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Yeah, sounds reasonable to me...

Posted by martirwithacause on 2011-August-13 17:28:46, Saturday
In reply to But do you reckon posted by Cluffy on 2011-August-13 17:09:09, Saturday

... having made the people neurotic about sex, they become obsessive about a (false) security - money representing safety and security. They're grasping at straws.

The "money disease" (as the hippies used to call it) has many variations, each with its own set of symptoms.

Money is not bad. And, money is not good. It's just a tool. It represents (for the most part) the energy stored from people's efforts. Some people have found ways to marshal others' efforts, and then to collect that energy in the form of money.

Anyway, I'm hungry. You're in Spain. You got any tacos or burritos you could spare?

And, mmmmm... I love tortillas. Spread thick with frijoles...


(I'm still smiling after typing that. Americans are so fucking stupid. "I can't wait to get to Spain so I can have tacos and burritos".)

Off to eat. We'll finish later...

"Oh, look! There's a Burger King across the street! We can grab burgers and fries, and come back here to P. Catalunya to eat them. Wow, it's great to be in Spain!

Bon. Que vols?...




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