, 6 to 15 years old, based out of Beaver Dam, Wisconsin; the stars of main cast consisting of 5 young boys in orgies, the main star of which being 8 years old and the other four being 11 to 13 years old, with other older boys' faces rarely being of focus; a total of 12 boys involved, mostly in photos, some strictly solo, others as b/b or M/b apart from the all-child gay orgies. "Noname" is the prefix of the videos. "P101" is the prefix of a large portion of the photos in this nameless series, while many other related photos begin with letter P and followed by a 3-digit number higher than 101, while further other photos begin with different single letters followed by "101". "

Thirdly, the expression of pain from the boys

2010-08-04 03:19:38 - Victim

"William Martin you ruined my life, i still have nightmares to this day, I hope they forget to know your in prison and leave you to starve while getting raped you piece of sh*t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


The 'boy' refers to himself as "victim". I doubt the poster was really any of those boys or girls (if there were any in the videos).

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