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You people have TDSS

Posted by mark194 on 2024-July-19 07:46:48, Friday
In reply to Nigga please..... posted by Django on 2024-July-19 04:52:46, Friday

"Maybe a guy who tried to coup the government shouldn't be president?"

"Oh, you have TDS!"

"Ok, but isn't it pretty bad that Trump fucked a pornstar while he was married?"

"TDS much!"

"And didn't he commit fraud to -"

"Get help for your TDS! TDS TDS TDS!!!!"

According to conservatives, every criticism of Trump at this point is TDS lmao. Maybe if they (you) spent any time reading the court cases and indictments or otherwise engaging substantively with politics instead of just watching clips of Joe Biden stuttering or falling down stairs, they'd (you'd) have something to offer to a discussion besides screeching about TDS.

"Liberals have TDS!!" is a pretty lame reason to support a traitor to this country who attempted a coup.

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