"[...] but I don't think there's any cause for the obviously barely suppressed hatred of GLers that seems to be widespread here." I recall years ago, when and FSC member came to the cog board, and asked the [then] cogs for input on an issue. Some GLs had approached Free Spirits, asking that they host a board for [and run by] GLs. The reaction was one of overwhelming support, for the idea. That new board would soon after, become known as "GirlChat". A lot has changed since then...Like FS parting ways with Epifora [and I'm not even sure Epifora officially existed, way back then]...So, I don't presume that BC and GC are bound so closely, anymore. There is no expectation of praise for this, but...it does underscore the point, that there has been a longstanding undercurrent of support and acceptance for all Child Lovers, alongside Teen Lovers. When some GLs needed a place, we harbored them... Maybe, in a world obsessed with "what have you done for me, lately?", this no longer counts for much...but, this old alliance should not be forgotten. On the flip side of this coin...I recall following a link to GC [left by yourself, maybe], regarding a project reviving an old e-zine. I don't recall leaving any responses there [though, I did here on BC]...Some of the berating of BLs, taking place in at least one relevant thread on GirlChat, were outright vulgar, in their hateful, demeaning offensiveness. Anyone making such comments about CLs/TLs, irregardless of orientation, should be utterly ashamed of themselves. There may not be grand proclamations of GL equality here...but, just like GLs, BLs tend to focus on issues relevant to their own, everyday lives...There is no crime in that, of course. Just know, that a lot of us BLs consider GLs to be very much welcome here. I think this so called "divide", is a largely made up cognitive distortion [in the true sense]...and what unity has been realised, is well overlooked. Stevie-D |