...of male chauvinism. Imagine if it was called NAWBLA, the North American Women Boy Love Association. Just because society can't think outside the square, doesn't mean that we shouldn't. Sex between women and boys was legal in New Zealand until 2005. It was changed as a kind of plea bargain that went wrong. Politicians were going to allow an in-age exemption for 12-year-olds, but apparently all hell broke loose: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=3568162 So while they were jailing men for consensual sex, the women were getting completely off the hook. Right now, there are lots of websites that are basically advocating sex between women and boys. They focus on the 'hot female teacher + horny adolescent boy' theme: http://digg.com/news/story/Hot_for_Teacher_Top_18_Sexiest_Sex_Offenders http://www.hottforteacher.com/ And you'll be hard pressed to find a young male under 27, who doesn't think there's anything wrong with sex between a woman and a 13-year-old boy. Be warned though, the hypocrisy of the comments on this page will drive you mad: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Z7CUzaeRiE So for all you LEOs and antis coming on here every now and then, you just got your asses handed to you. It turns out everyone in their right mind supports pedophilia, but are only sick to their stomachs when it doesn't conform to strict cultural beliefs and values. Pedophilia has been legal since 2005, but nobody complained about that. In a nutshell, this proves we've been right all along. |