"Why can't it just be for CHILD Lovers?" Well, this board could be for child lovers. It also could be for cheese lovers, fans of Lost, or people who are blind in the left eye. The fact is that it isn't any of these things. What it is is a board for BLs, and we BLs like it that way. "Common Ground" was a board started specifically for child lovers, whether BL, GL or both, but very few people even were interested in it and so it died from neglect. It seems that BLs and GLs both generally prefer gender-specific boards. "The people who read and post here, including the GLers like me, understand this is a BL forum and we tailor our posts accordingly..." Well, some do, but not all. BC has had many GL participants who have been welcome and long-standing members of the community. In fact, before GC was created there were a handfull of regular GLs here who continued to post here (as well as at GC) after GC was created. When GC started, there were a few BLs who posted there and were welcome participants. And both boards have occasionally had people who are not attracted to children at all who have been welcome participants. So while there are a few people who don't want anyone here who is not a BL, you are right that respectful non-BLs generally should and are welcome here. The problem is the two nut jobs in question, Audishen and Goethe the Feminoidphile, are not only not welcome here, but they are even (by Audishen's own admission) not welcome at any GL board. You, I don't think, have received many (if any?) hostile responses telling you, in particular, that you are not welcome. So long as you post as you have, I would not expect that to change. Outsiders have always been welcome. Nut jobs have never been welcome. When the nut jobs also happen to not be BLs, it just makes them all the less welcome. |