You MUST tell your attorney the truth, since you don't want something popping up to surprise him, and have him say, perhaps only to himself, "Well, the little prick lied to me... Well, this isn't the first time, or the last...". Lie to everyone else, but it's no excuse for what you are accused of. The deniers stay in prison, probation, parole, sex offender therapy for the same or longer amount of time. Hey it's rigged AGAINST us, if you haven't figured that out. I was right in the middle of a therapy group of deniers, partial deniers, and then "I'll say anything" because I'm already busted, me. In my therapy, I mentioned nearly(?) every previous "victim" of mine, but never anything identifying. "I sucked that boy off once a month for 5 years: till he was 17 or 18 yo.". I thought it was going to help me. Heck if I'm going to be in forced sex offender therapy for years, I might as well get something out of it. I'm almost CERTAIN that my therapist never "turned-in" any MY information to social services or the police because probably 80% of her work-load was sex offenders, with the rest probably being victims at one time or other in their lives. Had I told her something that she felt she MUST turn-in, she'd have begrudgingly filled-out the paper work, but not for just ANY confession from me. Oh, I DID get screwed for mentioning too much BEFORE my conviction (yet, after my arrest). The "local" offender program wouldn't let me stay in their program after I was convicted, for various reasons that I won't go into here, and I had to drive somewhere else for an hour 8 times a month (for group and individual therapy) for years on end. So, do what you want. Tell or not. Your attorney will tell you NOT to talk to ANYONE (keeping it simple), and martir will tell you not to talk, but it worked for me. I'm pretty sure I would have spent time in prison rather than getting probation had I NOT blah, blah, blahed. But, who knows. The judge actually fell asleep during my "statement before sentencing". So, justice IS blind, and sometimes asleep (tho, not actually snoring) at the wheel. ![]() littlexs: age 5 yo |