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For the purpose of rebutting, of course!

Posted by martirwithacause on 2011-March-30 01:08:17, Wednesday
In reply to I don't understand, why would you write a rebuttal to my post? posted by Prometheus on 2011-March-29 02:13:03, Tuesday

Just cause you seem so much smarter than me doesn't mean I lose the right to make a fool of myself, does it?

Hello? Hello? What is all that laughing in the background... Hello?
I don't understand, why would you write a rebuttal to my post? ...everything I said in it was right! ;)
Yeah, yeah, yeah... You think so, don't you.

I had a great story from my friend all typed up - it took an hour or two - orangutans, snake soup, attempted rape, etc. but my friend may like to tell the story elsewhere, and it is *so* unique (as opposed to being just "a little" unique) that it would out him for sure.
You've already outed him. Based on what you said I now know that he lives in the Temple of Doom.
Damn! I never thought anyone would figure out my true identity! Well, so now I'm outed... Hey, did I tell you about the time in the jungles of Borneo when... Well, I'll tell you this one. Me and a friend (don't ask how old, OK?) were sitting one night in the dark, on a small quay alongside a meandering Bornean river. There was a little starlight, as the thick jungle cover did not, of course, cover the river. Suddenly - I spotted something! It was several meters long, low in the water, dark, and slowly moving upstream. Only a few meters away! And, it wasn't a boat! So I turned to my friend, and said, "Kan - ni kan!" He looked - and turned to me and whispered (I forget now, but the Chinese word for "crocodile"). We both got shivers! Of course, I had to comfort him... (yeah, that is a true story, except it happened, of course, to that friend I always talk about, not me...)
Hey - is there any way to skype anonymously, and without being traceable? It would benefit some members here if it were possible.
You can run Skype through the Tor network. Go to Tools -> Connections before you log in, and you can set up a proxy there. Set the IP address to and the port to 8118 (the standard address/port for Tor). Careful, though, I'm not sure if file sharing would go through the proxy, I'll have to check that out.
Oh, OK. But, how do I ensure that when I sign up for Skype, I do not end up revealing something about myself and my machine/connection that then would be revealed when I connect through Tor? Is that something to be concerned about?
In fact, BL's need to be careful with IM's in general. People tend to get very loose-lipped...
Sounds like that should be in a separate post, maybe as a thread starter. People are sometimes so careless with information...

RE: Being damn sure we can trust someone.
The problem is, trusting means exposure. Humans are fallible. So people get outed. Makes for a lonely life, sometimes.
And, gee, I'd like to lose at a game of chess sometime.
If you really want to lose a game, we should play basketball. ;)
Aha! You're tall! Hmm... another piece for the profile. Tall, smart... Uh, can you leap tall buildings in a single bound?
BTW, I finally e-mailed you back a couple of days ago, just letting you know in case you don't check that account often.
OK - I'll (slowly) get back to you, for sure. You see, right now one of the snakes in the temple has just started to... Oh, never mind.

"You call that a post? This is a post!"

P.S. Uh, sure, I can format this nicely, but all the damn tags are such a nuisance! What's your secret? Do you have a program that you type, highlight, add format, copy, and paste into the post? Freeware?

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