So while there are a few people who don't want anyone here who is not a BL, you are right that respectful non-BLs generally should and are welcome here. The problem is the two nut jobs in question, Audishen and Goethe the Feminoidphile, are not only not welcome here, but they are even (by Audishen's own admission) not welcome at any GL board. You, I don't think, have received many (if any?) hostile responses telling you, in particular, that you are not welcome. So long as you post as you have, I would not expect that to change. Outsiders have always been welcome. Nut jobs have never been welcome. When the nut jobs also happen to not be BLs, it just makes them all the less welcome. Well, I certainly have no love for Goethe and have no problem with him being banned from here or anywhere else. As I said in an earlier post, I think it's only a matter of time before he manages to get himself kicked off here like he did at GC. I have no idea who Audishen is (I suspect I know who he might be, based on his post addressed to me), but I certainly had no part in him being banned from GC. I have no idea why he's accusing me of chasing him "out on a rail." I don't think I was even posting much on GC when he was banned (if he is who I think he is.) But again, I don't think he'd be much of a loss if he was cut loose from BC too. I guess my main complaint is that there does seem to be a lot of animosity towards GLers in general here. I have brought it up before and was mostly ignored. I don't understand it. I'm not asking for this to become an all-purpose CL board, but I don't think there's any cause for the obviously barely suppressed hatred of GLers that seems to be widespread here. I don't know, maybe I'm reading it wrong. Perhaps there are just a lot of grumps around here in general who just hate everyone. But you must agree that, if that's so, that is problematic on several levels. --Markaba (who is simply wondering why we can't all just get along.) |